
russian armor

Soviet tanks are garbage

7 Oct 2019, 14:55 PM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 927

Depends actually, by 1944/45 (where this game's set in) the soviets actually had the germans outclassed in basically everything except for crazy impractical wunderwaffen ideas.

Still they managed to lose more soldiers despite having every conceivable advantage.
7 Oct 2019, 15:24 PM
avatar of Acidfreak

Posts: 281

guys i think atleast kv8 flame damage should be atleast comparable to flame halftrack of OST. in my experience OST halftrack burns in seconds, while kv8 already being slow takes much more time to burn. if you dont believe me you can test it yourself
7 Oct 2019, 15:43 PM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

guys i think atleast kv8 flame damage should be atleast comparable to flame halftrack of OST. in my experience OST halftrack burns in seconds, while kv8 already being slow takes much more time to burn. if you dont believe me you can test it yourself

OST 251 has 2 flames projectors, ergo double the burnination
7 Oct 2019, 16:59 PM
avatar of Acidfreak

Posts: 281

OST 251 has 2 flames projectors, ergo double the burnination

kv8 is 145 fuel. should be equal flame performance then.
7 Oct 2019, 17:24 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

kv8 is 145 fuel. should be equal flame performance then.

Kv can swith to 45 mm gun. Has a lot more hp and armour. I believe it gets the damage reduction to 0.8 as well. Has heavy crush.

Id say the kv 8 is fine as is. Defenitly no buff needed.
7 Oct 2019, 19:09 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

Guys guys, with this logic we should have t70 ai for each medium, mg of tanks should supress like aa ht, etc ,etc
7 Oct 2019, 20:14 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Oct 2019, 14:18 PMspajn
Soviet quality was crap in real life.

It doesn't matter if you have adequate gun and outnumber opponents 20 to 1.

Quantity is quality on its own.

Also, IRL P4 wasn't roflstomping T34s as it does in CoH, it was the other way around.
7 Oct 2019, 20:51 PM
avatar of cochosgo

Posts: 301

Guys, guys,

T34 are shit, but please, the kv8 can frontally assault Paks.
7 Oct 2019, 22:13 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Guys, guys,

T34 are shit, but please, the kv8 can frontally assault Paks.

All medium or better flamers will kill ATGs frontally.
8 Oct 2019, 11:34 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

this feels like a troll thread... soviet tanks arent crap... although i feel ram should be a better ability

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Oct 2019, 14:18 PMspajn
Soviet quality was crap in real life.

in what sense? the T-34 mod 41 had superior armor and gun to the panzer 4F...it was also a significantly faster tank with better cross country mobility...

the T-34 mod 43 had superior armor to the Panzer 4 F2-G while sporting a gun good enough to penetrate the 50mm of armor the panzer 4 F2-G sported.... and of course its also faster

the T-34-85 outclasses the Panzer 4 H-J outright in all aspects except ergonomics...

if youre comparing on the standards of optics and ergonomics then thats the tradeoff for being all that and having a pricetag less than half of that of a sherman...

and if we talk about soviet heavies well the IS-2 mod 44 is lighter than tiger but sports a bigger gun capable of knocking out all fielded german heavies... and armor resistant to the KwK 43 up to 1km... did i mention that its faster aswell?

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Oct 2019, 14:55 PMspajn

Still they managed to lose more soldiers despite having every conceivable advantage.

not quite... the soviets took heavy losses in order to accomplish deep battle... but managed to successfully disable/capture far more german soldiers than the numbers present...

also by late 1944/45 the red army had less losses per engagement than the wehrmacht took... check out the vistula oder offensive...
8 Oct 2019, 15:57 PM
avatar of blancat

Posts: 810

He is deliberately attracting attention

Do not feed him
8 Oct 2019, 22:47 PM
avatar of Ritter

Posts: 255

Permanently Banned
its sad how people think
9 Oct 2019, 01:09 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Oct 2019, 22:47 PMRitter
its sad how people think

this is great observation from hitler right here
9 Oct 2019, 05:40 AM
avatar of KiwiBirb

Posts: 789

Why did my brain shrink
10 Oct 2019, 17:42 PM
avatar of Ritter

Posts: 255

Permanently Banned
it actually grew, just from reading this thread. It was small., but now inreasing through the intelligence in this post
10 Oct 2019, 18:20 PM
avatar of Grining Cat

Posts: 98

He is deliberately attracting attention

Do not feed him

But he looks so hungry, just give him a few cookies :)
10 Oct 2019, 18:39 PM
avatar of Smiling Tiger

Posts: 207

It doesn't matter if you have adequate gun and outnumber opponents 20 to 1.

Also, IRL P4 wasn't roflstomping T34s as it does in CoH, it was the other way around.

The Soviets did not produce 20 times more tanks than the Germans did, the margin isn't even close to that high, also the Germans actually built more assault guns and tank destroyers than they did tanks, the Stug iii being the most built.

More importantly though the T-34 and Panzer iv both had their own qualities and flaws which changed over the course of the war as both were upgraded, and at no point did either vehicle "roflstomp" the other.
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