
russian armor

since we are adding prototype tanks in game

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11 Oct 2022, 14:31 PM
avatar of Fargoth88

Posts: 30

This is CoH 3. Not a brand new franchise that's attempting to market itself as 100% realistic. It's a continuation of the first 2 games

This is really strange reasoning though. COH3 can be more realistic than the previous games and still not be 100% realistic. COH3 is already more authentic than COH2, even when taking the BP into account. There are no soviets running around and the Germans only have doctrinal tigers and panthers. This does make the BP stand out. If they want to do soviets and give Jagdtigers and Sturmtigers to the Wehrmacht, I don’t have as much of an issue with the BP.

Many design decisions Relic made in COH2 aren’t exactly liked by most people in this thread (if not most of the community). You can name those as counterexamples but they don’t prove that we are inconsistent. While I think giving OKW a KT and a JT is alright in a vacuum, I think the execution of that faction fell flat on its face when it first released. A lot of the balance changes were focused on changing that design. Very few people would disagree that OKW needed to be more focused on light and medium vehicles from the start. Both for historical and gameplay reasons. The same holds true for the British in both games. They feel as a bad representation of history and bad game design.

11 Oct 2022, 17:57 PM
avatar of Willy Pete

Posts: 340

This is really strange reasoning though.

The person I was responding to said Relic's history doesn't matter at all. I think that is a much stranger statement than me pointing out that coh3 is a sequel and that precedence matters. Doesn't mean coh3 needs to be exactly the same, but the first 2 games patterns are definitely not irrelevant...

I'm not rly sure y u r still talking to me tbh. U have made ur opinion clear, and u have already conceded that coh2 has more failures of authenticity then coh3. U also conceded that u still plan on buying the game. My entire debate started over someone saying they wouldn't be buying coh3 cuz of BP. Which they are entitled to do, but i find that silly

All im saying is the lvl of surprise over BP confuses me. That's it
12 Oct 2022, 11:37 AM
avatar of BasedSecretary

Posts: 1197

Lol im glad u finally learned how to read. At least u graduated from assuming everyone arguing against u is just obsessed with allied dominance

Because its relevant to my point. Just cuz its not relevant to ur incessant whining doesn't mean shit

This is CoH 3. Not a brand new franchise that's attempting to market itself as 100% realistic. It's a continuation of the first 2 games

U mean its part of ur problem. I guess cope is just a word u scream at everyone else except urself

I have no problem with KT being included in coh2. If u think i do, then clearly u r still struggling with reading

No it's not. Simple as that. And your answer shows this.

You just want to stick it to "kek ma WehRaBoOsS".

Any person with 0.5braincell would be against BP because it sets a very terrible precedent.

Ok maybe if you stretch retardedness far enough you could get away with the addition of a special unit type BP. What will happen when, in a year's time or two, lelic will want to to add as a dlc more obsolete vehicles?

Or if they wanted to make it a historical fiction shit? Like putting Japanese faction fighting in NA alongside DAK and Wehr?

Think, please. Think big scale before you start pounding for KT or ST or JT or whatever other shits and giggles alliedcucks obsess themselves over.
12 Oct 2022, 11:39 AM
avatar of BasedSecretary

Posts: 1197

The person I was responding to said Relic's history doesn't matter at all. I think that is a much stranger statement than me pointing out that coh3 is a sequel and that precedence matters. Doesn't mean coh3 needs to be exactly the same, but the first 2 games patterns are definitely not irrelevant...

I'm not rly sure y u r still talking to me tbh. U have made ur opinion clear, and u have already conceded that coh2 has more failures of authenticity then coh3. U also conceded that u still plan on buying the game. My entire debate started over someone saying they wouldn't be buying coh3 cuz of BP. Which they are entitled to do, but i find that silly

All im saying is the lvl of surprise over BP confuses me. That's it


I said the exact opposite. You can argue all day and all night whether the representation of KT/JT etc. on the vacuum of a COMPANY level military engagement is fair and ""realistic"" but you can never argue the historicity of the units taking part.

This is a new age of retardedness where people can and will argue about whether BP fighting capability is fairly represented in the game since IT NEVER FOUGHT. IT'S A PAPER TANK FFS IT HAS 0 COMBAT HISTORY. 0!
12 Oct 2022, 12:12 PM
avatar of Willy Pete

Posts: 340

No it's not. Simple as that. And your answer shows this.

You just want to stick it to "kek ma WehRaBoOsS".

We already went over this "professor" :rolleyes:

I play both sides. I doubt the same can be said for u seeing as ur having a mental crisis because of the BP

Any person with 0.5braincell would be against BP because it sets a very terrible precedent.

