Calliope and priest, the removal of crew is to cut the cheese calling multiple of them far above the 100pop limit by decrewing them between barrage.
Yes this is why vehicle crews were removed. However their ability to self repair should be preserved. |
What a complet joke of patch for USF. Is there anyone that play USF in the balance team? That's a serious question.
The faction remains completly dependant on Calliope doctrines on team game which has been generously nerfed.
Basically only the rangers and 105 sherman see some relevant buff (and I don't really know why for the rangers)
- Pershing: I don't beleive the change is going to make much difference for it.
- Sherman 105: the barrage is a nice addition on paper, to see if it reflect well in game
- Ez8: Range buff is nice but still make the unit a mid-game gamble upon going M4A3/jackson, not a viable strategy. The doctrine is still dead as it is and soft buffing its minor abilities isn't going to cut for it.
- Rifle nade: do you remember it cost 60 munition to upgrade? Do you even know it? If the ability has to become a skill shot then reverse it. Make it an automatic upgrade to ALL Rear Echelon and cost 5 munition per use. Oh and the 15 seconds cooldown, like the cheery nerf on the cake, hilarious, How long is the CD actually, between 8 and 9 seconds, to 15. 
- M8 Greyhound: Lol. What can we say more Who's going to select this doctrine anymore with last patch pakhowi nerf and then Pathfinder nerf and this "buff" to compensate it.
- I&R Pathfinder: Nice double nerf, increasing the delay and putting flare sooner. You've just kill the doctrine removing the cheese in it (which is good move) but leaving the doctrine helpless.
- Ranger: to be tested but I don't know why this change.
- Calliope: no even a price reduction associated to the nerf, not even a CP reduction. Pure and plain nerf to the only unit that make USF late game relevant. The nerf is deserved but the failure to give USF other late game abilities to make the faction viable is a problem.
-244 change: Who call that a buff for a 240 munitions abilities, 1 over 8 shell will not hit randomly.
-No change for airborn is huge deception. Not even putting the P47 price in match with other similar abilities.
-Recon support completely nerfed to the ground in two patches.
-Maybe see a reborn for armor company with the 105m sherman buff but the barrage is still shitty and
-Calliope heavy nerf but still not a single idea how to make USF less dependant on it on team game.
-M4A3 dozer blade removed from mechanized like "USF don't need it anyway everyone pick the 74m"
Aside from that some minor buff to minor abilites that isn't going to make those associated doctrine more interesting to use.
Emphasis on reviving dead commanders like rifle, heavy cav, armor, and recon |
I like the original soviet commander portraits because of their serious, unsaturated, gritty, and almost boring feel.
I do not like the oversaturation of soviet commanders. They have too much color. |
Just my opinion but maybe vehicles like the Pershing and Calliope without a crew can have a self-repair ability instead of buffs to their health.
This is a fantastic idea. Brilliant brilliant. Idk why I didn't think of this but this solves the vehicle crew issues for Calliope, Priest, and Pershing.
Since USF vehicles are supposed to be mobile and aggressive, and because vehicle crews could be exploited for powerful units such as these 3, these units should've had self repairs as compensation for removing vehicle crews from the beginning. |
A unit or weapon should be nerfed if it creates a frustrating un-fun experience for players due to it overperforming. A weapon overperforms if it cannot be countered, is too cheap, or squad wipes too frequently.
The RE rifle nade in fact can be countered easily because
1. It has a long and obvious animation
2. It makes a loud sound
3. Upon impact, it has a long enough time to fuse for a unit to clear its aoe radius
4. Unsupported Rear echelons have low hp, low dps, and are fielded less than other infantry squads and therefore most infantry squads should be able to engage a nade equipped RE.
5. Supported rear echelons are as strong as their support, but this argument does not hold much weight because all support units are strong when supported including snipers pathfinder JLI MGs.
A RE riflenade is not too cheap because it has a similar price tag to flamethrower which serves a similar role in anti-cover. It also has a similar price to BARS and Volks STGs despite not providing nearly as much dps.
A RE riflegrenade also does not have a high frequency to wipe as it can be countered easily as mentioned before.
So the RE rifle nade should not be nerfed and should remain the same.
There are other weapons that fall under this category, but not the RE rifle nade. |
Of course I do, does that mean it's not absolutely retarded for him to deny all cover when using Riflemen in sync without requiring any input? At least incendiary grenades cost munitions each time you use it.
If it is absolutely retarded for a weapon to deny all cover in sync with mainline infantry with no manual input, then it is also absolutely retarded to deny all cover with flamethrower in sync with mainline infantry with no input, because both weapons are anti-cover weapons. This opens up a much larger conversation regarding flamethrower and riflenades. A similar statement can be said about IR STG44s.
