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Let's speak about OST AT mine

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27 Nov 2018, 11:15 AM
avatar of Not

Posts: 46

This beautiful thing can kill any light vehicle by letting them press on them. And this is just for 50 munitions. Why that easy for OST? Are there any factions that can destroy Axis vehicles so easy? I can imagine wehraboos crying that without their vehicle it will be GG. Just play allies and watch how one mine destroying half of your army capabilities in early-mid game.
27 Nov 2018, 11:35 AM
avatar of Thamor

Posts: 290

You are complaining of a OST mine, maybe you should try playing with OST vs T70/light vehicle against you with no real counters against them until later in the game. PAK & mine is your defense, but those really don't help you to push forwards just hang on by your nails in the game. More bigger the map 50muni mines aren't that easy to place with a faction that needs 60m for medics --> endless ammo spend on infantry --> mines --> abilities from commanders.

OST who floats munition to spam tellers is playing out of his mind if he is winning infantry fights without any lmg/g43 upgrades.

Maybe not drive your light vehicle like crazy and maybe make certain in some good spots to have engineers with sweepers check those spots.
27 Nov 2018, 11:40 AM
avatar of RollingStone

Posts: 173

It is not "FOR JUST 50 munitions", it is "FOR 50 munitions".

Well, guess what? Ostheer is very munition-heavy faction.
Want to win an early fight? Get magic "Hans-On-The-Stick" grenade for 35 munitions
Want to keep your grens viable at mid-late game? Get them brand-new MG42 to hip-fire fot 60 munitions.
Want to heal? 30 munition per squad or 60 munition for bunker, which medics are always occupied by your ally.

Those disk-mines are expensive, so they HAVE to do their jobs done. And you can deny whole minefield(around 60-150 munitions) by one enginier squad with sweepers(30 munitions) and some smoke(for free).

Git gud
27 Nov 2018, 11:40 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 11:15 AMNot
This beautiful thing can kill any light vehicle by letting them press on them. And this is just for 50 munitions. Why that easy for OST?

Because they have no light tanks

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 11:15 AMNot

Are there any factions that can destroy Axis vehicles so easy?

You mean like the 251 and 222, yes there are.

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 11:15 AMNot

I can imagine wehraboos crying that without their vehicle it will be GG. Just play allies and watch how one mine destroying half of your army capabilities in early-mid game.

Why are you creating a toxic environment with OP? Do you actually want to speak or are you trying to start a flame war.

Recently there has been a similar thread try reading that.
27 Nov 2018, 12:05 PM
avatar of Not

Posts: 46

Noobs are trying to say that 70 fuel T-70 is totally worth to loose it for a 50 muni teller mine. You got what I say?

USF and UKF are buying weapon upgrades first for fuel and then for ammunition, is like OST or OKW doing the same? Is OST paying for a medical truck with fuel or like the UKF way - for each squad each or with 200 mp with 60 muni?
Totally fuel and munitions sink for allies.
27 Nov 2018, 12:16 PM
avatar of Tactical Imouto

Posts: 172

Permanently Banned
Daily reminder that we got Soviet demo nerfed because it wiped 250 MP squads for a little ammo price but its bad for ostheer mines to one shot kill 70FU 260? Light vehicles. And both had the same counterplay
27 Nov 2018, 12:30 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 12:05 PMNot
Noobs are trying to say that 70 fuel T-70 is totally worth to loose it for a 50 muni teller mine. You got what I say?

Why are you trying to start a flame war?
27 Nov 2018, 12:58 PM
avatar of RavenClaw

Posts: 13

Well, first of all:

The Teller is the only effective (lets leave the Riegel at this point out of the discussion) mine WEHR has.
Mine Fields are bs because you can see them!(maybe effective if you play vs low rank/mirco players or place them on the retreat path). The Teller needs to insta kill T70, AEC or Stuart, otherwise you need to rely on Shrecks, PAK or the Puma call-in.

I could life with normal mines (like the soviet or USF) for WEHR, but thats not the point. So if you want the dmg of the teller to be nurfed, give it AI dmg or less ammo cost.
27 Nov 2018, 13:00 PM
avatar of Not

Posts: 46

Well, first of all:

I could life with normal mines (like the soviet or USF) for WEHR, but thats not the point. So if you want the dmg of the teller to be nurfed, give it AI dmg or less ammo cost.

That would be actually nice. Teller mines don't give any chance to light vehicles, making it a huge advantage to the Axis side
27 Nov 2018, 13:27 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Daily reminder that we got Soviet demo nerfed because it wiped 250 MP squads for a little ammo price but its bad for ostheer mines to one shot kill 70FU 260? Light vehicles. And both had the same counterplay

Although I do not think tellers should OHK light vehicles, this argument has been rebuked many times before by the fact that the counters to demos and to tellers are not equal. For the teller mines you'd need one sweeper squad to accompany your one light vehicle, which is doable. Demos on the other hand couldn't be countered 100% because there would be 2-4 squads running around for every 1 sweeper squad.
27 Nov 2018, 13:37 PM
avatar of Tactical Imouto

Posts: 172

Permanently Banned

Although I do not think tellers should OHK light vehicles, this argument has been rebuked many times before by the fact that the counters to demos and to tellers are not equal. For the teller mines you'd need one sweeper squad to accompany your one light vehicle, which is doable. Demos on the other hand couldn't be countered 100% because there would be 2-4 squads running around for every 1 sweeper squad.

