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Its not looking good for coh3

21 May 2023, 17:05 PM
avatar of Applejack

Posts: 359

I think its time to sound the alarm when the dead game has more active players than the 3 month new game. I don't want a repeat of Dow3.

I think a lot more work needs to be put into Coh3 so it can be as successful as Coh2 since it doesn't have the polish that Coh2 came out with. Especially with the voice acting and writing IMO. There are plenty of other good suggestions on this forum too.

I will be fair to Coh3 though. Coh2 was given away for free a couple times so its understandable that it may have more and also to mention that Coh3 is available on other platforms which are not counted on Steamcharts.

Still though, as an RTS game, these games are meant to be played on the PC and its not doing so great on Steam.

Coh2: https://steamcharts.com/app/231430

Coh3: https://steamcharts.com/app/1677280
21 May 2023, 17:39 PM
avatar of UberHanz
Donator 11

Posts: 247 | Subs: 2

since it doesn't have the polish that Coh2 came out with

Mate, have you been there at release? :) This is simply not true - CoH2 at release was horrible. Despite only having 2 factions, full of massive imbalances, lots of bugs, very boring meta.

As the core gameplay of CoH3 (4 factions, great faction design, lots of unit diversity, battlegroup system, shorter games, etc.) is excellent - I am not too worried. Relic seems slow but on it.

I believe DOW3´s fate was mainly a result of the very bad gameplay design, with overpowered hero units which made every other squad obsolete and completely chaotic battles with no real tactical element to control.

While I understand the frustrations of the community, I also truely enjoy the core game in CoH3. Relics development plan sounds reasonable. We all said it will take 6 months at least. I´m all up for giving them this time.
21 May 2023, 17:49 PM
avatar of Applejack

Posts: 359

Mate, have you been there at release? :) This is simply not true - CoH2 at release was horrible. Despite only having 2 factions, full of massive imbalances, lots of bugs, very boring meta.

As the core gameplay of CoH3 (4 factions, great faction design, lots of unit diversity, battlegroup system, shorter games, etc.) is excellent - I am not too worried. Relic seems slow but on it.

I believe DOW3´s fate was mainly a result of the very bad gameplay design, with overpowered hero units which made every other squad obsolete and completely chaotic battles with no real tactical element to control.

While I understand the frustrations of the community, I also truely enjoy the core game in CoH3. Relics development plan sounds reasonable. We all said it will take 6 months at least. I´m all up for giving them this time.

Yeah I was there. Here's my preorder: https://i.imgur.com/M0SRIy2.png

I would argue that Coh2 started with a good base. As I've mentioned before, the OST was superb. The voice acting was well written. Coh3 did not meet my expectations for a good soundtrack or good voice acting. Most of it felt recycled from Coh2 but in a bad way. Like they hired lower quality voice actors than before. This unfortunately I don't see is going to improve over time unless they decide to spend an extra amount to overhaul the sound design which they probably won't. Thinking of the long term, the longevity of this game, its hard to see it will last long with such bad sound design unless an expansion in the future improves it.

I thought the massive imbalances were fun. Using E8 at launch was fun. Ost vs Sov was well balanced. T-34 vs Pz4 with no Panthers back in the day was loads of fun imo.
21 May 2023, 18:07 PM
avatar of UberHanz
Donator 11

Posts: 247 | Subs: 2

I thought the massive imbalances were fun. Using E8 at launch was fun. Ost vs Sov was well balanced. T-34 vs Pz4 with no Panthers back in the day was loads of fun imo.

Easy8 came with USF/WFA, more than 1 year after release (but Rifle commander was fun indeed for that time :))... initial Ost vs Sov was not balanced for a long time (clown cars, sniper, etc.)...

CoH2 started to be solid more than 1.5 years after release.

Im really not trying to be smart here, I genuinely understand and like your mindset of wanting CoH3 to succeed. But I believe the best way is to stay cool and let things develop - as basic game is great and Relic is on it.
21 May 2023, 18:21 PM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3007 | Subs: 3

I would argue that Coh2 started with a good base. As I've mentioned before, the OST was superb. The voice acting was well written. Coh3 did not meet my expectations for a good soundtrack or good voice acting. Most of it felt recycled from Coh2 but in a bad way. Like they hired lower quality voice actors than before. This unfortunately I don't see is going to improve over time unless they decide to spend an extra amount to overhaul the sound design which they probably won't. Thinking of the long term, the longevity of this game, its hard to see it will last long with such bad sound design unless an expansion in the future improves it.

While that's mostly true, I cannot imagine anyone leaving CoH3 because of inferior audio or stuff like that. There is simply way too little MP content in the game right now, it's just a matter of "will the game survive long enough until all the content is there". Because then I can almost guarantee everyone that CoH3 will do better than CoH2

I thought the massive imbalances were fun. Using E8 at launch was fun. Ost vs Sov was well balanced. T-34 vs Pz4 with no Panthers back in the day was loads of fun imo.

