
russian armor

sniper idea

26 Nov 2022, 05:43 AM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

Sniper should have a longer reload time (around 8-10 seconds, or more), so they act more as a support unit rather than a killing machine.
26 Nov 2022, 11:18 AM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2022, 05:43 AMSpanky
Sniper should have a longer reload time (around 8-10 seconds, or more), so they act more as a support unit rather than a killing machine.

So going from a support weapon counter to a sweaty meta "I just payed 340 manpower to be more likely to win this one infantry engagement" unit?

EDIT: Might as well just remove wehr sniper and replace it with the kubel at that point. Seriously.

EDIT 2: Not that I wish to imply that sniper isn't already sweaty meta "I just payed 340 manpower to be more likely to win this one infantry engagement" unit. It is, but with a change like that, that is all the sniper ever could be. Unless it started to suppress on hit or something.
26 Nov 2022, 13:28 PM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

So going from a support weapon counter to a sweaty meta "I just payed 340 manpower to be more likely to win this one infantry engagement" unit?

EDIT: Might as well just remove wehr sniper and replace it with the kubel at that point. Seriously.

EDIT 2: Not that I wish to imply that sniper isn't already sweaty meta "I just payed 340 manpower to be more likely to win this one infantry engagement" unit. It is, but with a change like that, that is all the sniper ever could be. Unless it started to suppress on hit or something.

It is just a suggestion, you come off like I just hurt your feelings. But then again, I've been around the CoH community long enough to know that people here are very sensitive to other peoples opinions. Case closed, wont bother posting here as this site is just sad nowadays. Bye.
26 Nov 2022, 13:56 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2022, 13:28 PMSpanky

It is just a suggestion, you come off like I just hurt your feelings. But then again, I've been around the CoH community long enough to know that people here are very sensitive to other peoples opinions. Case closed, wont bother posting here as this site is just sad nowadays. Bye.

I guess adjusting the price according to sniper performance is rather easy.
26 Nov 2022, 19:23 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2271 | Subs: 1

this thread was to suggest a cone-shaped line of sight for the sniper

nobody took it up and this thread completely derailed

coh2 forum experience
26 Nov 2022, 22:05 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2022, 13:28 PMSpanky

It is just a suggestion, you come off like I just hurt your feelings. But then again, I've been around the CoH community long enough to know that people here are very sensitive to other peoples opinions. Case closed, wont bother posting here as this site is just sad nowadays. Bye.

The only sensitive one here seems to be you. Apparently you're deciding to quit the board because someone had an opinion about your suggestion, and you're calling me sensitive? Look man, I don't know how long you've been using the internet for, but people are gonna have opinions about you, what you say, and how many nights they spend at your mothers house a week. That doesn't mean that they're angry at you, or that you're going to have to put them in your contacts list as "Step Dad". It just means you're surfing the world wide web, hombre. Welcome.
26 Nov 2022, 22:30 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

To be completely and totally fair to Katukov, diving a sniper with a 222 is going to happen way more often than other light vehicles because of the simple fact that unlike grenadiers, you have a visual indicator of whether or not penals can snare or not.

Yes and no. Conscripts are always a choice with snipers and driving past one is a gamble. Better at range, oorah, universal upgrade, no sign on it's back.

26 Nov 2022, 23:28 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2022, 22:30 PMKoRneY

Yes and no. Conscripts are always a choice with snipers and driving past one is a gamble. Better at range, oorah, universal upgrade, no sign on it's back.

Not that arguments should be entirely based upon meta but there aren't many builds I can think of that mix penals and conscripts together that aren't shooting themselves in the foot. Especially plus a sniper on top of it.

You've got your normal penal builds where you spend most of your fuel on T1 and the scout car and therefore it's not worthwhile to tech at nades because penals get snare with upgrade. There's also T1 cons/sniper tank hunter build which also gives an indicator of whether or not cons can snare.

Or your opponent could have teched AT nades in addition to all the other teching he's been doing so honestly the cost of the at nede tech really balances out with a 222 dive in the grand scheme of things anyways.

EDIT: And if you're talking some kind of unholy T1 conscript/sniper build with no scout car and at grenade tech, then your frontline is gonna have way more issues to deal with than a 222 dive anyways so that doesn't count.
26 Nov 2022, 23:40 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2022, 22:30 PMKoRneY

Yes and no. Conscripts are always a choice with snipers and driving past one is a gamble. Better at range, oorah, universal upgrade, no sign on it's back.

Longer range relative to penals? penal snare is far from what a 222 should be fearing, and if you focus on cons, you will have no at rifles to buffer having no ATG
27 Nov 2022, 00:23 AM
avatar of Looney
Patrion 14

Posts: 444

this thread was to suggest a cone-shaped line of sight for the sniper

nobody took it up and this thread completely derailed

coh2 forum experience

The cone is an interesting idea, but think about it, what would that really accomplish?

