
russian armor

Lend Lease Assault Regiment More Proper Setup

26 Aug 2020, 22:01 PM
avatar of thomasagray

Posts: 135

Permanently Banned
As of now, the Lend Lease Assault Regiment is designed poorly and underperforming compared to the other British commanders, as you can hear from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGz69fe4Wng. I was thinking of a few changes to this commander to improve its performance.

0CP: Assault Infantry Sections: Similar to before except now they gain a small reload bonus from cover. This makes them deadlier when flanking a target from cover.

0CP: M3 75mm Halftrack (Replaces the lackluster M10 'Achilles' TD): This halftrack comes equipped with a 75 mm cannon with a fairly short reload time and good range. The British counterpart to the Soviet SU-76M, it is capable of firing its standard AP rounds for direct fire. Or it can fire a light artillery barrage with HE rounds, effective against infantry and stationary targets. This versatile unit can provide mobile indirect fire without use of flares. However, it has halftrack armor and should be used for support.
Effective vs Vehicles and Structures. Barrage soft targets.

3CP: Bren Carrier Assault Upgrade (Replaces M5 Halftrack): This upgrade increases the health and armor of the Bren Carrier and allows embarked infantry to fire out of the vehicle. Locks out other upgrades and does not add any new weapons to the vehicle itself. Makes a formidable combination with Assault Infantry Sections.

6CP: Vehicle Crew Repairs: Same as before.

7CP: Incendiary Artillery Barrage: Off-Map British Artillery Guns fire incendiary rounds at the target area to incinerate infantry and buildings and deny access.

(Mortar team has been removed)
26 Aug 2020, 22:44 PM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3007 | Subs: 3

As of now, the Lend Lease Assault Regiment is designed poorly and underperforming compared to the other British commanders, as you can hear from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGz69fe4Wng.

Wow what a representative tier list, the complete meme commander "Advanced Emplacement Regiment" ranked above land mattress and lend lease :snfPeter: And it's also from 1 year ago when the assault section was not even a call-in yet...

Also, no to all of these suggestions. I see this commander a fair amount of time and it's probably one of the best 1v1 commanders next to Royal Arty. Not to mention that your 75mm HT suggestion won't ever work as it's impossible to implement completely new units to the game.
26 Aug 2020, 22:44 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Meh. No new assets so the ATHT is a no go.

The nice thing about lend lease is that it basicly plugs all the UKF holes. You get a cheap mobile mortar, assault infantry, a cheap TD cheap AA/ mobile reinforcement.

Basicly the commander let's the UKF play the cheap and aggressive game that they otherwise can't. It's not a flashy commander but it does have merit. The overarching failure of ukf balance makes it unattractive simply by ukf as a whole being unattractive. Doesn't matter how nice a commander is if playing the faction is like pulling teeth.

Kudos for the effort mate but it's a no from me. Sorry
27 Aug 2020, 01:12 AM
avatar of thomasagray

Posts: 135

Permanently Banned
The M10 TD is a lackluster unit, with its purpose just as easily done by the Firefly or AEC Armored Car. Surely, at least it needs to be replaced with a comparable unit or ability.
27 Aug 2020, 04:13 AM
avatar of Toxicfirebal

Posts: 66

Please don’t use Greyshot production videos, they are taken only in a 4v4 context and his vidoes make it clear sometimes he has no idea what he is talking about.
27 Aug 2020, 04:14 AM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

The best i can think of is allow M5 to drop bazooka and bar free tech and replace m10 with some late game strafe/off map.
27 Aug 2020, 07:08 AM
avatar of A table

Posts: 249

0CP: M3 75mm Halftrack (Replaces the lackluster M10 'Achilles' TD): This halftrack comes equipped with a 75 mm cannon with a fairly short reload time and good range. The British counterpart to the Soviet SU-76M, it is capable of firing its standard AP rounds for direct fire. Or it can fire a light artillery barrage with HE rounds, effective against infantry and stationary targets. This versatile unit can provide mobile indirect fire without use of flares. However, it has halftrack armor and should be used for support.
Effective vs Vehicles and Structures. Barrage soft targets.

Imagine thinking that this could ever be a thing in the official base game without mods.

I'd feel sorry for you but then i am reminded that you are honestly quite delusional when looking at your previous posts, so whatever.
27 Aug 2020, 08:13 AM
avatar of JulianSnow

Posts: 321

The M10 TD is a lackluster unit, with its purpose just as easily done by the Firefly or AEC Armored Car. Surely, at least it needs to be replaced with a comparable unit or ability.

