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[Winter Balance Update] OKW Feedback

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28 Nov 2020, 00:35 AM
avatar of Spoof

Posts: 449

Maybe but I don’t even think obers really need much of a buff on anything. As I said before the BGHQ buffs has a lot of things it affects and that 10 fuel saved from not needing to get a second upgrade makes anything that comes after the HQ faster come out by proxy. So like obers would be coming out earlier with just that change. If there is 100% going to be a change to change the obers I think that change makes the most sense. It would depend on exact numbers but something like 50/70 for Schwerer and Auth might be fine. It would at be a buff to the ober timing without changing their MG timing. Still seems like it could very easily cause problems alongside BGHQ changes. I don’t think the upgrade needs to come any faster and other things that need better timings can be buffed other ways. I think (and form what I hear many others agree) the current change is super broken in terms of timing compared to power.

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2020, 23:42 PMClarity
Honestly the only issue I see is the Hetzer and Ostwind, either make them require Panzer Authorization again or increase the Battlegroup cost by like 10-15 fuel so it delays them a bit since skipping Flak HT allows for a really fast timing that isn't countered unless the opponent goes double AT guns.

Ostwind and Hetzer should require Panzer Auth. Schwerer Panzer should be cheaper and Panzer Auth more expensive.
28 Nov 2020, 01:48 AM
avatar of KT610

Posts: 69

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Nov 2020, 00:35 AMSpoof

Ostwind and Hetzer should require Panzer Auth. Schwerer Panzer should be cheaper and Panzer Auth more expensive.

I agree with this, and I would suggest that Hetzers and OKW Ostwind will need to be improved in some other fashion.

For the Hetzers I think it just needs a damage buff, and the Ostwind maybe give it suppression capability
28 Nov 2020, 06:10 AM
avatar of Sully

Posts: 390 | Subs: 2

Any chance the forward retreat point upgrade can get a cost decrease? 300mp is pretty steep considering the reinforcement time penalty and rocket arty magnet it already is when you build it outside of base.
28 Nov 2020, 06:11 AM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

I like Obers being able to upgrade earlier. They will be able to hold their own now and get to vet 2 as a terminator unit that they are supposed to be.

I like medics being available from the get go.

I like the non-exclusive sweeper for SP's.

I wish Volks would get a very minor buff at Vet 5. They still feel a bit squishy versus other mainline infantry.

Overall I like it though. Good job balance team.
28 Nov 2020, 06:53 AM
avatar of C3 TOOTH

Posts: 176

I dont know if anyone suggest this:

Obersodaten: they're more of defensive role, booby trap is replaced with binocular.
- Remove booby trap
- Can upgrade binocular (+sight while in cover without fighting)

Fallschirm: since they lost snare, give them something in return to fulfill infiltrate role.
- Gain ability to lay booby trap
28 Nov 2020, 07:13 AM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

I dont know if anyone suggest this:

Obersodaten: they're more of defensive role, booby trap is replaced with binocular.
- Remove booby trap
- Can upgrade binocular (+sight while in cover without fighting)

Fallschirm: since they lost snare, give them something in return to fulfill infiltrate role.
- Gain ability to lay booby trap

I would like to see Fallschims get a quick nade, similar to Shock Troops nade.

Obers are your nuclear bomb throwers. Fallschims are about ambushing and infiltrating.

I'd like to see them get a stun grenade after vet as well.
28 Nov 2020, 07:47 AM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Nov 2020, 06:10 AMSully
Any chance the forward retreat point upgrade can get a cost decrease? 300mp is pretty steep considering the reinforcement time penalty and rocket arty magnet it already is when you build it outside of base.

Good point!
28 Nov 2020, 09:26 AM
avatar of mrgame2

Posts: 1794

good change all around.

but missing one, the jp4. it is not as reliable hitting its target. not sure why. it misses more often than su85 or jackson.
28 Nov 2020, 10:03 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Is there any discussion about Panzerfusiliers & their early panzerfaust? If I recall, changes to Volksgrenadier faust timing was to allow more openers for t1 soviets. Regardless, I always felt frustrated that panzerfusiliers come at 0 CPs and have that faust whereas volksgrenadiers do not.

I'd love for volks and panzerfusilier faust timing to be the same.

Its a tradeoff.

PFs have AT rifle nade, but they are weaker then volks in direct combat pre upgrade.