They already nerfed vision and gave the sniper 100% accuracy against units in buildings in return. But looking back at it, that wasn't a nerf, but a buff in the end. What's the point in changing vision when good players support the sniper with mainlines to provide scouting anyway.

Even if you gave the sniper 0 vision it would still be a dumb unit.

27 Nov 2022, 09:45 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13481 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2022, 00:23 AMLooney

The cone is an interesting idea, but think about it, what would that really accomplish?

They already nerfed vision and gave the sniper 100% accuracy against units in buildings in return. But looking back at it, that wasn't a nerf, but a buff in the end. What's the point in changing vision when good players support the sniper with mainlines to provide scouting anyway.

Even if you gave the sniper 0 vision it would still be a dumb unit.

Actually the two are unrelated and made at different times.

The garrison change was a consistency change since one sniper (think it was UKF) has lower accuracy vs garrison.
27 Nov 2022, 13:43 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2022, 23:40 PMKatukov

Longer range relative to penals? penal snare is far from what a 222 should be fearing, and if you focus on cons, you will have no at rifles to buffer having no ATG

In relation to penals yes
27 Nov 2022, 13:45 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682


I've seen cons, sniper, scout car, guards in the scout car and a shit ton of mines. 222 was pretty dead in the water
27 Nov 2022, 15:45 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2271 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2022, 00:23 AMLooney

The cone is an interesting idea, but think about it, what would that really accomplish?

i literally explained it in the 1st post
27 Nov 2022, 16:33 PM
avatar of rumartinez89

Posts: 599

i literally explained it in the 1st post

I like the idea but it really isn’t a big enough tax. Snipers should be supported to begin with so the cone sight isn’t to big of a nerf. I would suggest taking it a step further and giving it a cone of fire similar to a maxim. So if a target leaves the cone of fire the sniper either has to pick a different target or completely reposition. To begin firing again.
27 Nov 2022, 17:07 PM
avatar of Looney
Patrion 14

Posts: 444

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2022, 09:45 AMVipper

Actually the two are unrelated and made at different times.

The garrison change was a consistency change since one sniper (think it was UKF) has lower accuracy vs garrison.

Thanks for the info!

i literally explained it in the 1st post

Yes, I read your post and made that reply. The cone idea is for sure interesting, but imo not enough to really fix the sniper problem at it's core.

What do you think of changes to camo or making it not be able to shoot while being under fire? I feel like that would have a bigger impact.

27 Nov 2022, 17:25 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2271 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2022, 17:07 PMLooney

Thanks for the info!

Yes, I read your post and made that reply. The cone idea is for sure interesting, but imo not enough to really fix the sniper problem at it's core.

What do you think of changes to camo or making it not be able to shoot while being under fire? I feel like that would have a bigger impact.

the shoot one is unrealistic unfortunately and abusable

the camo idea is good. i would approve that.
the sniper lovers wouldnt like that but you could at least delay the time to camo in cover and out of cover with 1-2 sec
27 Nov 2022, 17:43 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Nov 2022, 17:07 PMLooney
What do you think of changes to camo or making it not be able to shoot while being under fire? I feel like that would have a bigger impact.

I like the idea of the sniper not being able to shoot while under fire. Or, more specifically, I think it would be interesting if the sniper took massively increased suppression from other units (so much that a few volleys might suppress but not pin the sniper). That or either aim time is significantly increased, or accuracy is significantly decreased while receiving fire.

Makes sense right? It's just one dude with a sniper. He needs to have a good visual on his target, and being shot at and having to take cover makes that a bit harder.

27 Nov 2022, 17:55 PM
avatar of Looney
Patrion 14

Posts: 444

the shoot one is unrealistic unfortunately and abusable

the camo idea is good. i would approve that.
the sniper lovers wouldnt like that but you could at least delay the time to camo in cover and out of cover with 1-2 sec

Yeah, the shoot one might be too much to implement sadly.

I like the idea of the sniper not being able to shoot while under fire. Or, more specifically, I think it would be interesting if the sniper took massively increased suppression from other units (so much that a few volleys might suppress but not pin the sniper). That or either aim time is significantly increased, or accuracy is significantly decreased while receiving fire.

Makes sense right? It's just one dude with a sniper. He needs to have a good visual on his target, and being shot at and having to take cover makes that a bit harder.

Yeah I feel like it makes sense, looking at snipers irl, I don't think it's easy aim when under fire.

Making it get supressed when under fire is a great idea. Though thinking about it... hopefully LVs won't be able to supress it, they would absolute destroy snipers if that were the case lol.

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