Ok, disclaimer, this is the first time I looked into anything CoH3 related and only played like 5 matches, so I was (and still am) kind of clueless about teching and what units are around at all. So, the GUI was probably more confusing to me than it would be after some getting used to it. That said:
I was kind of underwhelmed by the graphics. I felt that CoH2 overall looked better.
This is certainly personal preference. I know that a lot of people didn't like the higher color saturations in CoH2 compared with CoH1, but to me the new art style looks kind of bland. Low saturation (I like red actually be red and blue actually to be blue, rather than different shades of gray), all units kind of look the same, and I perceived the picture overall as blurry.
Several icons in the action/prodution menu are hard to make out and distinguish from another.
MG arcs are yellow (right?), but still even less clear to me.
Also, some of the effects (bomb runs and so on) don't look as impressive as they did in CoH2, it seems.
Now I did notice that at least some of the building's walls are made up by individual polygons (i.e. the damaged church in the central part of the standard "custom game" map). I thought that this helps with how damages work; I tried to shoot off a corner from the church with a PIV, but was a bit surprised that the shots would go through the church (?).
The GUI seems more chaotic now, but a) as mentioned that is likely because I don't really know yet what is going on and b) a side effect of not having the UI block on the bottom like in CoH2 which was previously critized for taking up too much space on the screen.
So, overall, my first impression is that this is essentially CoH1 with truesight and vaulting and some other QoL improvements (which - granted - is something that a lot of staunch CoH1 players wanted).