
russian armor

CoH2 Summer 2021 Balance Patch - BETA

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19 Aug 2021, 09:00 AM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

Finally the awful sprint nerf to Assgrens is taken back. Its much better to increase the mun cost for sprint.
That being said I don't understand the multiple buffs for Brits at all. The faction is pretty strong in teamgames not so much in 1v1. So what?
I really dislike that the 1v1 camarilla still dominates the balancing so much although 1v1 is the least popular game mode. In CoH3 this will hopefully change.
19 Aug 2021, 09:30 AM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

Tbh it hits everything very accuratly. At least in 3v3\4v4 its a meta for a soviet to spam them. Imo it would have been some what alright if not the fact that it comes with 6 models, and to decrew it you need to kill all 6 of them.

With its raw damage, its impossible to counter it with your own mortar, not only because 120mm outranges and outdamage you, but because it can outsit you. This only allows it additional aggresive placement, making it even more accurate.

But over-all I would say that it performs somewhat on a resonable level, but it survivability should be tonned down drastically, to be 4\5 men and decrewing with 1 model left like other mortars. Considering you already have better range and damage, there is no reason for it to be almost immune to other inderect inits and hard to decrew.

This and the fact that almost all of the best soviet commanders comes with it.

5 models*, but let's be honest since it is 1 guy retreat, it is might as well be 6men. But I agree at least it should be 5men/2 retreat healthpool.
In 2v2 it is overperforms imo. People build 2 of them and it is a true nightmare. 1 shell feels like getting hit by a IS-2, since it slashes 70/80% of squad's health.
I like the unit, but imo it is slightly too good, because you can't fight in its firing arc and it punishes OKW way too much (see clip above)
19 Aug 2021, 09:56 AM
avatar of Kronosaur0s

Posts: 1701

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Aug 2021, 09:00 AMSmartie

I really dislike that the 1v1 camarilla still dominates the balancing so much although 1v1 is the least popular game mode. In CoH3 this will hopefully change.

IIRC there are some 4v4 heroes on the balance team, so some of these changes may be from their advice but yeh, I agree that 1v1 dominates
19 Aug 2021, 11:43 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Why does this glaring exception for the 120mm Mortar exist in the first place?

The minimal amount of crew models needed for team weapons (2 for most, 1 for 120mm and HMGs, 3 for Pack howi) is hardcoded, tied to animations I believe. Those requirements can not be changed. No idea why Relic decided the 120mm only needed one crewmember to operate/survive. I guess because it's moved around like a wheelbarrow and they just copied the Maxim/DShK one model animations.
19 Aug 2021, 12:10 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

-50mp for a late game upgrade? That's what you're objecting to?

I would welcome the AVRE and ST just being removed at this point

I have a general dislike of things that bring Comets out even faster. Churchills are alright I suppose.

Mhmm, so I read. Can't say I blame you. Already incredibly nasty to deal with AVRE with map that have hedges or small LOS blockers, but I dealt with it for 2,3, X years. ST is well ST \o\
19 Aug 2021, 12:38 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

Mines being capped at 3 instead of 2 models.

Please this would be hilarious. Imagine playing against SOV as OST and then all of a sudden you hear two explosions, notice you're down a panzergren squad and all you see is a flare in the distance :rofl:
19 Aug 2021, 12:50 PM
avatar of rumartinez89

Posts: 599


Due to the SU-76's limited gun traverse which forces the unit to always rotate onto target, the moving accuracy is being increased to help compensate for this penalty. The SU-76 will still not be particularly strong at chasing due to its limited gun traverse, requiring targets to be directly in front of it in a narrow arc unlike other fixed gun tank destroyers.

Moving accuracy from 0.5 to 0.75

Great to see my suggestion applies but like I said this should be made for all fixed turret medium tank destroyer, because they are particularly crippling to use in 1vs1 due to their need to rotate.

The SU-76 itself has other issues, like not finding a niche role especially due to the low damage per shot.

Changing it back to a 160 damage per shot with lower rate of fire would give it a role as early Panzer IV counter

I think 120 would be better, at 160 SU76 would make OST T3 useless while giving little reason for soviet player to go T4. With good T70 play the Soviet user would have 1 SU76 and a second close or around the time the P4 hits the field. If OST player goes T4 they would be behind in armor even more. Adding in Doctrinal indirect like 120 mortar, B4, Howitzer and AT overwatch would even allow it to work well against OKW also.
19 Aug 2021, 13:43 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

Oh, no. They butchered my OST sprint sad crying face
19 Aug 2021, 14:06 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

I think 120 would be better, at 160 SU76 would make OST T3 useless while giving little reason for soviet player to go T4. With good T70 play the Soviet user would have 1 SU76 and a second close or around the time the P4 hits the field. If OST player goes T4 they would be behind in armor even more. Adding in Doctrinal indirect like 120 mortar, B4, Howitzer and AT overwatch would even allow it to work well against OKW also.