If ostheer or okw got their luchs/222 one shot by soviet mines they would lose their shit lol
27 Nov 2018, 14:05 PM
avatar of RavenClaw

Posts: 13

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 13:00 PMNot

That would be actually nice. Teller mines don't give any chance to light vehicles, making it a huge advantage to the Axis side

I think you don't got my point: Tellers NEED to insta kill allied light vehicles because its the only real counter vs them. A T70 or AEC can just overrun a WEHR Player by flanking. On most 1v1 maps (lets take Arnhem) you can't counter a T70 with one Pak caused to Sideblockers.

If i play a T70 for example on this map and see an enemys Pak in the center, left or right, i just switch sides and fuck up my enemys infantry. The Pak will need much time to get in position and so i just flip on the other side again.
27 Nov 2018, 14:10 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

If ostheer or okw got their luchs/222 one shot by soviet mines they would lose their shit lol

Use 2 soviet mines one next to other. It only cost 60 munition.

Why are you trying to separate players into Ostheer and OKW? Why are you being toxic?
27 Nov 2018, 14:23 PM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 14:10 PMVipper

Use 2 soviet mines one next to other. It only cost 60 munition.

Aaaand /thread
27 Nov 2018, 14:32 PM
avatar of Not

Posts: 46

I think you don't got my point: Tellers NEED to insta kill allied light vehicles because its the only real counter vs them. A T70 or AEC can just overrun a WEHR Player by flanking. On most 1v1 maps (lets take Arnhem) you can't counter a T70 with one Pak caused to Sideblockers.

If i play a T70 for example on this map and see an enemys Pak in the center, left or right, i just switch sides and fuck up my enemys infantry. The Pak will need much time to get in position and so i just flip on the other side again.

It would be just the same way, as allies countering Axis vehicles, nothing more. Let's say 70% health off with damage engine, it would be easy to catch, but even more leaving a chance for the vehicle. Just the same way as it was in coh1
27 Nov 2018, 15:35 PM
avatar of Loxley

Posts: 223

Just use minesweeper near vehicle. If you drive far behind the front to try to full unit kill retreating squads, it is your risk and reward.

If the Wehr mine would be like a soviet mine, your t70 with damaged engine would always be catched.
As Wehr player, I would always prefer spammable 30 ammo mines, instead visible AI minefields or 50 ammo tellers.
27 Nov 2018, 17:02 PM
avatar of Tactical Imouto

Posts: 172

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 14:10 PMVipper

Use 2 soviet mines one next to other. It only cost 60 munition.

Why are you trying to separate players into Ostheer and OKW? Why are you being toxic?

So use more time to lay 2 mines that also can be hit by infantry unlike teller meaning u will never know its there unless u run over it with a tank and get it instagibbed or sweep it. Instagibbed for one little mistake and punished heavily that can lose you the game with 0 chance of salvaging the situation. BUT GOD NO if it was INSTEAD a democharge that could instagib a cheap grenadier squad in that same very spot the teller could be in that is imbalanced.
Also i wasnt really separating, just axis in general having their lights one shot, but theres difference in costs and what no with 222 and Luch. With same logic aswell Wehr can insta other vehicles with bundled tellers.
27 Nov 2018, 17:03 PM
avatar of Tactical Imouto

Posts: 172

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2018, 15:35 PMLoxley
Just use minesweeper near vehicle. If you drive far behind the front to try to full unit kill retreating squads, it is your risk and reward.

If the Wehr mine would be like a soviet mine, your t70 with damaged engine would always be catched.
As Wehr player, I would always prefer spammable 30 ammo mines, instead visible AI minefields or 50 ammo tellers.

just sweep for demos bro 4head
27 Nov 2018, 17:09 PM
avatar of RollingStone

Posts: 173

just sweep for demos bro 4head

wait, are demos dischardgable in the first place? 'Cause every time im trying to defuse it, soviet will blow it up with my pios squad.
27 Nov 2018, 17:17 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

wait, are demos dischardgable in the first place? 'Cause every time im trying to defuse it, soviet will blow it up with my pios squad.

Demos used to work like mines: infantry couldn't see them except with a minesweeper. Now they are revealed by proximity by all infantry and as long as the squad doesn't have a minesweeper equiped (it bugs out) it can shoot the demo to kill it.

Demos were nerfed like this because logically it's impossible to accompany all 3-5 infantry squads with a sweeper and squads would get wiped all the time, which was unfair. As opposed to the counter to teller mines, which is to have your 1 light vehicle accompanied by 1 sweeper, which is slightly unfair but very doable.

That said, I personally wouldn't mind tellers changed to 300-350 damage with medium/heavy engine crit so light vehicles can survive the initial hit (giving them at least a chance to escape) but will be easily finised off if there is a faust or any sort of AT nearby.
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