To sum up, while a lot of devs had good experience, majority of leading roles were left to the guys from EA who worked on a failed projects like BF5\BF hardline or strate up were pumping out EA sports games.
And this is perfectly explains everything. Why game is super good from a technical side? Because it was made by people who worked with RTS\CoH before and have nothing to so with EA. Why overall design is 50\50, because devs are 50\50 here. And why some areas are complete shit? Figure it out.
And on a side note, while you guys shittalk about diversity and why not, female devs at Relic actually have really good and diverse experience in game dev, which is actually some what close to the whole CoH idea.
I mean, besides the fact that they were asking you in a poll that you are women with a dick, nothing shows that relic are SJW or something. If you want example of true SJW look at EA\Ubisoft, Relic just follows social corporate trend saying that they are diverse and so on, yet without any commitment or dedication to that.
They might post something about women or about whole diversity, but as a matter of fact if you look at the list of devs aera posted, relic devs majority are males with western names.
Not to mention even black zooka team from pre-alpha was replaced with white soldiers models, because people complained that its not HISTORICALLY ACCURATE and blacks were segregated, at least I think its the case. Also game\campaing doesn't have any of any SJW motives.
So while whole topic of radical nazi-SJW are ruining a lot of industries, it has nothing to do with CoH3 and its problems. I mean even shemale with an identity of the attack helicopter can understand that shitty assets are shitty assets and require fixing, and standard functionality for RTS is needed.
Shitty games are shitty games regardless if they are SJW or not. If you look closely all this diversity usually just makes the context of the games cringe, but even the most fucked up person can produce quality product.
Realistically speaking, if we imagine that they will continue to support the game and abandonment isn't an option, after hire-up were fired and considering the last survey (what a coincidence layoffs after survey, and the most people were fired from departments related to the areas which probably majority of players calling bad), they will probably just go full 180 and try to please people.
Since you know, game would have new audio team, new art team and new team lead, so not bad over-all. Unless like people who is even worst then previous ones end up in a leading positions, its even good to some extend.
You can't take an RTS game and turn it into life service.
You can't prioritize monetizing the game before basic, staple QOL features even make it into the game.
To be honest here, while most of the customisation assets probably were made already long ago (pretty much all references (names) of skins were already in game files even during last 2 tests), even if they werent new skin\customisation engine is capable of making creating skins super trivial.
For instance, in CoH1 you had baked models, meaning that if you wanted a custom model, you would either had to overlay one model on top of the other and hide some parts of it or strate up create and compile new separate model. In CoH2 its pretty much the same, but even with less customisation.
And textures had to be made from scratch.
In CoH3 on the other hand all textures for models are grayscaled and procidually generated, in other words you dont even have to fiddle with texture, just overlay pattern over it (making merit skins pretty much a 1 minute job to create, since its a basic overlay color change). And models are separated into different parts, so basically its again a 1 minute job to change pants\headgear\accessories requiring no modelling what so ever, because you can mix and match pretty much any part of the model.
What am I trying to say, that even with such advanced system (compared to other CoHs), Relic fucked up even in there, creating super mediocre and unimaginative skins. With system like that they could have been pumping out quality skins every week with very little effort required. It hardly took too much if any resources for making them or shop.
Oh yeah, and this nightfighters skins for prime. They were already done too, DAK version is coming after USF.
This gave me a little chuckle, this is not how game development teams are structured.
Enlighten me how its structured then. Its a basic pyramid from start to bottom, just like any other team. You have your big bosses, down to senior employees in different departments.
Usually for games its art department, tech department and "gameplay" departement and so on. With a variations and sub departments, but it still comes to the fact that, no matter how you look at it "hard" part of the game was done exceptionally good.
Hardest part of any gamedev is actually creating basics of the game. Be it work with the engine, coding and assets. Maintaining the game is super easy, unless its poorly made in its core, which is not the case for CoH3.
So we have a bunch of smart guys in the art department who decided that re-using assets and making half-finished art is acceptable.
We have guys in the tech department, who decided that including basics spectate mode, player names, proper color, fine-tunning pathing and so on is not needed.
We have guys in a gameplay\game department who thought that its alright to ignore all the feedback during alphas\betas, to later be surprised that it requires fixes.
On maybe it was management, who said all of this is not a priority. Then what are thous 300 people were doing exactly? It was proven by modders\fans that at least minor things like spec mod and icons take very little time to make, yet, either employees are not motivated to stand up against idiotic management and say that thing is needed or they just dont care about the project, so they wont lift a finger unless asked. Maybe both.
