
russian armor

UKF absent from tourney play again

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27 Nov 2019, 03:16 AM
avatar of 13greed47

Posts: 54

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2019, 13:49 PMKatitof

It doesn't, it doesn't also have performance to beat 2 mortars/be as efficient as 2 mortars, which was also a claim.

only way he can beat 2 mortar is if the enemy put is 2 mortar on the same spot
27 Nov 2019, 04:24 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

A) who the fuck only buys one section and then buys both bolster and weapon racks? I usually get 3 IS, so divide that cost by 3 and it’s like 16 fuel each.
B) AEC is super cheap. 30 + 15 + 60fuel = 105 fuel. one 222 costs 40+20+30 = 100 fuel.
C) Churchills are just you being stupid. The reason everyone thinks Cromwells suck is because Churchills and Shermans are batshit powerful. You could get a Cromwell and use it well to win, or you could risk it and get a brain AFK Churchill.

I hate the USF versus Ost infantry play because they both get an MG and long range only infantry. Whoever has the best DPS just wins, as unlike rifles vs grenadiers you can’t play to your strengths and ambush grens at close range or catch rifles at long range. You just sit at long range and slug it out or camp with your MGs just outside each other’s range. It’s a fucking joke and an example of how symmetrical balance doesn’t work in CoH

I’d like to point out that the Cromwell needs to be bad because AEC + Cromwell will win 100% of the time versus a 222 + P4 if the P4 and Cromwell were the same power level.

This is why I only play vanguard as UKF so I can get on the move, close range Commando brens, an anti infantry tank that doesn’t die in 2 seconds to counter Shrek blobs and an Air strike to stop panthers from bum rushing me

You obviously don't even play brit lol
27 Nov 2019, 05:08 AM
avatar of KiwiBirb

Posts: 789

You obviously don't even play brit lol

Then how did I go up 600 places on the leaderboard lol
27 Nov 2019, 07:25 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

2 mortars only beat brits emplacement with high micro invest.

if u only give the attack commander...both ost mortar lose hard vs brits.

you only have a chance to shot 1-2 shells and move after that. but even than the counter will make health and model dmg...so no....overall the brits emplacement cost no manpower after build and has a much better effency than 2 ostmorta...sadly we will never any statistic about them....because they are buildings...with vet...and eats pop -.which act like units (!!lol!!)
27 Nov 2019, 08:26 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Because mr ukf player cant possibly push to displace and kill those pesky mortars. Note how convenient mortars pit can be. They spot their own counters and still don't bleed not a single mp.

If the opponent invested in 2 mortars it has left open a big door for the ukf player to exploit

What open door?
You forgot the pit has a cost itself?
And UKF infantry isn't exactly cheap?
At best, you'll have equal amount of units on field, pit included.
27 Nov 2019, 10:27 AM
avatar of Cresc

Posts: 378

It's pretty simple. Most people don't like UKF so they don't care if the faction is unplayable bad (in 1v1).

This is funny, because you're absolutely right.
I don't see why anybody mind UKF being absent from 1v1 games, they are still very strong in team games, and they were really unwanted in 1v1 for all the cheese play they produced.
27 Nov 2019, 17:27 PM
avatar of Jilet

Posts: 556

Jesus. UKF is absent because of a simple reason: Heavy tank meta.
1 Dec 2019, 20:02 PM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Nov 2019, 22:53 PMVipper

And If IS drop it and the grenadier pick it up then they will drop it when their are 1 entity...

The is nothing wrong with current mechanism and no need to fix it.

I've only just seen this and I know its kind of a bump but did you even read what you said and replied to? I'll summarise:

Brens require 2 on a squad to be on par if not slightly better or worse than a grens 1x LMG (I dont know the stats, its moot for now anyway). Due to this, tommies have the potential to drop a bren when 1 unit dies thats 45 muni potentially gone, a gren only drops on death IF it drops.

Just because grens will then drop the bren if they lose 1 model doesn't mean its fine :lolol: you then have a squad with 1xLMG worth 2 brens, with an additional bren what was said to you was that brens should be buffed so that they can only pick up 1 and then they will only drop a weapon on death IF the game decides that, and not whenever a unit is killed. Then and only then, will the drop mechanics be "Fine".

