515k x $60.00 = 31M gross (PC sales)
Xbox revenue: ??
Advertising Partnerships: ??
Payroll: Average 350 employees (how many are full time, part time, independent contractors)
Let's say 200 of them are salaried. (50k/employee avg. including benefits) Roughly 10m/year * 3 years of development = 30M.
Advertising: 3M budget?
Other expenses: taxes, insurance, food, water, heat, light, etc over 3 years. ???
Profit Sharing: ???
The simplifications are fair. I'd just like to add that assuming all of the sales went through Steam (some where hardware bundles though, I slightly doubt Relic got their 40$ for that), Steam usually takes a 30% share, which would bring the revenue down to ~22 million. Which in turn is also shared between Relic and Sega.
On the expenses side, not all 350 employees might have been assigned to CoH3 development or not been employed for all of the last 3 years.
Even if we take the highest estimate on steamdb, which is 942,5k owners, this is 56,55 million in revenue and ~39,5 million for Relic/Sega. This could - maybe - be a minor surplus. By firing a third of their employees, Relic themselves basically said that they didn't make enough cash to sustain their current size. |
That's not wrong.
To us, CoH is all about multiplayer, but it is not multiplayer only game, nor it is heavily monetized life service.
Multiplayer retention is of little relevance for Relic, we paid for the game and they got the money, they are not getting anymore out of us if we keep playing or not.
Retention is needed for healthy multiplayer matchmaking, not for profit.
This is not true. Yes, has a strong bias towards multiplayer aspects of the game. Doesn't mean that player retention didn't matter. No people playing the game gives the company no incentive to further develop expansions or microtransactions for it. On the MP side these will be commanders, some face plates and what not, on the SP side new campaigns and scenarios. And new factions releases for both groups.
Having no players is also a red flag for new buyers, because apparently the game is not good and has no content. Which means no further income from the base game sale and potential other DLCs later on for the developer.
The times when the game's release and 1-2 expansions a year down the line were the only sources of income have passed long ago. The main money in gaming comes from smaller transactions. It's unclear how much focus Relic puts on those, put it is VERY clear that they deem it to be a major source of income, hence the first patch introducing the store. |
You do know that multiplayer on console costs like $10 per month worldwide on both XBOX and PS, it's like a subscription... right? MP scene will never be that big on console
Your links only tell us who purchased CoH3, plays a lot automatch AND is subscribed to XBOX Live/ PS network. That's a pretty shit tool for measure if you ask me
The console subscriptions are mostly a non-issue. There's plenty of people that have some premium subscription. We can assume as a given that there should be tons of players players that at least have access to multiplayer.
The first weekend is over. If people were that interested, they'd be able to finish a couple of games per day, and judging from normal human mentality, most will stick to 1-2 factions for the beginning: Whichever one they find the "coolest". I haven't checked after the PC launch, but I bet that every faction had a top100 after the first weekend.
Let's see what happens in the next days. But overall I'd say that this is quite disappointing, unless there is a massive surge of players transitioning from SP into MP in the next week. Nevertheless, the campaigns are not good enough to keep you hooked, so if people don't transition into MP, there will be a lot of lost revenue for Relic.
I guess reading the bad reviews on Steam didn't exactly help selling the console version either. |
Gotta agree with Fantomasas.
I'll be happy to be positively surprised, but it doesn't look like he has experience in leading such a big project yet |
i dont know how you guys feel, but this message of relic appears to drip less with nonesense PR talk.
Looking forward for the dev diaries!
I think so too. For the first time, they are acknowledging that not everything is looking great. Maybe kicking out Steve Mele helped (the guy on the latest fake interview saying he's really proud of the launch while dodging questions).
I'll be mildly positive for the next weeks. Relic will need another couple of weeks to reorganise though. You can't cut down a company that heavily and expect things to go without major issues.
The main question will still be if Relic managed to kick out the main people who are responsible for the extremely slow development. Only time will tell. If they manage to bring one major feature every month, it would already be a step up. |
It finally looks though that this was the crash that Relic needed. The reviewing priorities are super vague, but at least there's the community maps and replay function on the list. I hope it's not going to be too late for CoH3, but we'll see.
I have drawing of a content and patches!!!

You sir, made me laugh.
PS: Your meme is not working... |
This discussion is truly hilarious. People act like 10 years ago, there has never ever been a blundered launch of a game and game companies lying to customers. We all know that up to the appearance of diversity criteria, the gaming company has been a happy teletubbie world where everything went right and nothing went wrong.
Yes, Relic is probably partially hiring for diversity. Yes, artificially restricting your pool of potential employees will definitely lower the chances of getting the most talented one. It doesn't automatically mean you'll get the bottom of the barrel though. They'll do an 80% job instead of a 90% one.
If you crash your car into a tree it's probably not because of the fly that distracted you for a split second. It's because you've been going 150 on a 80 road in heavy rain on worn out tires while ignoring the "sharp turn" signs. The fly has made it worse than it could have been, but everyone here is running around saying "it was the fly! Otherwise I would have made it!".
CoH3 is lacking in so many areas, it's not the fault of a couple of diversity hires. If you think that's the main issue and a couple of people slightly underperforming run the whole project into the wall, you have apparently no idea about project management. With that amount of issues, there's larger issues at Relic, diversity hiring is only one of them.
In summary:
Is hiring based on diversity bad for performance? Yes.
Could CoH3 have been better at launch without Relic diversity hiring? Speculatively: Yes, at least in a couple of areas.
Would CoH3 have been a good game then? No, surely not. |
Here we are, on a CoH gaming forum discussing dog breeds and whether they're dangerous or not since 1 page already 
That's how you know that the latest CoH game has flopped. |
Actually looks like the management got hit as well. Both top 2 managers got fired it seems

RIP audio and animator team? 

Credits do NOT go to me, someone on the coh3 discord made this through information via LinkedIn and Twitter primarily. Red means people who got fired yesterday, the other colours are people who left earlier, sometimes many months ago
Remember that this is not official and therefore could be wrong & inaccurate
Thanks for the info. Good to see they are at least trying to downsize proportionately.
Slightly weird though that the audio team is gone, they actually still had quite some work to do. Maybe they'll get new ones.
Also good to see that the heads of production are gone. Littman and Mele have severely misplanned CoH3 and lying directly to our faces a lot of times. Let's see if Relic and/or CoH3 survive this release. I hope yes (at least CoH3), but my guess is on no. |
I've seen layoffs like that first hand, 20% of company was let go(the publisher I worked at), they fucked suddenly 100 people while boasting about great financial situation just weeks earlier.
Most of the people who were let go found much better jobs relatively fast, publisher itself also changed direction a bit and are doing ok now. Tho people who remained had massive workloads for quite some time.
Shortly after I've decided to look for greener pastures, because it wasn't 1st layoff and I wasn't going to wait and find if they are going to go for 3rd one or not, they have proven to be irresponsible at top level.
Just to add to this:
Unless Relic heavily restructures to more efficient systems, either work will be cut and features not implemented, or the remaining employees overloaded (which is against Relic's pretty good job atmosphere and worker care from what I have heard). With the first option, CoH3 will take even longer to become better. The second option however risks that the people leaving will pull more employees with them if they land a decent new job. Morale at Relic will be super low at the moment, so we can't expect much output from this company in the next weeks, even if the magic turn around should be happening at some point. |