General Information
Register Time: 7 May 2013, 17:21 PM
Last Visit Time: 13 Feb 2023, 05:57 AM
Twitter: @Jannev252
Youtube: Janne252
Xfire: Janne252
Steam: 76561198035243858
Residence: Finland
Nationality: Finland
Timezone: Europe/Helsinki
Game Name: Janne252
Spent about 10 minutes making this as a front cover for RTS. What do you think?
It's not bad but it's not great either. Perhaps someone with an artistic mind should work on creating one (and preferably spend more than 10 minutes creating it).
That just leaves the question of why this happened in the first place. When Relic posted something about "updating the Mod Tools", this was not what I hoped for
Company of Heroes 2 creates a lot of files in its My Games directory. Sometimes it might be a good idea to perform a little cleanup.
I've been experiencing ridiculous FPS drops so I decided to clean up COH2's My Games directory to see if it makes a difference. I had previously played a 4v4 compstomp and I used the replay file to create a reproducible benchmark. Here's the result:
Click for full size
Before cleaning up my games directory - After cleaning up my games directory
The duration of the benchmark is the first 6 minutes of the replay at 1x speed. As you can see, the performance increase is significant.
Here's the list of files/folders I deleted (that I know/assume are safe to delete):
From Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\ delete the following files/folders:
Cache\ -> Delete
LogFiles\ -> Delete
playback\ -> Delete/move to a backup folder if you want to access your replays later
all *.dat files (e.g. ItemBundlesCache-coh2-coh2.dat)
all *.log files (e.g. warnings.log, shrink.log)
I tried encoding a 1-frame video @60fps WebM VP8 a while ago and I still got the annoying fps drops. I've had the videos disabled for a while now, perhaps I should give it another try.
I even notified Relic and asked if they could update COH2's internal WebM player to VP9. RelicCOH2.exe contains a hint that the internal version is still VP8;
And since it hasn't been possible for a while now to flip another player's playercard in the lobby, you have to check their steam profile. Well, you can always paste their Steam ID to a leaderboard URL to see their rank.
These are all issues that a player who plays a lot of lobby games faces. Things to add to the list:
This probably sounds totally like a noob, but I could use some help with the following:
I would like to extract some images (like icons). If I'm right, this is the tool to do that.
But I have some trouble with the first step in the OP: Extract UI.sga somewhere if you already haven't.
I have no idea how to do that and a small search didn't clarify anything to me. Could somebody point me to the right direction on how to do that? It would we greatly appreciated!
How to extract the contents of UIHigh.sga
Install Company of Heroes 2 Tools if you already haven't
Launch Steam
Click Library then Tools
Right click on Company of Heroes 2 Tools and select Install Game…
Launch Company of Heroes 2 Tools and select "Tools" -> "Archive Viewer"
In Archive Viewer, select "File" -> "Open" and browse to your Company of Heroes 2 installation directory and select UIHigh.sga located in subdirectory CoH2\Archives\
By default, COH2 is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2
If you are unsure where your COH2 is installed, you can quickly check the location by right-clicking COH2 in your Steam Library and select "Properties", then "Local Files", and finally "Browse local files".
Right-click "UIHigh.sga" in the Archive Viewer's treeview and select "Extract".