Only the M10 is mobile as the AEC and has the range of the firefly, best of both worlds. The ultimate tank flanking unit.
27 Aug 2020, 12:45 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

Only the M10 is mobile as the AEC and has the range of the firefly, best of both worlds. The ultimate rank flanking unit.

AEC has Range of 40
M10 has a range of 50
FF has a range of 60

Saying that the M10 is lackluster unit is of course inaccurate.
27 Aug 2020, 13:40 PM
avatar of JulianSnow

Posts: 321

Thought the M10 had 60 aswell?
27 Aug 2020, 16:39 PM
avatar of Aarotron

Posts: 563

idea of the m10 is to be faster alternative to firefly, its not supposed to do its work better, instead earlier at the cost of long term effective gun
27 Aug 2020, 23:31 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Pardon me but I was one of the people that suggested that commander and as you can see here it's quite alright in 1v1s.

But allow me to explain why it's not poorly designed and how what you're suggesting does not work.

First off, random person on the internet making a top 10 list video does not make it true.

Second, models and animations cannot be edited because $$$$$$$$, so your M3 75mm AT gun Halftrack as good of an idea as it may sound goes flying out the window due to that simple fact, and the same with the models being able to fire out of the UC. It is physically possible to make it work but there would be no animations and the rounds would just pop out of thin air, meaning that both are not feasible.

And again, the commander was intended to somewhat give the British what they were lacking in terms of mobile indirect fire with the mortar team, albeit doctrinally, as well as a more aggressive infantry alternative to the commandos with the Assault Section.

Finally the M10 as mentioned here was put in as a cheaper and faster alternative to the Firefly which still has an abysmal turn rate and accuracy if you ask me and I would very much prefer it to lose it's Tulips and to be the same as it's older CoH counterpart, hell even if it did require a command tank in order to be fully effective again.
27 Aug 2020, 23:58 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

Considering I was nearly wiped off the field in 5 mins by a Assault IS spammer, I have to vote against this proposal. It's already bad enough to fight UKF normal IS early game as OKW as is. Assault IS do not need buffs and I'd argue slight nerfs should be applied. One should not incentivise Sturmpio spam in order to match Assault IS spam.

UC is in a powerful state atm with a reliable anti-garrison option and shreds squads with the Vickers. Typical counters such as faust can be kited reliably, and the raketen is noted for its ability to miss frequently against it.

28 Aug 2020, 02:03 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

The M10 TD is a lackluster unit, with its purpose just as easily done by the Firefly or AEC Armored Car. Surely, at least it needs to be replaced with a comparable unit or ability.

M4A3 Sherman. Said this from the beginning before the new commander patch was released.
28 Aug 2020, 14:14 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Aug 2020, 02:03 AMCODGUY

M4A3 Sherman. Said this from the beginning before the new commander patch was released.

And despite all the time since then it's still an awful idea as it brings nothing at all to the faction except a slightly different cromwell. It doesn't allow alternative teching, it doesn't give more anything except overlap.
28 Aug 2020, 14:34 PM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3007 | Subs: 3

The best i can think of is allow M5 to drop bazooka and bar free tech

5men sections with double BARs.. exactly what this game needs atm :sibHyena:
28 Aug 2020, 20:30 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

5men sections with double BARs.. exactly what this game needs atm :sibHyena:

Utterly cancerous.
28 Aug 2020, 20:33 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

5men sections with double BARs.. exactly what this game needs atm :sibHyena:

Didn't you hear? Axis is OP. Allies are OP. Everything is OP and everything is UP. We've reached a perfected quantum system where everything is and isn't at the same time.
28 Aug 2020, 21:25 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

So two things here:

One, the commander is mostly made for 1v1s and these guys say they're concerned only with 3s and 4s, so their opinion is already almost entirely irrelevant here.

Two, after watching about two and a half minutes of the video you linked, I can safely say that you really should not be listening to these guys at all. Red flags include that they don't even know all the abilities in all the commanders they're covering and that they think the land mattress is easily lost. I mean, sure maybe it gets killed sort of easily because they're just infantry and AT weapons can targetthe gun too, but if land mattresses are getting stolen regularly (or at all really) there's some serious L2P issues there.
29 Aug 2020, 00:49 AM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

So two things here:

One, the commander is mostly made for 1v1s and these guys say they're concerned only with 3s and 4s, so their opinion is already almost entirely irrelevant here.

emergency repair add to Wolverine as stock ability and then in empty commander slot add some offmap
Wow and now you have commander good not only for 1v1 How did it happen

Stuff only for 1v1 80% of community don't use Logic?
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