Cons can actually bleed PFs, while volks walk over them.
28 Nov 2020, 11:30 AM
avatar of vonAsten

Posts: 462 | Subs: 4

I think Radio Silence should definitely be looked at.

This ability is so frustrating to play against and destroys one of the most important aspects of coh2 game play: the mini-map.

Players rely heavily on the mini-map or tactical map. Radio silence is a real mindfucker in this.

I think the movement speed in combat is too much. Units shouldnt walk faster when they are in a fight.

I think units should be invisible on the mini-map UNTIL they get into a fight.

If this doesnt get changed, I woudl suggest at least give it a huge increase of muni and increase the cooldown. Its way too spammable. ALso, I think 1 minute is too long.

Stuff like this doesnt belong in coh2 and if you ask me, i wouldnt mind that it would get deleted from the game completely.
28 Nov 2020, 13:54 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

If radio silence is to be touched, the speed buff should be removed. Nothing else.
28 Nov 2020, 14:51 PM
avatar of addvaluejack

Posts: 261

Could we just reduce medics' cost? Free medics sounds too good and this free healing option comes too early compare to other factions.
28 Nov 2020, 16:06 PM
avatar of Sully

Posts: 390 | Subs: 2

Could we just reduce medics' cost? Free medics sounds too good and this free healing option comes too early compare to other factions.

We're talking about a 100MP and 5F discount on the new medics. They still cost a grand total of 275MP and 45f (call in truck + deploying battlegroup).

They do not arrive faster than other factions, they are the most expensive medics to get.
28 Nov 2020, 17:18 PM
avatar of Spoof

Posts: 449

Could we just reduce medics' cost? Free medics sounds too good and this free healing option comes too early compare to other factions.

Choosing Battlegroup locks out Mechanized and the crucial Puma. No other faction really has to "choose" for healing.
28 Nov 2020, 18:52 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Nov 2020, 16:06 PMSully

We're talking about a 100MP and 5F discount on the new medics. They still cost a grand total of 275MP and 45f (call in truck + deploying battlegroup).

They do not arrive faster than other factions, they are the most expensive medics to get.

Only and EXCLUSIVELY if you go mechanized 1st every single time.
In case your strat is made around BGHQ, they are literally free.
28 Nov 2020, 18:54 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Nov 2020, 17:18 PMSpoof

Choosing Battlegroup locks out Mechanized and the crucial Puma. No other faction really has to "choose" for healing.

Please file your complaints to Relic for giving OKW mutually exclusive teching.
28 Nov 2020, 18:57 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Nov 2020, 17:18 PMSpoof

Choosing Battlegroup locks out Mechanized and the crucial Puma. No other faction really has to "choose" for healing.

It doesn't "lock out" the Puma. Churchill "locks out" the comet and vice versa, okw can always tech for the Puma.

Whats more okw doesn't have to "choose" for healing. Their starting unit can AOE heal 3 times and a few units heal with vet. Okw is if anything the only faction that gets healing if you want it or not....
28 Nov 2020, 19:31 PM
avatar of Spoof

Posts: 449

It doesn't "lock out" the Puma. Churchill "locks out" the comet and vice versa, okw can always tech for the Puma.

Whats more okw doesn't have to "choose" for healing. Their starting unit can AOE heal 3 times and a few units heal with vet. Okw is if anything the only faction that gets healing if you want it or not....

Semantics. You know what I mean. Going Battlegroup + Mechanized is a surefire way to lose.
And what even is the point of your last sentence? All factions have healing available without tech. Some cost more and some cost less. What is different, though, is that Sturmpioneer healing continuously costs munitions, while all the other factions have a one time fee for unlimited healing.
28 Nov 2020, 22:04 PM
avatar of Applejack

Posts: 359

Really nice QoL changes! I'm surprised Sturmpioneer panzershrek cost wasn't lowered even further to 50 which is where most of allied zooks/piat cost sits. But I can see the increased cost being considered as you are able to put a zook and a minesweeper into the same squad now.

The battlegroup medic change is a welcome change! The delay on medics are usually very painful early game especially if there is not enough resources available.

I really like the Hetzer and Ostwind change. It always felt like they came too late to make much of a difference in the game as counters were already out when they come out.

28 Nov 2020, 22:39 PM
avatar of WAAAGH2000

Posts: 730

I think tech tree could rework like USF
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