(and obviously buff BAR for the same reasons)

1 Dec 2019, 20:45 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13495 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Dec 2019, 20:02 PMLatch

I've only just seen this and I know its kind of a bump but did you even read what you said and replied to? ....

You described Tommies as weapon pinatas they are simply not.
(There used to be a problem when they got scoped Enfield as veterancy bonus but it was fixed along time ago.)

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Dec 2019, 20:02 PMLatch

Brens require 2 on a squad to be on par if not slightly better or worse than a grens 1x LMG (I dont know the stats, its moot for now anyway)...

Then I suggest you check stats before posting about how much DPS each Squad has.
2 Dec 2019, 00:09 AM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Dec 2019, 20:45 PMVipper

You described Tommies as weapon pinatas they are simply not.
(There used to be a problem when they got scoped Enfield as veterancy bonus but it was fixed along time ago.)

Then I suggest you check stats before posting about how much DPS each Squad has.

They DO still drop weapons like pinatas, try it out and then call me a liar, but only then.

No, no I dont, not when the topic is about weapon drops and not weapon stats.
2 Dec 2019, 02:52 AM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Dec 2019, 00:09 AMLatch

They DO still drop weapons like pinatas, try it out and then call me a liar, but only then.

No, no I dont, not when the topic is about weapon drops and not weapon stats.

Then you should read up and learn about how the weapon drop mechanic works first.
2 Dec 2019, 03:02 AM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

Then you should read up and learn about how the weapon drop mechanic works first.

No need, I can record a video showing you how often bren guns drop from tommies Vs LMGs from grens seen as though you dont seem to believe me, it needs changing. Thanks for your input.
2 Dec 2019, 03:21 AM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Dec 2019, 03:02 AMLatch

No need, I can record a video showing you how often bren guns drop from tommies Vs LMGs from grens seen as though you dont seem to believe me, it needs changing. Thanks for your input.

Just because you get unlucky with one or two drops does not mean this mechanic isnt applies evenly between the units and weapons you've listed.

The only unit which is effected differently is guards and that is because they carry a large amount of droppable weapons.

I could show you a video of a T-34 penetrating an OKW P4 frontally with every shot until death, that does not mean the T-34 has good penetration, it means it got lucky a couple times in a row.

If you understand how the weapon drop mechanic works, you should understand the reason units equipped with more than one droppable weapon drop weapons more often than a unit with only a single droppable weapon. Panzergrenadiers with shreks drop shreks just as often than double bren IS drop lmg.
2 Dec 2019, 03:43 AM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

Just because you get unlucky with one or two drops does not mean this mechanic isnt applies evenly between the units and weapons you've listed.

The only unit which is effected differently is guards and that is because they carry a large amount of droppable weapons.

I could show you a video of a T-34 penetrating an OKW P4 frontally with every shot until death, that does not mean the T-34 has good penetration, it means it got lucky a couple times in a row.

If you understand how the weapon drop mechanic works, you should understand the reason units equipped with more than one droppable weapon drop weapons more often than a unit with only a single droppable weapon. Panzergrenadiers with shreks drop shreks just as often than double bren IS drop lmg.

AND? Did I say Pgrens dont drop them? I could care less if it was magic fairy dust that causes weapons to drop, the issue is they drop when you have 2 weapons which I have said, the problem with that WHICH I HAVE SAID is that you NEED 2 bren guns as 1 is pointless, so unless they stop the BS weapon drop as is for tommie squads they need to limit bren guns to 1 and buff it.

Plus if you would have read my point properly you would see that I compare how BS it is that OKW weapon upgrades simply do not drop so there is no risk to upgrading their squads.
2 Dec 2019, 04:28 AM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Dec 2019, 03:43 AMLatch

AND? Did I say Pgrens dont drop them? I could care less if it was magic fairy dust that causes weapons to drop, the issue is they drop when you have 2 weapons which I have said, the problem with that WHICH I HAVE SAID is that you NEED 2 bren guns as 1 is pointless, so unless they stop the BS weapon drop as is for tommie squads they need to limit bren guns to 1 and buff it.