And they don't use some sacred alien technology either. Mappers use the same world builder to make maps, art team uses the same "photoshop" or other programs to make UI assets, balance team uses the files and bakes them as the players who mod the game. Why everything is happening so slow then or not happening at all?
So unless management has approach of "if not in a scope don't even dare to touch it" and employees have approach of "if I am not specifically asked to do it, then I wont do it", I don't see how game ended up in such state.
And this is deserved at least in a bigger context. CoH3 is failing only because of the people involved in its development, every technical aspect would have been overlooked even by haters if the game got proper maintaining.
Think about that.
Console ports are outsourced in most of the cases. Even huge companies like sony and so on, usually are outsourcing their porting. + Relic is known to use outsourcing, CoH port as an example.
Developer (tech developers to be precise) usually consist of a smart ass guys, who are more often then not will make your game work, have your engine working and move to another project with-in company\studio.
So what we are left with is basically - art team (models\textures\assets), coding team (which do simple stuff usually), game\gameplay team (who are related to the game itself) and different sorts of management.
CoH3 is a success on a technical level. It runs good, system requirements are low and the game is over-all very stable. So tech guys did their job really good.
What about everyone else tho? Ok art team did a good job, animations, 3D models and textures were good. 2D art team is a shit.
Coding team, core is good. Everything past that is garbage, requiring huge amouts of tunning. Things like units responsiveness, features like player names and so on.
Gameplay team ... again 50\50 job.
What I am trying to say, CoH3 feels like this game was made by freelancers, who actually did their job really good, then gave the product to Relic to fine-tune and finish and Relic failed miserably to do so.
There are no justification, nor logical explanation why game-studio with 300 employees (even lets imagine CoH3 had like 100-150 employees fully dedicated to CoH3 from start till now), doing so bad.
Even having 10 people in each gameplay, design, balance, coding, art categories of dev team, can solve almost all problem with-in a couple of weeks.
But its not happening. It would have made sense if Relic was an indie dev studio, with like 20 guys, where single guy is a mapper, moddeler and coder. He just cant do everything at the same time. Yet even indie devs usually show better results.
So yeah, I really hope, someone who will be fired tell the world about whats happening in the kitchen.
Because right now its just doesnt make any logical sense, like at all, zero, why company with such amount of employees, doing everything so poorly and slow on their MAIN title, which CAN be a monopolist without any competitors in a WW2 RTS setting.
Apples and oranges. They were describing how whole process of "simulation" behind tank combat and armor damage was in previous games. In MOW2 its literal hitpoints.
Example here would be like. In older games, if your hit penetrated King Tiger armor, but calibre was shit, you would damage the hull, but you wont state up destroy it, but if you continue shooting at this particular spot, your chances of actually destroying it are increasing.
In MOW2, you shoot a tank and if its a penetration is looses hit points. It not always work like that, there are some one-taps, but its very noticeable on heavier tanks.
MoW 2 and CoH 3 occupy the same space in my mind currently. I always enjoyed the CoH 3 experience throughout the multiplayer beta. I gave them both the benefit of the doubt, and that allows me to see what good can come of the game. CoH 3 has, so far, been a major letdown, but that's entirely due to the developers post-launch fumbling of support of the game.
Just play RobZ Realism mod for MOWAS2 Its laggy AF, but super enjoyable in MP.
But on a serious note, MoWa always had relatively small community. Its not a big title, and fans of older games arent really happy with what MOW2 is doing right now. Devs already fucked up previous F2P game, by their idiotic design, people didn't like it and project died. Now they are remaking it into a proper game, but gameplay is the same pretty much, so if F2P game was a failer, why this one wont fail?
I don't get this either. Some actual mappers correct me, but I guess comp stomp maps are also pretty easy to make. There's at least no need to make the map balanced and even approaches to certain points don't have to follow as strict guidelines to keep the map competitive. The map mostly has to look pretty. Unfair design could even be positive. Worse players can take the easier side and put the bots on the more difficult one. Experienced players pick the difficult spawn instead.
I tell you more, they could be even re-shuffled from the campaign, the way they did it with 4v4 map which is copy paste of last Italian campaign mission.
Men of War Assault Squads -> COH KILLER
Men of War Assault Squads 2 -> COH KILLER
Gates of Hell -> COH KILLER
MOW2 is hot pile of garbage. It was pile of garbage when it was a free2play, it remained garbage when it became MOW2.
Assault Squads 2 was semi-realistic competitive game, with their own metas micro and pro-moves. Gates of Hell went for pretty much almost full realism.
MOW2 went for an RTS approach and all the appeal old MOW had pretty much were removed in favour of tank HP and other garbage.