Yes, I am advocating for removing of this unique colors because it adds nothing. While other games are going into the direction of allowing users to customize their UI colors from health bars to recticles, this game locks you into the dice roll UI (even if they fix it to have friendly and hostile colors to be on the opposite spectrums)
I think we are playing different games, where you prefer to have your UI recolored, and typing shit into chat is better than the system where the player receives a ping: sound + flashing + written warning that his unit is being killed.
You can write him an essay that his 2nd Panther tank is being flanked south of the middle VP while he is busy on the northern VP with the infantry micromanaging it, while I will ping once.
It's a good idea in theory. Has nobody here ever played CSGO? The whole idea of this unique color system was so that it's easier to speak to teammates in a call. (I.E. Green, you need to move your tank or it's going to explode! Etc.) In CoH2, everyone is blue on their own screen, so you can't say things like this.
They fucked up with giving teammates red/purple colors though, completely agree.
This is not CSGO. You are not looking at 5 dots on the minimap.
The entire UI of health bars and capture points must is the priority over the "green" color assignment. The POV player's color must always be the same. This is why people have nicknames, so I can say "dono help me", and if the mental capacity of the average player isn't enough to read couple letters, then it is definitely not enough to always re-color the UI every round.
There might be some intermediate solution where another detail/attribute is assigned to work as the "green" callout, but it is at the bottom of the priority list.
+ there is ping that isn't in CSGO. I can click on your unit (with a functional ping system), and it will send you a command to attack or retreat or careful. No need to even engage in the text or voice coms.
Making both 3vs3 and 4vs4 was a mistake. There will not be a playerbase for both queues, neither the map pool. Just... unsatisfactory matchmaking and map pool.
Halfway through the production someone should have said:
"Wait, we don't have resources to build enough maps for launch, and we already had some dead queues in CoH2 modes, perhaps we shouldn't launch with all modes"
Classic Kotaku 'quality'. Making up "misconceptions" that only idiots seriously claim, then declaring them as common to fake some novelty to the news and supporting all of this by a shitty text.
All developers are rich!
Making games is easy!
This shit looks unprofessional even for the most obnoxious buzzfeed listicles.
Of course I understand the frustrations. But as an RTS enthusiast, I am willing to smile away the release challenges, given the above.
I am the RTS fan, I was excited for Warcraft III remake/remaster. Still am, just not for the Reforged versions, needs RE-REFORGED.
Coh3 base game with 4 factions and tech diversity bears already the core ingredients for the masterpiece it is about to become.
I have waited for CoH3 mainly to modernize itself. Matchmaking where people aren't making dummy teams every day, leaver penalty, reconnect functionality, moderation so people who grief get suspended, ability to avoid people like you have couple slots in Overwatch.
Not a single balance or technical change is relevant compared to these modern online tools. I was patient and forgiving in the CoH2 case, ok, surely they will tighten the social experience in CoH3... All these breach mechanics, battelgroup trees, side armor - small potatoes that do not solve my problems with CoH2 (I played only 4vs4)
It is a wild west, circa 2000s approach to meaningful online gaming. Getting a good round every 3rd or 4th 5-min queue match is simply not acceptable.
It is so intersting how the tables have turned. All these discussions are almost identical to those 2013-early 2014. Now CoH2 is regarded as the gold standard for coh games.
I don't think it is gold standard, or somehow inherently better CoH formula.
CoH3 is just so far behind the curve when it comes to content and pricing, that it might simply not get there. Just watched Relic video, with the roadmap of SCOUTING A NEW 4vs4 map. What are we looking at, 5 4vs4 maps in 2025?
I didn't play CoH2 on launch, got it between USF and UKF. What do you think Relic got out of me? Like... €16 for base Game + Western front + British eventually. There are so many games and activities to do, that the cost is secondary now.
Relic are laggards and they didn't catch the trend that these early-access release-now-fix-later full-priced games have overstayed their welcome. People voting with their time/wallets/negative reviews now, they are not interested in the game that may be good/finished in the future.