If anti-cover weapons should require munitions for every use, then munitions should be required for RE rifle nade shots, flamethrower bursts, and Ober IR STG44 bursts as all three weapons are upgradeable, do not require munitions per use, do not require manual targeting, and are in a similar anti-cover category. |
I don't have to say it for you to know I'm being serious.
So you seriously don't know how to counter a rear Echelon with rifle nades? |
Mostly pretty terrible changes imo
Just to begin: There are no entries under "commander changes" for AEF, why? Why is USF the only faction to not get a different ability slotted in or something swapped around in a commander update? Secondly, all the changes you made to commander abilities (outside of Rifle Company and protip: its still going to be garbage) are nerfs. W H Y ???? USF is not overperforming anything. Rear Echlon rifle grenades SURELY werent overperforming anything. All of this reads so arbitrary, its really saddening.
1. Why are you gutting RE Rifle nades? Theyve been nerfed twice already and now theyre a point and click ability adding more micro tax to the heaviest taxed faction already? Seriously, who thought this was balancing anything? Theyre already the lowest lethal grenade in the entire game. You guy cant remove CB from all static howitzers but a 30 range autofiring grenade every 10 seconds is too much? Wow
2. If youre going to gut the survivability of Calliope for literally no reason other than "its not fair it doesnt die in one hit" than for the love of god lower its cost. The only reason its costs that much is because of the survivability.
3. Youve effectively made the Pershing worse. Im not sure how you made changes to a unit in all the irrelevant spots. The pershing does nothing for your army when its on the field, thats the issue, not repair speed jesus christ.
4. The bulldozer needs a cost reduction as well. Like someone said up thread, this is a DOCTRINAL equivalent to a brumbar or assault weapon and its pure garbage and over-priced. Fix at least ONE of those people. With these changes, its both still garbage and over-priced.
5. You've gutted combined arms. This was one of the most unique commander abilities the USF had that synergized with the playstyle and you just gutted it.
6. Why the IR PF changes? Seriously, how was the barrage overpowered in anyway? It was one of the only reliable off maps the USF has. You REALLY just want a 3 model, squishy ass squad have to call down a worse artillery barrage.
So those are the absolute bonkers, what are you thinking changes, below is the obvious "mail it in, we need to get some changes for these units on paper but we don't really want to actually try anything"
1. M8 Greyhound Canister Shot - 5 muni decrease lmao. Thats what you think is wrong with this unit, canister shot price? Lol
2. Pershing - Just lol, repair speed help? Really?
3. "The dozer blade has been removed from Reserve Armor due to the effectiveness of the 76mm Sherman." - Lol, who in balance team just enjoys nerfing the hell out of every commander and unit. Seriously, why was this necessary at all lol.
+1 on this
I rarely think balance patches require frustrated response but USF I argue is the faction that needs a commander rework the most, so this USF change definitely warrants a frustrated response.
USF had a lot of dead commanders for a faction with the least # of commanders. Anyone correct me on this? OKW and Brits have more commanders than USF.
These are commanders that either are dead or barely used:
Rifle company
Heavy cav
Armor company
Mech assault for team games
Recon is mediocre but used here and there
Look onto vehicle crews for armor company. And Rifle company should give something to Rifles like how it was originally designed. Not a flare that nobody uses. Something good like smoke grenades or sprint or something.
It's deserved. The RE rifle grenade takes zero micro and denies cover, both of which are important mechanics of the game.
Wait... you can't be serious. April Fools joke? LOLOLOLOL
I'll only take you somewhat seriously if you say:
"I have a hard time countering rear echelons with rifle nades."
Say it! |
RE rifle nade nerf is even more unexpected than last patch scott nerf.
"No micro" is a very poor reasoning. Guns, bazooka, shreks, PIATs, ptrs, flamethrower all shoot without manual fire, who thought the RE rifle nade was to be treated differently? The weakest unit in the game equips it. You need to trade away minesweeper. One man holds it. Nobody makes more than 2 REs, and if you make 2 you are probably not playing seriously.
You can't dodge the slowest projectile in the game that has a 3s ticker before it explodes? You can't counter some dude planting the rifle on the ground and it making a very loud noticeable sound? I would love to hear any good player say with a straight face they have a hard time engaging a RE nader. Its a Rear Echelon holding it, not a damn ranger. What is going on here.
It is not in a 1v1 commander either. So I never see it in 1s. Did anyone see the meme riflenade used in ML4 tournament? I definitely didn't.
It's not even that big of a deal because it's not like RE rifle nade was an important strategy or anything. Again, its pretty lackluster and I almost don't care.
But nerfing it is almost hilarious.
I remember saying this last patch. Of ALL things you could touch for USF you decide to nerf shitty Rear Echelon rifle nade lmao.
Uh, go ahead? Nerf the RE rifle grenade, nobody uses that shit anyways.
What's next patch, nerf the M3 halftrack, the wolverine, vehicle crew thompsons? I wouldn't be surprised.
Wait no, even better NERF THE FIGHTING POSITION. |