An idea of what I would change before throwing it to testing.
- Near AOE distance from 1 to 0.25
- Near AOE damage from 1 to 0.8
- Mid AOE from 0.25 to 0.3
- Far AOE distance from 3 to 4.
- Far AOE damage from 0.1 to 0.15
- HE barrage cooldown from 75 to 45.
- Smoke barrage cooldown from 60 to 35.
- Auto-Attack reload from 2.75/2.9 to 3.75/4
- Auto-Attack ready-aim time from 1.25 to 0.375
Damage drop-off would be 0.25/2/4 is 80/30/15
Damage drop-off previously at 1/2/3 was 100/25/10
Another AOE change to increase damage at distance and reduce drop-off in exchange for a much lower OHK radius. Buffing the barrage while nerfing the auto-fire is meant to make the M8 less effective at attrition when left to its own devices, but can support more readily. Also auto-attack is made more responsive on the first shot to compensate.
I always thought scott's design wasn't to be a mobile arty such as the Priest but more a mix between rocket arty function such as Kat/Pzf/Stuka and the brumbar.
If really its function was to take down strucures with a Barrage it would had at least the pakHowizer vet barrage.
Scott's function is to bleed your opponent as much as a Kat or Brumbar but with its own gameplay, if you look at their end game stats, you don't see much difference if all are correctly used, and all are difficult to take down if properly defended.
And about this last point, scott high survivability is to put in line with the fact USF doesn't get stock mines, the unit need to have a chance to escape.
Last, if it is to make the scott what it is not supposed to be, just swap it with the Calliope. Make the Calliope stock and scott to the tactical commander.