Plus if you would have read my point properly you would see that I compare how BS it is that OKW weapon upgrades simply do not drop so there is no risk to upgrading their squads.

When upgraded Tommies have 1 more man then grenadiers. If you retreat a double bren tommie squad after losing the same number of models you would retreat a grenadier (2 or 3) it will not be an issue.

As for your statement about OKW not dropping weapons, last I checked ober LMG34s did drop. If you are referring to stg44 and mp40 upgrades for volks, I'd like to point out that tommie thompsons dont drop either, nor do american ranger thompsons, pathfinder scoped m1s, grenadier g43s, or conscript ppshs and the list goes on. This isn't some bias against UKF.

It should also be noted that double brens outperform a single lmg42 and are on a squad that is more durable. 5 man Tommies with a SINGLE bren match up very well against a grenadier with an lmg42.
2 Dec 2019, 05:03 AM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

When upgraded Tommies have 1 more man then grenadiers. If you retreat a double bren tommie squad after losing the same number of models you would retreat a grenadier (2 or 3) it will not be an issue.

As for your statement about OKW not dropping weapons, last I checked ober LMG34s did drop. If you are referring to stg44 and mp40 upgrades for volks, I'd like to point out that tommie thompsons dont drop either, nor do american ranger thompsons, pathfinder scoped m1s, grenadier g43s, or conscript ppshs and the list goes on. This isn't some bias against UKF.

It should also be noted that double brens outperform a single lmg42 and are on a squad that is more durable. 5 man Tommies with a SINGLE bren match up very well against a grenadier with an lmg42.

I said before, read what I put, you clearly havent:

"- Pinatas

Nothing, absolutely nothing infuriates me more than dropping weapons and them getting picked up by the enemy. It's bullshit and really needs to be reworked. Gren LMGs, Ober LMG's very rarely drop, very very rarely. Flamers are next in rarity and then shrecks are the most common (from Pgrens) I simply dont understand why, after the brens have been nerfed that the UKF player has to spend 15 fuel, 45 muni (90 muni for 2), pick them up from base, all for the privilege of dropping them when a bullet hits the floor near them, are they secretly french?"

Tell me how many times a bren has dropped Vs an LMG, the bren is far more often and as for the thompsons not dropping, I've already addressed this previously stating that they should drop as should all weapon upgrades but thats not going to happen.
2 Dec 2019, 05:27 AM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Dec 2019, 05:03 AMLatch

I said before, read what I put, you clearly havent:

"- Pinatas

Nothing, absolutely nothing infuriates me more than dropping weapons and them getting picked up by the enemy. It's bullshit and really needs to be reworked. Gren LMGs, Ober LMG's very rarely drop, very very rarely. Flamers are next in rarity and then shrecks are the most common (from Pgrens) I simply dont understand why, after the brens have been nerfed that the UKF player has to spend 15 fuel, 45 muni (90 muni for 2), pick them up from base, all for the privilege of dropping them when a bullet hits the floor near them, are they secretly french?"

Tell me how many times a bren has dropped Vs an LMG, the bren is far more often and as for the thompsons not dropping, I've already addressed this previously stating that they should drop as should all weapon upgrades but thats not going to happen.

Double Tommy brens are NOT pinatas. Guards with DP28s are pinatas. Nobody else complains about the drop rates of squads with 2 droppable weapon upgrades, not about panzergren or panzerfusilier shreks, or double bar rifles, or ptrs penals, or double zook rear echelons, or double bren commandos, or LMG paras. Why? its a non-issue. They have the exact same drop rates as double bren tommies.

I also disagree every single weapon upgrade needs to be droppable. If you are going to make G43s dropable, why not make gren K98s(which conscripts would love to have), or if you are going to make volks mp40s droppable, why not pioneer mp40s and so on and so forth. That is a can of worms that does not need to be opened. If you want fully lootable weapons go play men of war.
2 Dec 2019, 11:47 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13495 | Subs: 1


The only unit which is effected differently is guards and that is because they carry a large amount of droppable weapons.


Just to clarify:
Guards actually have lower chance to drop a weapon when a entity carrying a weapon dies than other squads to reduce the chance of weapon drop because they carry more weapons.

Their drop rate was lowered down to 10% from 33%.
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