I think we had it confirmed that mark target from two players stacks
Do the following stack:
Soviet HQ Aura?
Command Tanks?

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2
Thread: Ask the Strategist!5 Jan 2014, 09:36 AM
I think we had it confirmed that mark target from two players stacks Do the following stack: Soviet HQ Aura? Command Tanks? In: Strategy Desk |
Thread: Waffen SS comparison to Wehrmacht at the eastern front5 Jan 2014, 09:34 AM
Basically you can divide SS Units into maybe 4 catagories: 1) What, for want of a better term, you can call "Regular" SS units. Leibstandarte and the ilk These are generally well equipped, well trained and well manned and stay that way throughout the war While not necessary Nazi fanatics - whatever that is suppossed to mean - they were certainly competant and experienced. This does not make them nice people: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oradour-sur-Glane 2) Foreign Volunteers The Regular Armed forces claimed a monopoly on conscripting Germans, and generally would not recruit foreigners. However because infighting was pretty much a Nazi specialty Himmler saw that he could build up his forces and therefore influence by tapping the resources of the conquered nations. Preference was for "Aryan" nations, but this ended up pretty broad by the end. In this you would include the Dutch, Flemings, Waloons, Danes, French, Norwegians, Swedes and Finns. Very few of these people are enthusiastic Nazis and have their own agendas (the Waloons form their own unit because the Flemings have and they don't want to be left behind). They are generally however enthusiatic anti-communists and facist, as well as anti-semitic. Initially distrusted they fight well 3) Anti-partisan units of dubious effectiveness. Some of these are late war German conscripts when the rules got relaxed, others are Balkan and East European volunteers of various types. Basically only good for anti-partisan efforts. Some of them were very enthusiastic about their work and overlap with: 4) Utter scum When you want to disgust even other members of the SS you call in a bunch of violent criminals led by a convicted child rapist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/36th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS In: The Library |
Thread: Waffen SS comparison to Wehrmacht at the eastern front5 Jan 2014, 09:01 AM
Sorry for the delay, I have not read a great deal on this and by no means an expert, so this is very much an outline. SS Unit quality fluctuated over time, and was highly variable within the organisation. Their best were very good. Their worst were very bad, in several senses of the word In the early war they were not very important numerically, nor very good. Recruitment had to be carried out against the obstruction of the other armed forces who jealously guarded their "rights" as the sole bearers of arms. One of the reasons the Heer supported Hitler in the Night of the Long Knives was because Rohm and the SA were agitating that they would be the new army. However, in an army that was short on motor transport what SS units there were motorised and as such of interest to the high command. However they did not distinguish themselves in the War in the West. In: The Library |
Thread: Reliable way to kill Panthers?5 Jan 2014, 01:18 AM
You will find a very small period before one or both of the T 34s gets destroyed and the Tiger can move again I think. |
Thread: How do you use your bulletins?4 Jan 2014, 06:22 AM
See, I'm sceptical that less build time on mines and bunkers is worthwhile. Given that mines cost muntions and bunkers manpower and usually muntions, the limiting factor is on income not build time. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: How do you use your bulletins?3 Jan 2014, 12:15 PM
http://www.coh2.org/topic/5229/guide-on-impact-of-bulletins Some have changed since then, but the principles remain In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: How do you use your bulletins?3 Jan 2014, 12:11 PM
I think there's a discussion in the archive on this. Recieved wisdom is to buff the infantry you will use all game and to get the early advantage Unless I am trying a specific strategy. Both: Accuracy on Conscipts and Grenadiers Soviets: Molotov Range Something else, currently Penetration with Guards. Ostheer: Panzergrenadier Accuracy Grenadier Cooldown and reload In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Waffen SS comparison to Wehrmacht at the eastern front3 Jan 2014, 12:06 PM
Glad to be of assistance, when I get back in I'll contribute to the seperate discussion on unit quality. In: The Library |
Thread: Waffen SS comparison to Wehrmacht at the eastern front3 Jan 2014, 01:26 AM
So you are going to need to specify where your figures for the SS come from and what they relate to. When they are from? Are the total strength or Ostfront only? Are they referring only to the Waffen SS, or to the SS as a whole? In: The Library |
Thread: Waffen SS comparison to Wehrmacht at the eastern front3 Jan 2014, 01:21 AM
Does the OP have a satisfactory answer, or are we going to argue about the relative mertis of the SS v Wehrmacht Glantz knows his stuff http://sti.clemson.edu/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=189&Itemid=310 No, I don't know your source for the SS figures or when they relate to (or if they are overall SS strength or just that in the East), but if I drop them in with Glantz you get this Code
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