Ok maybe if you stretch retardedness far enough you could get away with the addition of a special unit type BP. What will happen when, in a year's time or two, lelic will want to to add as a dlc more obsolete vehicles?

I guess ull stop playing the game and we won't have to hear from u anymore? Oh no, what a nightmare

Or if they wanted to make it a historical fiction shit? Like putting Japanese faction fighting in NA alongside DAK and Wehr?

U mean like the British defending moscow? U mean like usf defending stalingrad? Have u ever played coh2 u fucking nitwit?

Think, please. Think big scale before you start pounding for KT or ST or JT or whatever other shits and giggles alliedcucks obsess themselves over.

Lmao ur pathetic hypocrisy is so entertaining. And i don't think u even know what ur arguing against

Im not ur therapist, go cry to someone else
12 Oct 2022, 12:24 PM
avatar of Willy Pete

Posts: 340


I said the exact opposite. You can argue all day and all night whether the representation of KT/JT etc. on the vacuum of a COMPANY level military engagement is fair and ""realistic"" but you can never argue the historicity of the units taking part.

American riflemen in stalingrad? That's historical? British comets in Moscow? Ussr T34s in Eindhoven?

This is a new age of retardedness where people can and will argue about whether BP fighting capability is fairly represented in the game since IT NEVER FOUGHT. IT'S A PAPER TANK FFS IT HAS 0 COMBAT HISTORY. 0!

This has nothing to with my point, but feel free to keep crying about it if it makes u feel better. Cuz its definitely making me laugh
12 Oct 2022, 12:31 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

not to get involved, but coh2 doesn't mimick IRL combat effectiveness either

but rather gaym balance
12 Oct 2022, 13:10 PM
avatar of BasedSecretary

Posts: 1197

American riflemen in stalingrad? That's historical? British comets in Moscow? Ussr T34s in Eindhoven?

This has nothing to with my point, but feel free to keep crying about it if it makes u feel better. Cuz its definitely making me laugh

We already went over this "professor" :rolleyes:

I play both sides. I doubt the same can be said for u seeing as ur having a mental crisis because of the BP

I guess ull stop playing the game and we won't have to hear from u anymore? Oh no, what a nightmare

U mean like the British defending moscow? U mean like usf defending stalingrad? Have u ever played coh2 u fucking nitwit?

Lmao ur pathetic hypocrisy is so entertaining. And i don't think u even know what ur arguing against

Im not ur therapist, go cry to someone else

150% retard mode activated.

Aborting conversation with you.
12 Oct 2022, 13:58 PM
avatar of Willy Pete

Posts: 340

150% retard mode activated.

Aborting conversation with you.

U mean u don't have a response. Screaming and crying about alliedcucks didn't work so ur out of options lmao

Solid work "professor" :clap:
12 Oct 2022, 14:37 PM
avatar of BasedSecretary

Posts: 1197

U mean u don't have a response. Screaming and crying about alliedcucks didn't work so ur out of options lmao

Solid work "professor" :clap:

I cannot respond to the same retarded arguments with the same disarming logic that I possess for the 34th time in this thread.

12 Oct 2022, 14:41 PM
avatar of Willy Pete

Posts: 340

I cannot respond to the same retarded arguments with the same disarming logic that I possess for the 34th time in this thread.


"Disarming logic" lol. U keep repeating shit that has nothing to do with what im saying

I have demonstrated to u multiple times that axis v allies has nothing to do with it, and yet u keep whining about alliedcucks and wheraboos lol

U did not respond to my point about comets in moscow/usf in stalingrad/soviets in eindhoven. U gave example of japan possibly fighting with DAK in coh3 but u completely ignore that coh2 already did something exactly like that
12 Oct 2022, 15:08 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

Lol the proffesor finally ran out of steam. That we would see the day lol.
12 Oct 2022, 15:24 PM
avatar of BasedSecretary

Posts: 1197

"Disarming logic" lol. U keep repeating shit that has nothing to do with what im saying

I have demonstrated to u multiple times that axis v allies has nothing to do with it, and yet u keep whining about alliedcucks and wheraboos lol

U did not respond to my point about comets in moscow/usf in stalingrad/soviets in eindhoven. U gave example of japan possibly fighting with DAK in coh3 but u completely ignore that coh2 already did something exactly like that

Lol the proffesor finally ran out of steam. That we would see the day lol.

Double trouble huh?:ot::ot::ot::ot::ot::ot::ot::ot::ot::ot::ot:
23 Oct 2022, 04:54 AM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1334

he who commands a phd degree is called "doctor" that's how you should call me

Doctor B.S. ...I like it :clap:
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