I would disagree. Su76 should get 160 damage with vet. It would not make ost t3 usseles in the slightest. Durability would be the drawback for su t3. Su players would still go t4 because of how flimsy the su 76 t70 and m5 are. Its just not sustainable to stay in the lv stage in the end game (Ost also is usualy not behind in the armour game as keeping their panzers alive is easier)
It would reward su players for keeping the su76 alive and vetted. Su76 would still struggle vs ost t4 or okw panzer 4 and panthers tigers kt etc.
19 Aug 2021, 14:29 PM
avatar of Alphrum

Posts: 808

has anyone got any screenshots or pic of the new skins?
19 Aug 2021, 14:40 PM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

Already incredibly nasty to deal with AVRE with map that have hedges or small LOS blockers, but I dealt with it for 2,3, X years.

I haven't seen the AVRE in over a year so I can't relate. Don't think it's anywhere near as bad as current ST but I don't think those types of units should really exist in the first place either way

Either the game is about preserving unit veterancy, or its not. But both of those units are literally designed to ruin that concept
19 Aug 2021, 14:52 PM
avatar of rumartinez89

Posts: 599

I would disagree. Su76 should get 160 damage with vet. It would not make ost t3 usseles in the slightest. Durability would be the drawback for su t3. Su players would still go t4 because of how flimsy the su 76 t70 and m5 are. Its just not sustainable to stay in the lv stage in the end game (Ost also is usualy not behind in the armour game as keeping their panzers alive is easier)
It would reward su players for keeping the su76 alive and vetted. Su76 would still struggle vs ost t4 or okw panzer 4 and panthers tigers kt etc.

My bad, thought it meant base 160 damage, 160 with Vet would be great.

19 Aug 2021, 14:54 PM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

The minimal amount of crew models needed for team weapons (2 for most, 1 for 120mm and HMGs, 3 for Pack howi) is hardcoded, tied to animations I believe. Those requirements can not be changed. No idea why Relic decided the 120mm only needed one crewmember to operate/survive. I guess because it's moved around like a wheelbarrow and they just copied the Maxim/DShK one model animations.

Cant it be lowerd to just 4 models then? As Klement said, it might aswell right now have 6 models, since you need only 1 to operate. Or maybe change its formation somehow, so it would be easier to counter it.

While range reduction for auto-fire is a good change, most of the 2v2\3v3\4v4 maps provide you with really strong sight blockers, so it realistically wont do much of difference.

Oppresive nature comes not only from long range but from the fact that its very hard to de-crew.

Since it can retreat, it utilizes range and being the strongest medium artillery piece. To compinsate 4 models its pack\unpack time could be increased a little to make it less vulnerable to inf, but it shouldn't have such suviability against other inderects, especially when you need to get closer with them in order to even fire on 120mm.
19 Aug 2021, 14:55 PM
avatar of SneakEye
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 817 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Aug 2021, 14:29 PMAlphrum
has anyone got any screenshots or pic of the new skins?

19 Aug 2021, 15:06 PM
avatar of Alphrum

Posts: 808

thanks so much. these skins are really good damn the assualt grens are what normal grens should be
19 Aug 2021, 15:25 PM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

i mean how can you create these model ?
the raid section models now look alot like british paras, such a waste having them bearing a trash name
19 Aug 2021, 17:20 PM
avatar of Letzte Bataillon

Posts: 195

Would it be feasible to update the new Special Operations commander portrait for OKW?

It's clearly the most officer-based commander, with the Sturm Offizier and the Command Panther tank yet the new look is based on the wrong theme. He should be in the same visual group as the Breakthrough commander.

Basing portraits on the commander abilities has this issue, as in the span between when the portraits were made to implementation there have already been changes contradicting their premise.

Beta patch:


Beta Breakthrough:

Actually, all it needed was a positioning adjustment. The beta version is wrong in my opinion. The vast majority of portraits are a great success, especially UKF and Soviets, but this one from OKW is a huge downgrade. I know the team behind the project go above and beyond for details like this and would love to see it rectified.
19 Aug 2021, 17:26 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

The portrait is based on the Obersoldaten upgrade ability that both Spec Ops and Grand Offensive share, hence the Waffen SS Obersoldaten camo for both of those commanders. So there's nothing wrong with the theme of the commander portrait nor did it change with the recent patches.
19 Aug 2021, 17:55 PM
avatar of WhiteFlash
Senior Mapmaker Badge
Benefactor 119

Posts: 1295 | Subs: 1

The portrait system, generally speaking, is a garbage way to identify which commander is which. But given we are stuck with it in coh2 new commander portraits are welcome for sure
19 Aug 2021, 18:52 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

Cant it be lowerd to just 4 models then? As Klement said, it might aswell right now have 6 models, since you need only 1 to operate. Or maybe change its formation somehow, so it would be easier to counter it.

And still 4 models means 5 if this was a regular mortar, since you need to kill 4 dudes to actually decrew it, but this is a start.
I also think that OST counter barrage should outrange the 120mm, currently it is 100m range same as barrage range for 120mm. For example 120mm even with that scatter has a very high chance of wiping OST counterpart (albeit with slight afk from the OST mortar), but not the other way around. Maybe give barrage same range and add give it back with veterancy. Even with 80 range it will have plenty of lethality.
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