
russian armor

Eastern Front Armies Revamp

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6 Jun 2017, 12:04 PM
avatar of karolllus

Posts: 172

And then, basically start all over again, when we bring Soviet infantry in line with OST, and make OST teching affordable, right?

Just hurry it up and leave it as it is and address the real problem which are brits and okw. And make usf great again or at least fun to play.
6 Jun 2017, 12:22 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

Just hurry it up and leave it as it is and address the real problem which are brits and okw. And make usf great again or at least fun to play.

We can only go as fast as feedback from actual in-game experience would allow us to. We can't get timely in-game experience, when the playerbase for the mod is as thin as it currently is.

On the other hand, spreading out too wide too soon (e.g., by doing all 6 match-ups at once) means we will be guaranteed to miss out on dominant strategies.

This means that we would just waste an enormous amount of time and effort going back-and-forth if we want to investigate all matchups (and all possible strategies therein) at the same time.
6 Jun 2017, 12:26 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

In my opinion u make more new holes, than you repair them.

the game is in a good balance status....only few thinks are out of controll:

- emplacements
- callins
- indirect fire
- superior alli tanks which have no weakpoint
6 Jun 2017, 12:32 PM
avatar of BIH_kirov_QC

Posts: 367

in my oppinion mr smith is doing a great job and i support him. the way the game is getting patch lately and new new stuff is great.
6 Jun 2017, 12:37 PM
avatar of Maret

Posts: 711

EFA need rework and guys making right job. Everyone can sitting and blaming that something wrong and e.t.c, but only few could up their asses and start doing job. Mr. Smith and his crew doing great thing.
6 Jun 2017, 13:17 PM
avatar of Swift

Posts: 2723 | Subs: 1

Invissed two off-topic posts and two quoting those posts.
6 Jun 2017, 16:23 PM
avatar of aomsinzana

Posts: 284 | Subs: 1

Just trying new Osteer Panther with hull-down and see how powerful damage it can deal (Festung armor in 2v2).
6 Jun 2017, 16:54 PM
avatar of Tanker

Posts: 53

The main problem with FRPs is that they allow infantry to come back to the field to fast and less punishing when retreating.
In 2v2 and above, OKW have the earliest retreat point, because of that they get vet faster, heal/reinforce, reduce manpower bleeding while minimum thier lack of field presents and have a easy time to cheese with FRP compare to other factions, it will keep repeating until they get big tanks, that's why they are OP now.

About the brits, emplacements is only cancerous if the brit use brace combine with stand fast which is unkillable if the opponents don't have anykind of consistent artillery fire (LeFH to be exact) and some extra offmap artillery to combine with (Don't even think about touching thier emplacement with your paks and tanks unless the brit is a big noob.
6 Jun 2017, 17:35 PM
avatar of boc120

Posts: 245

Thanks to Mr. Smith, Miragefla, and the rest of the team for doing this!
6 Jun 2017, 18:39 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

However, bring those factions in line with what?

The very thing you are revamping?

Did you play CoH2 before WFA?

Live-version soviet infantry, or live-version OST teching? Then, what happens when we get to fix Soviets and OST. Do we start all over again, and throw all the effort we put in addressing Brits/OKW down the toilet?.

You should know that at this point, live soviet infantry is a beast of your own making at this point.

What we're doing here, is we took the 2 factions that are the most complete (OST and Soviets), and we're adding the missing pieces, so that their core-unit line-up finally makes sense.

Is it though? As in, is that what you've done or is that the purported goal of what you're doing?

- It takes an enormous amount of effort to get the mod going in the first place
- It takes an even greater amount of effort to make adjustments to the mod, as necessary
- If nobody plays the mod, then we would have simply wasted our time making it

No kidding. At least yall got your mods officially sanctioned. Now even when you make an unofficial mod you get the momentum as if it were going to be implemented.

You guys have been a great screen for keeping other balance mods getting off the ground.
6 Jun 2017, 21:28 PM
avatar of TickTack

Posts: 578

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Jun 2017, 17:35 PMboc120
Thanks to Mr. Smith, Miragefla, and the rest of the team for doing this!

6 Jun 2017, 22:34 PM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

Considering how the historical accuracy of the Elefant was on point, it now just feels like Penals do - just another unit in a WWII themed game.
I still don't understand why it ever was in scope.

Even with the Panther upgrade, tank vs tank play is still a big problem for Ost.
Dedicated destroyers like Elefant and Stug got nerfed, which is a serious problem when you're up against a horde of SU's (not to mention Fireflys).

I am sorry I do not have a counter proposition for fixes, and may just come across as a whiner/fanboy, but I do strongly believe these units were good as is
6 Jun 2017, 22:58 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

Considering how the historical accuracy of the Elefant was on point

jump backJump back to quoted post21 May 2017, 14:07 PMVipper

This more a historical than a balance comment. The elephant was using a high velocity gun and luck the elevation to fire barrages, thus a HE explosive barrage seems very unrealistic.

On the other hand the 88s (not sure if anyone tried with Elephant)where used in an AI Role but differently. Since the where AA munition with a timer to create AA barrage walls the same munition was used versus soft targets. The trick was to aim above the intended target and have the shell explode above it.

So one could implement a version of the UKF air-bust shells for the Elephant and it will a bit more realistic and unique.
6 Jun 2017, 23:15 PM
avatar of Array
Donator 11

Posts: 609

I been playing the mod a little biut today unfortunately vs a near beginner it turned out so can't really comment on the balance but a number of units like cons and the ostwind and the maxim "felt" a little more solid. I liked it
7 Jun 2017, 05:52 AM
avatar of frostbite

Posts: 593

just played a few games using cons and is2 i feel like i wont even bother with penals anymore cons feel great, i like there utility and durability/power. is2 is alot better but i think it should have a little bit more accuracy vs inf or more aoe. the kv1 feels ok but imo it gets deflected alot by p4. i kept encountering a p4 that got vet 3 off my kv1 and my kv1 only got to vet 1, and the B4 is weak buff damage to 400 per shell... i used the kv2 some also, even though there was some buff to undeploy speed it felt like it needs more range or some kind of firepower buff... it misses alot. and i was wondering if the fuel drop is worth it can u give each crate 15 fuel for this doctrine in particular to make it more attractive.
7 Jun 2017, 06:00 AM
avatar of frostbite

Posts: 593

i used the tiger and it was awesome perfect much needed buff, i didnt feel much a difference from the gren 6 cap but im sure it made a big difference through out the game. overall OST felt really good with all the buffs. and even though my favorite unit brummbar got a little nerf it always does deflection dmg which is super cool love the changes
7 Jun 2017, 11:24 AM
avatar of Maret

Posts: 711

Why not give to ost commander P4 same shells as stug-e? Their both have the same short-barrel gun and both used as support for infantry, not as AT.
7 Jun 2017, 12:28 PM
avatar of AceOfTitanium

Posts: 162

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Jun 2017, 11:24 AMMaret
Why not give to ost commander P4 same shells as stug-e? Their both have the same short-barrel gun and both used as support for infantry, not as AT.

Question is why did they give stug e those shells? Was it really necessary? I think the only thing those shells did was take some authenticity out of the game... :/

We need to keep things as realistic as possible while making the game fun and balanced, I can't emphasize this enough. I think one of the reasons why people play this game instead of other strategy games is because it looks (kinda) realistic and historical, it is what makes coh COH!
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