I play the unfinished games when they get patches to the satisfactory quality. CoH2, Sea of Thieves, BF42. Put BF42 as another one of those "Predecessor had more players than the unfinished sequel" titles. It took more than a year for BF42 playerbase to supersede BFV. CoH2 received only "community" driven patches for years now, it was on the maintenance mode anyway.
If this didn't happen for Battlefield 2042 then it has no chance of happening here. This game is a gets an A+ compared to how that fraud of a game launched.
Scam at launch, yes, but... It is good now. The irony is that the broken 6 months and the negative reaction has sealed its fate when it comes to future plans.
And turning the scam into a good experience within 6-7 months is the achievement that Relic ain't going to accomplish.
A cautionary tale that only a few games can be the NMS swan song, even if you eventually fix all the launch-day problems, it blows a hole in your sales/reputation. |
As predicted 9540 on Wednesday. Its almost like I know what I am talking about.

Doesn't take the mastermind to align 90% of gaming trends with the chart that has a linear downturn. (minus the slight bumps weekends during weekends)
It is the interpretation of these numbers, and what do they mean for CoH that has a much more interesting discussions. And I think you are right, these numbers are unsustainable for the matchmaking or Sega's balance sheet.
And back to the aerefield point, CoH2 being guaranteed dead regardless of CoH3 success: AoEII Remake is more popular than 4, Dawn of War 3 is the least popular DoW... There is a good chance CoH2 will outlast CoH3.
Relic has to hire a functional PR/CM employee. Prepare some of the most comprehensive and reactive patches possible. Start the ball rolling with seasons: more maps, battlegroups, earnable skins. New faction in the fall, with another for the anniversary: Japanese and Orcs. Relaunch during the anniversary. Why the hell would you ever launch a service game WITHOUT THE SERVICE COMPONENT BEING IMPLEMENTED. You can just label your game: Early Access for €60, finished for €12 Humble Bundle 9 months later. |
Dawn of War 3 went into the direction people didn't want, yet it is even hard to describe what direction the average person wanted DOW to go. Random ass mechanics from previous DOW or COH (and more, like stealth bushes). Any direction could have worked, but it was just half-assed with no clear goal or future plans, just here... some base building, some cover tactics, some large armies, some heroes, some titans.
But it didn't kill DoW3, Relic did. Their management and PR are incompatible with a successful game.
DoW3 launch state was probably better than CoH3 as far as polish and balance goes. I remember I didn't like the game, but it was subjectively from the person who had low interest in IP/DOW, and writing was there on the wall from week 2: Game will receive token support and get abandoned to prioritize AOE4/COH3. |
Why would you say the player numbers were low? I don't know about Relic's financials, but they compare very well to CoH2's release and still decently to AoE4's release, which got much more advertisement from what I can tell.
Steam has grown a lot, I am looking a the headlines "Steam Tops 7 million users online" in 2013, and today it is 33m online.
The 10-20k concurrent playerbase game was a smashing success in the 2013, and now it might not even be the top 100.
I think it's more about making the best out of an unoptimal situation right now. It's not like there's any other options other than abandoning our favourite game franchise. CoH2 is gonna be super dead no matter how we twist it or what happens to CoH3.
Looks at Dawn of Wars... Situation isn't as grim that Relic would just abandon the CoH3 like they did with DoW3. DoW3 nuked the franchise from something with potential to rally the playerbase into a "don't waste your time with it".
This is one path for CoH: have the unsustainable "early-access" model that needs Humble-Bundles/75% Off discount to keep the functional playerbase to justify the continued investment in battlegroups/factions/maps. Someone at Sega will look at the numbers: post launch revenue: X, continued support 2X, and will simply axe it into the maintenance.
It is all in Relic's court. Come out, talk to the players about all the content/balance/technical issues. List the roadmap to fix them, goals for the CoH3, tease the next Battlegroups. Inspire confidence please.