You know brits vicker mg would kill anything from that window not in green cover, before i take it out?
you know that if he rushes vickers there he cant cap any point? If you are already set up an mg up close + pio + gren win vs vickers until it is able to set up as long as you are not dumb enough to put them all on the same side (maybe it will force away your mg if but thats about it)
just put mg on the one window point and the grens on + pios on the other side
EDIT: forgot to mention that vickers is one less section or bren carrier to deal with which is very nice from the brit to bring early game since those are the real pain in the ass
EDIT2: fun fact, flamers dont deal dmg to units inside the fuel trench on rails when attacking them frontally( due to elevation issues i suppose) the same can be seen on the trenches on eindhoven, therefore the main goal of OH vs brits is not to not loose the house, but to not let the brit dig down in the trench.
Just on a personal note, it is better to first try to adapt or improve before blaming game balance. These kind of peaple tend to just say it's broken i cant win, which stops them from actually improving and learning the game. Try to figure out what your opponent will try to do and find creative ways to counter it. Espacially OH has plenty of tools to do so, that way you can catch your opponent of guard. For example using camo MG vet 1 against sniper + radio intercept. Or even crazy stuff like sprinting pzschreck pgrens vs calli