Not sure if you remember correctly but CoH2 in June 2013 had super boring/non existent weapon profiles on infantry , meanwhile the vehicle weapon profiles were crazy but in a bad way. As in a SU-85 losing 90% HP vs one Elefant or Tiger shot or t-34 getting one-shot by these tanks but also being able to bounce off their shots.

Ost vs SOV well balanced :foreveralone: I remember a very different experience where soviets were as good as unplayable provided the wehr player spammed MG42 :foreveralone:

E8 didn't come out until June 2014 WFA DLC which is commonly seen as the turning point from bad to good of CoH2. But what we got instead in late 2013 were these outrageous pay2win DLC commanders. The original Tiger Ace has to be in the top 5 most OP DLCs in Gaming History.

And that was all just balance, where CoH3 is in a pretty good state after 3 months in my opinion. CoH2 also had issues such as

- the game performed horrible on the majority of all 2013 PCs with low FPS and crashes
- no battleservers, each game was hosted via P2P system --> horrible input lag in many games to a point where it was unplayable
- small map pool, but same story or even worse in CoH3 now
- the fucking blizzards that stopped all meaningful gameplay for 3min and lowered FPS from 20 to 1

21 May 2023, 18:25 PM
avatar of UberHanz
Donator 11

Posts: 247 | Subs: 2

- the fucking blizzards that stopped all meaningful gameplay for 3min and lowered FPS from 20 to 1

haha I completely forgot about the blizzards! With the little fireplaces and the "freezing barometer"... God, the hate I felt back then :)

I think it was actually the blizzards which made me leave the game for some time and turn to DoWII again..
21 May 2023, 18:45 PM
avatar of Willy Pete

Posts: 340

While that's mostly true, I cannot imagine anyone leaving CoH3 because of inferior audio or stuff like that. There is simply way too little MP content in the game right now, it's just a matter of "will the game survive long enough until all the content is there".

The audio and other visual/aesthetic things are only annoying enough to bother ppl because the game already has other glaring issues, such as lack of content like u said

I would like to see a comparison of how many maps coh2 had at launch/during the 1st year. That is what kills coh3 for me more than anything else, just gets boring too quickly. UR so much more likely to get the same map twice in a row cuz of the limited number to begin with

Because then I can almost guarantee everyone that CoH3 will do better than CoH2

Any particular reason why? I rly do hope that is the case, but right now it feels a long way off. Coh2 feels significantly more enoyable to me right now, even when playing against meta abuse

The gameplay just feels more satisfying in almost every way
21 May 2023, 18:54 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

right now [CoH 3] feels a long way off. Coh2 feels significantly more enoyable to me right now, even when playing against meta abuse

The gameplay just feels more satisfying in almost every way

That's because you're a shill /j
21 May 2023, 21:24 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

haha I completely forgot about the blizzards! With the little fireplaces and the "freezing barometer"... God, the hate I felt back then :)

I think it was actually the blizzards which made me leave the game for some time and turn to DoWII again..

At least they didn't have a unit that could upgrade (in enemy territory too)with a panzershrek and became immune to the cold. That would have been short sighted and not at all in keeping with CoH2s apparently flawless track record from release until the current day.

To counter balance my criticism of CoH2. Why the fuck have they not added maps or player names.
21 May 2023, 22:33 PM
avatar of Applejack

Posts: 359

While that's mostly true, I cannot imagine anyone leaving CoH3 because of inferior audio or stuff like that. There is simply way too little MP content in the game right now, it's just a matter of "will the game survive long enough until all the content is there". Because then I can almost guarantee everyone that CoH3 will do better than CoH2

Not sure if you remember correctly but CoH2 in June 2013 had super boring/non existent weapon profiles on infantry , meanwhile the vehicle weapon profiles were crazy but in a bad way. As in a SU-85 losing 90% HP vs one Elefant or Tiger shot or t-34 getting one-shot by these tanks but also being able to bounce off their shots.

Ost vs SOV well balanced :foreveralone: I remember a very different experience where soviets were as good as unplayable provided the wehr player spammed MG42 :foreveralone:

E8 didn't come out until June 2014 WFA DLC which is commonly seen as the turning point from bad to good of CoH2. But what we got instead in late 2013 were these outrageous pay2win DLC commanders. The original Tiger Ace has to be in the top 5 most OP DLCs in Gaming History.

And that was all just balance, where CoH3 is in a pretty good state after 3 months in my opinion. CoH2 also had issues such as

- the game performed horrible on the majority of all 2013 PCs with low FPS and crashes
- no battleservers, each game was hosted via P2P system --> horrible input lag in many games to a point where it was unplayable
- small map pool, but same story or even worse in CoH3 now
- the fucking blizzards that stopped all meaningful gameplay for 3min and lowered FPS from 20 to 1

Haha, thanks for the blast from the past.

I posted this in the other thread but OKW on release had less resources but you could play team games where OST team mates built caches for them to improve the resource gain. They also had a tactical nuke depending on how many munitions you had. You could do call in's like artillery and loiters in the enemy main base back then too.

