
russian armor

OKW vs. Brits 2v2

28 Jul 2020, 16:46 PM
avatar of Kieselberg

Posts: 268

Hey guys,

in my current 2v2 games (me playing ost) i get 80% of the time okw teammates. Everytime i play vs. 2 brits okw dudes get butchered hard (around 40/120 K/D) while i am around 1 for 1.

Does OKW struggle vs brits, or am i having bad luck with matchmaking?

Any tips?

Rankings are between 50 and 150.

28 Jul 2020, 16:50 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

Yes OKW against Brits in teamgames is just the worst matchup u can get

Sure there are some methods to be effective, but overall...
28 Jul 2020, 17:14 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

OKW 4v4/3v3 perspective here but the problems are not so different imho. Devolves into 1v1s or 2v2s in bits of the map. To save yourself suffering I just recommend Alt+F4. There is no situation in which your Volks can outshoot tommies in comparable cover stock for stock, squad for squad. Even SP ambushes are often turned against you due to that IS dps and 0.8 model size. No point going into detail about Vickers spam, I’m sure your psychological wounds speak enough.

I could only suggest the OKW rushing ISG after their 4th inf squad, to punish them for excessive MGs and punishing them for lack of a mobile nondoc mortar. I concur that it’s a lousy matchup and having a UC dodge 3+ raketen shots is infuriating
28 Jul 2020, 17:38 PM
avatar of Kieselberg

Posts: 268

OKW 4v4/3v3 perspective here but the problems are not so different imho. Devolves into 1v1s or 2v2s in bits of the map. To save yourself suffering I just recommend Alt+F4. There is no situation in which your Volks can outshoot tommies in comparable cover stock for stock, squad for squad. Even SP ambushes are often turned against you due to that IS dps and 0.8 model size. No point going into detail about Vickers spam, I’m sure your psychological wounds speak enough.

I could only suggest the OKW rushing ISG after their 4th inf squad, to punish them for excessive MGs and punishing them for lack of a mobile nondoc mortar. I concur that it’s a lousy matchup and having a UC dodge 3+ raketen shots is infuriating

I have the feeling, that it doesnt matter what the okw dude does. 2 Ostheer on the otherside is pure joy. 2 Snipers can do quite some work.
28 Jul 2020, 17:58 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

I have the feeling, that it doesnt matter what the okw dude does. 2 Ostheer on the otherside is pure joy. 2 Snipers can do quite some work.

On the plus side the OKW late game is better than UKF and LMG IS gets really expensive really quickly vs LMG Obers...
28 Jul 2020, 18:14 PM
avatar of JZuna

Posts: 138

OKW has options to deal with brits but they are in my opinion mostly doctrinal, the ones I use the most are:

Overwatch doctrine the jager light infantry with their upgrade seem to actually beat sections in a green cover fight because they snipe low HP models, plus they cloak and can scout.

Fire doctrine it gives good close quarters and later the ISG flame barrage will deny support weapons in an area or counter their emplacements, I do see some players going for this doctrine but they spam the upgrades like they are OP and that is bad in my opinion like multiple flamethrowers or mass mp40.

There are other options like elite armor giving an early 221 but even upgraded to a 223 the much cheaper UC will still beat it.

But if its your random ally getting beaten and not you, its just bad matchmaking getting a better opponent or just a bad ally, not much you can do about it unless you can crush your side as hard as your ally gets crushed in his.
28 Jul 2020, 18:33 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

28 Jul 2020, 19:19 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Does OKW struggle vs brits, or am i having bad luck with matchmaking?

UKF is basically auto-win against OKW if both players are at the roughly same skill level.
28 Jul 2020, 19:36 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

UKF is basically auto-win against OKW if both players are at the roughly same skill level.

Nah fam, I once saw OKW win a game. How do you explain that? You can’t, of course, OKW is still OP.
28 Jul 2020, 19:47 PM
avatar of SgtJonson

Posts: 143

last time i tried. i used firestorm doctrine. It appears to be working quite well having one volks get the mp.
then again, when trying to burn them down with indirect fire. aec or meds might overwhelm you without armored vehicles on your side
28 Jul 2020, 20:30 PM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

28 Jul 2020, 20:44 PM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

I've been using the Flak HT a lot against brit blobs. As long as you keep a volks nearby to keep it screened from AEC its been working pretty well for me

That said playing okw vs brits feels like the toughest matchup for me these days
28 Jul 2020, 21:55 PM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

From a 3v3 perspective, which can be somewhat be applyed to 2v2 a bit.

As OKW you pretty much need to delay your opponent and try to bleed less.

Early on without support you will eventually lose most likely, but it should have buy you enouth time to get one of your HQs up.

But in general there are 3 british oppenings:
1) With Bren carrier
2) Tommy spam
3) Tommy + MG

Hardest to deal with as OKW in my opinion is carrier, because you have no counters to it early on (going raketen early will put your army even more behind UKF). Only Panzerfusiliers have snare, but it still takes time to kill it, and honestly its relying on opponents missplay.

Against tommy spam, double kubel can work if you can micro it, since you wont be bleeding MP and you are free to engage and harras tommy squads, maybe push them out of cover.

Tommy + MG, well nothing you can do, if you cant flank it with pios or overrun it.

Honestly I think in a this state, OKW in general is very dependant on doc.inf.

Panzerfusiliers work good, but you will still struggle early untill g43.
Fallshims are really good, but doctrine itself is meh.
Jaegers are good against tommies, but they are soft counter. Because they usually would still overhelm them, without volks support.

But in general, if you as OKW was pushed way too early and let british set up a bit, its pointless to even try bruteforsing your way without ost help.

Its better to just cap something else or help your teammate. You would have much better chances, if you help your teammate to deal with his flank and they maybe try to push away UKF togeather.
28 Jul 2020, 22:18 PM
avatar of SuperHansFan

Posts: 833


Laughs in JT+pfuss blob

OKW boss team games
28 Jul 2020, 22:34 PM
avatar of Clarity

Posts: 479

Just counter the 5 Tommies into AEC into Valentine 4Head
28 Jul 2020, 22:52 PM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

3v3 cannot be applied to 2v2 based on my recent experiences. 3v3 and 4v4 are much closer than 3v3 is to 2v2.

Like, compared to usually playing 2v2, you walk into 3v3 and it feels like 4v4 --> clap everyone in sight like its the 4v4 tourney all over again being dominated by 2v2 and 1v1 players.

Anyway, OKW is pretty rough against Brits, you need to get those ISGs out fast to discourage the cover hugging clumps. The ISGs arent that good but they do a decent amount of health drain such that you can turn many engagements when properly utilized. You can probably make use of the MG34 as well. But ofcourse against a player of similar skill level in 2v2, doing all this will be pretty rough, maybe impossible. I'm also not too sure because I'm more of a casual coh2 player, don't see Brits in 2v2 as often as others.
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