
russian armor

Balance thoughts?

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3 Mar 2023, 03:29 AM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

Dear lord what happened here.
3 Mar 2023, 07:12 AM
avatar of Grittle

Posts: 179

My 2 cents.

The factions in this game are pretty samey, aside from the DAK and early game USF. Mid-Late game USF, Wehr, and UKF are all homogenous and feel like different flavors of vanilla than anything else. Guess I have Stockholm's syndrome of OKW and COH2 UKF. but there was flavor, there was "pizzazz". Sure, it took 10 years to get the balance right, but you think that would be a learning experience for this game? to get the balance of flavor and usability?

Time to kill is very slow in this game. Speed it up abit please.

Infantry Section Boys AT and Wehr P4 rushes are dumb. Wehr T4 should require one of the earlier buildings (costs reduced ofcourse, it just needs to take longer to rush one) and at the bare minimum Infantry sections should not have grenades when getting AT rifles.

Wehr Grenadiers need a buff, they lose to engineers. like, how?

Also some of the those 2.5, 1.5 tech upgrades need some tweaking in price. like why would I tech to get the DAK Stug when I could just wait a minute and tech up to and grab a Panzer 3? which has more situations where it is useful vs the DAK Stug? I get the time gating, but the fuel costs can be oppressive for those side techs.

Dont get me wrong, I enjoy the light vehicles getting a spotlight compared to COH2. and the potential for COH3 is great and launch balance is surprisingly great. but some small tweaking is needed. and I really want some faction flavor.
3 Mar 2023, 07:43 AM
avatar of theekvn

Posts: 307

Time to kill is fine since wipe retreat unit is caculated. Problem is medium range unit spare out dmg across a whole squad to much (I look at you Rifleman).
Main issue is Fallpios, Tommy Bois blob. Both AA and Loiter are too OP.
3 Mar 2023, 10:17 AM
avatar of Garrett

Posts: 309 | Subs: 1

There are a lot of things they need to fix, like paradrops being shot down before dropping the units, emplacments need a complete revamp and so on and so forth. Seems like relic never learns. People in Coh 1 hated the mortar pit. So let's give the Brits one that has TWO mortars and brace. People hate loiters? Let's make them way cheaper and way more effective! People hate sim city? How about unkillable emplacements?
3 Mar 2023, 15:51 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

Problem is medium range unit spare out dmg across a whole squad to much (I look at you Rifleman).
This is an interesting observation. I noticed the other night that I was often retreating my Grens with low health and high model count but just chocked it up to RNG. If this is a trend then maybe it's something that could be tweaked to speed up combat since model drops would encourage retreats.
3 Mar 2023, 16:23 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

This is an interesting observation. I noticed the other night that I was often retreating my Grens with low health and high model count but just chocked it up to RNG. If this is a trend then maybe it's something that could be tweaked to speed up combat since model drops would encourage retreats.

I would rather all squads do this instead of panzergren lmg blob of doom instasniping a squad of riflemen because they dared to oppose them lmfao.
3 Mar 2023, 17:38 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 568 | Subs: 1

Emergency hotfix to nerf to pummel DAK, but no fixes to fallpio+jaeger+wirlbe no tech play :)

3 Mar 2023, 20:14 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

Skillplanes need an immediate hotfix.

You can reverse INSTANTLY when the smoke drops and your tank will still get destroyed.

There is no counter play.

If you use input to avoid the planes you should get away.
3 Mar 2023, 20:29 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

Skillplanes need an immediate hotfix.

You can reverse INSTANTLY when the smoke drops and your tank will still get destroyed.

There is no counter play.

If you use input to avoid the planes you should get away.

Counterplay = M18 AA halftrack

Shoots down AT loiter planes before they even fire a single shot. Even just ONE vet 0 halftrack.

Now, for Axis, I don't know if they can shoot planes down THAT fast, but I know flak 88 actually shoots down planes very well.

3 Mar 2023, 21:11 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Emergency hotfix to nerf to pummel DAK, but no fixes to fallpio+jaeger+wirlbe no tech play :)

The classic, knee jerk reaction and basically removal of assault groups tech from anything below 4v4 while the actual problem across all game modes persists.
3 Mar 2023, 21:26 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

The classic, knee jerk reaction and basically removal of assault groups tech from anything below 4v4 while the actual problem across all game modes persists.

Playing CoH 3 is like swimming in a sea of shit with your head just barely above the water :clap:
3 Mar 2023, 21:26 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

Counterplay = M18 AA halftrack

Shoots down AT loiter planes before they even fire a single shot. Even just ONE vet 0 halftrack.

Now, for Axis, I don't know if they can shoot planes down THAT fast, but I know flak 88 actually shoots down planes very well.

Not having an AA unit does NOT justify deleting a tank with an ability.
3 Mar 2023, 21:28 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

Not having an AA unit does NOT justify deleting a tank with an ability.

Making the mistake of not having AA when you know DAK AT loiter is insane does NOT equal "no counterplay".

If I play with sherman 76 I would not DARE to place anything more than a single tank on the frontline without an AA halftrack.
3 Mar 2023, 21:30 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

Now, if you want to argue how that's bad game design, that's something I can agree with.
3 Mar 2023, 21:30 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

Making the mistake of not having AA when you know DAK AT loiter is insane does NOT equal "no counterplay".

If I play with sherman 76 I would not DARE to place anything more than a single tank on the frontline without an AA halftrack.
So if you are hard pressed to get out a tank you instead get out an AA first since your tank can get deleted. This equals GG the moment you need a tank.

Skillplanes should not kill instanly. It is bad design.
3 Mar 2023, 21:33 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

So if you are hard pressed to get out a tank you instead get out an AA first since your tank can get deleted. This equals GG the moment you need a tank.

Skillplanes should not kill instanly. It is bad design.

That's why my US build starts with an AA halftrack first. That's not a game issue, it's a build issue. Anyways, I still agree that it's bad design. DAK pays 120* muni for an AT loiter that gets insta-killed by one single AA track. Make AA worse in teamgames and make the AT loiter less insane. Easy fix.

EDIT: *Sorry lmao, it's actually 225 muni to be hardcountered by one single AA halftrack. I was downplaying it apparently.
3 Mar 2023, 21:51 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

If anyone here still thinks that DAK AT loiter is OP/uncounterable, then you need to watch this video:

The only factions I see *actually* struggling against planes is *maybe* axis. But flak 88s actually shoot down planes so it's pretty even.
3 Mar 2023, 22:57 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

You completely missed the point.

Oneshotting tanks and them not being able to escape is no acceptable game mechanic.

It does not matter if AA can shoot the planes down.

You can't simply have an option to delete a high value unit and cut away the opponents option to retreat.

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