Anyway, I hope Coh3 survives for 1.5 years and gets better after 1.5 years. Dow3 felt abandoned so quickly because it was a flop but that was because it was a GW IP and not their personal IP. MP balance wise, wasn't there a community balance team member hired over there? He's probably going to be out of a job if Coh3 flops so hopefully it stays on.
22 May 2023, 03:31 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2128 | Subs: 2

MP balance wise, wasn't there a community balance team member hired over there? He's probably going to be out of a job if Coh3 flops so hopefully it stays on.

When Coh3 was coming I had hope that it would be good and we would get a bigger player base etc. But it was trash.

Then I had some hope they may fix stuff quick enough to save SOME of the new player base. And they gave us a store instead.

Then I deleted all Coh related stuff off my PC. But still had a glimmer of hope that maybe in 5-9 months it would be better so you guys could get the game you deserve. And instead they are giving us a single comp stomp map and maybe some player names.

Then I said "Ok, I knew their management sucked but I didnt think were drooling mongtards that floss with ass hair". This game has zero chance of success with this management. Zero. None. Coh3 is dead.

Now I just pray they dont screw it up so bad that all of the coh community guys lose their jobs.
22 May 2023, 07:20 AM
avatar of OKSpitfire

Posts: 287

I would argue that Coh2 started with a good base.

(Sigh). No, It didn't. Thanks for keeping it real, Uberhanz.
22 May 2023, 09:10 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post22 May 2023, 03:31 AMRosbone

This game has zero chance of success with this management. Zero. None. Coh3 is dead.

True. I have given up on current Relic. They are just not competent/passionate/skilled to get COH3 up to a decent level. They are totally tone-deaf in communicating with the community. They are slow to get upgrades out. They don`t acknowledge the crappy state of the game. It`s just not good enough. I feel bad for everyone that paid the full price for it.

22 May 2023, 17:57 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

While that's mostly true, I cannot imagine anyone leaving CoH3 because of inferior audio or stuff like that. There is simply way too little MP content in the game right now, it's just a matter of "will the game survive long enough until all the content is there". Because then I can almost guarantee everyone that CoH3 will do better than CoH2

This is how I feel and that's as a strictly 1 and 2s player who has more maps compared to 3s and 4s. If Relic has any sense they will start fast tracking maps, content, and faster patches even if they are smaller. The foundation for a good game is there but the complete lack of buzz or interest around the limited content is dragging it down fast.
22 May 2023, 18:51 PM
avatar of SturmtigerCobra
Patrion 310

Posts: 964 | Subs: 11

True. I have given up on current Relic. They are just not competent/passionate/skilled to get COH3 up to a decent level. They are totally tone-deaf in communicating with the community. They are slow to get upgrades out. They don`t acknowledge the crappy state of the game. It`s just not good enough. I feel bad for everyone that paid the full price for it.

If the new Glassdoor review is accurate, one former Relic employee (5 years with the studio) is encouraging Relic friends to start looking for another job.

Quote from Glassdoor Relic review;

It's a company in decline. No positive reason to work here as its a company that cannot generate a profit.
I'm of the strong opinion that the studio will be filling for bankruptcy by the end of 2023. All the signs are there and the gaming community world wide have voiced very negative options about the games that have been released by Relic in the last 10 years. Although I could go on and on about the other failures upper management is responsible for, I'm really just here to warn my friends to start looking for another job.

For genuine talent leaving Relic, I have this to say;
Adversities are not necessarily a bad thing. It can sometimes help build character such as this;

23 May 2023, 19:05 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2128 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post22 May 2023, 03:31 AMRosbone
Now I just pray they dont screw it up so bad that all of the coh community guys lose their jobs.

23 May 2023, 20:05 PM
avatar of Kieselberg

Posts: 268

The original Tiger Ace has to be in the top 5 most OP DLCs in Gaming History.

Rank it number 1
23 May 2023, 23:20 PM
avatar of gandamula

Posts: 63

I've been playing COH2 online every day since the day it came out, I have 5000 hours, it's almost religious. The day it came out, I stopped playing Coh1, which I also loved, coh2, despite the flaws, hooked me right away. Unfortunately when testing the COH3 demo I didn't feel the same, I don't know why but there was something wrong with the game, the colors, the mechanics being very different etc, I forced myself to play for an hour and I couldn't. That is, I will not even buy Coh3 in the first promotion, I will even wait for a humiliating price. Reliq said they listened to the fans, but it couldn't have been the Coh2 fans, because they're all still playing coh2. Using a mobile game generation to make a PC game wasn't a good ideia.
27 May 2023, 16:41 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2128 | Subs: 2

DOW3 would like to speak with you.
28 May 2023, 10:25 AM
avatar of Smoky82

Posts: 37


A little bit more Time and the Player Peak decrease to #Game is Dead#

DOW 3 Reloaded
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