
russian armor

Give OKW flame nade a tech cost?

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31 May 2018, 09:54 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

wasp cost fuel now ?

jump backJump back to quoted post31 May 2018, 09:45 AMKatitof

Not wasp, regular UC.

Universal carrier DOES NOT cost fuel it cost 260 manpower.
Upgrading to wasp does require Platoon command post that cost 180/30

PLS stop spreading misinformation.
31 May 2018, 10:15 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

If it's at all relevant the Panzer II Luchs was given a bonus versus garrisons a few patches ago.
31 May 2018, 10:43 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post31 May 2018, 10:15 AMLago
If it's at all relevant the Panzer II Luchs was given a bonus versus garrisons a few patches ago.

In the same patch Luch received a cost reduction and damage reduction.

Regardless it remain average at best vs garrison.
31 May 2018, 12:51 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

jump backJump back to quoted post31 May 2018, 10:43 AMVipper

Regardless it remain average at best vs garrison.

Average? Please pit it against AEC, Stuart and show me how average vs garrisons it is then. It's more like the best light tank along with t-70
31 May 2018, 14:23 PM
avatar of zarok47

Posts: 587

Average? Please pit it against AEC, Stuart and show me how average vs garrisons it is then. It's more like the best light tank along with t-70

Stuart and AEC also suck vs garrison. Being the best of sucking against garrisons still means you suck against garrisons.
31 May 2018, 16:10 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post31 May 2018, 09:45 AMKatitof

Not wasp, regular UC.
no it does not cost fuel
31 May 2018, 16:13 PM
avatar of FelixTHM

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1

Average? Please pit it against AEC, Stuart and show me how average vs garrisons it is then. It's more like the best light tank along with t-70

Hey your anti-infantry vehicle does better vs infantry in garrisons than my anti-tank vehicle! Your faction is fking OP and requires no skill!
31 May 2018, 16:53 PM
avatar of Waegukin

Posts: 609

I'm all for flames (preferably flame-nade just because it doesn't eat up a precious sweeper slot) on Sturmpios. With a much-needed vet tuning and possibly making the Mech Truck repair pios not exorbitantly overpriced to move some jobs off the Sturms and it should be alright.
31 May 2018, 18:03 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I'm all for flames (preferably flame-nade just because it doesn't eat up a precious sweeper slot) on Sturmpios. With a much-needed vet tuning and possibly making the Mech Truck repair pios not exorbitantly overpriced to move some jobs off the Sturms and it should be alright.

I think a vet tuning is a big thing that sturms need. Vet 1 is very... Eastern front and a small target size reduction would go a long way (maybe vet 1 brings them down to the same size as assault Tommy's?) they have alright vet but it's pretty hard to get. Splitting the vet 2 rec ac and maybe splitting the vet 4 accuracy bonus into vet 2 could help them)(as well as flame nade)
31 May 2018, 19:10 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

no it does not cost fuel

Please guys, I was saying you need 30 fuel before being able to use the Wasp, not that it cost 30 fuel each one.
Like it is not a T0 ability.
31 May 2018, 19:19 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post31 May 2018, 19:10 PMEsxile

Please guys, I was saying you need 30 fuel before being able to use the Wasp, not that it cost 30 fuel each one.
Like it is not a T0 ability.
same for flame nades what's the point ??
(most funny is "RRRREEEEE flame nades are free they come with tech cost" but "the wasp cost fuel as it comes only after tier 1")
31 May 2018, 20:05 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

same for flame nades what's the point ??
(most funny is "RRRREEEEE flame nades are free they come with tech cost" but "the wasp cost fuel as it comes only after tier 1")

31 May 2018, 20:09 PM
avatar of insaneHoshi

Posts: 911

The only way that the p2 is good against garrisons is ramming into the building to eventually bring it down.
2 Jun 2018, 04:21 AM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

Haha the votes on this alone show the euro synphatheizers feel they just deserve to win. Anytime an okw nerf is brought up. Brain dead faction that skilless people can play and i refuse to play because of it. Even building a damn truck that your going to anyway is just too much to get lava nade. Okw has NEVER been properly tech charged when they got full resource adjustment. Only faction that has spammable mp only units to carry them. And 2 game winning light vehicles that Force allies to build shit stuart or aec JUST INCASE they build a luchs or game over. Stuart aec has no use other than to chase luchs around the map. ONCE AGAIN why why why do all axis have snares including call ins haha talk about convience. Its a joke really is.

Quit comparing allied td stats vs axis and so on we dont have a fuking king tiger or either super tds with a million hp that bounce FF shots frontaly the best tds we got. Wait i forgot just “flank” on 3 lane dota maps with every axis unit snaring tthem. Comparing stats on allied axis vehicles means shit when every allied tank can be penned by any form of axis at, an opositte for allies. Lmao ez8 what am i suppose to do with it anymore when it takes 1 hit from a hidden rakaten i cant see with crazy detect levels. Ot has to retreat before it could even get in the fight.

Axis 2v2 for you hide behind trucks until higher vet, homing lefh, or jagd that is mostly un Counterable

P4 beat stock medium still comes out before sherman makes sense.

Taylor swift playing okw against me all he did was blob volks still wom even though i wiped his vet volks woth an avre. He still won tho because endless mp pkw he just spammed more volks or the get out of jail card kt. He said to me so what its “okw” hahahaha DESERVE to win even tho got his ass kicked all game until bullshit okw lategame kicks in.

2 Jun 2018, 04:35 AM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Jun 2018, 04:21 AMRocket
Brain dead faction that skilless people can play and i refuse to play because of it.

Sums up this poster pretty well instead of reading a wall of text. OKW knowledge is probably at pinacle levels.
4 Jun 2018, 05:20 AM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

Shall we take a poll, by FAR easiest least micro intensive faction. There is just zero argument about it.

Edit spelling errors ive beeeeen drinkin
4 Jun 2018, 07:12 AM
avatar of Loxley

Posts: 223

4 Jun 2018, 15:01 PM
4 Jun 2018, 15:32 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

jump backJump back to quoted post31 May 2018, 14:23 PMzarok47

Stuart and AEC also suck vs garrison. Being the best of sucking against garrisons still means you suck against garrisons.

Brits suck vs garrisons more than OKW do, even if you removed flame nade they would still be a lot weaker vs them.
4 Jun 2018, 15:38 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

Brits suck vs garrisons more than OKW do, even if you removed flame nade they would still be a lot weaker vs them.

You know what a Universal Carrier is right ?
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