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Why are here many people that don't even play this game?

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12 Aug 2020, 10:38 AM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

There are too many people on this balance dedicated subpart of this website that simply have no business being here. I am not talking about rank 9999+ people, I am not talking about people that openly admit that they only touch one fraction " because they don't want to play nazis " ( and apparently think that soviets and brits are nazis too??? ) , I am not talking about people that only play 4 vs 4. The kind of "player" that has no business being here and actively hurts the balance efforts are the ones who haven't touched the game in months.

There are so many of them. Some of them even have over 15,6k posts yet haven't played a ranked game in months. Like what are you doing here ? The game has changed since you played it the last time, so why do you think your opinion ( e.g. in Polls ) is relevant in any way? Your blurred memories from a match you had 3 months ago do not exactly contribute much to efforts regarding balance

B-b-but maybe they watch a lot of streams on Twitch and play custom games / or have a smurf account.

Watching twitch streams doens't qualify you to take part in discussions about the balance. What would you say if I would just flood the balance dedictated website of ... lets say WoT even though I have never played it before and only saw it in streams ?

Neither does playing custom games. Playing against the same players every match, on the same map and possibly with the same fraction maybe even against people with 20 hours in this game doesn't count either

And what if they are smurf accounts ?

Not only do I despise smurfs, since they pretty much destroy the fun for newcomers / people on low ranks but I find it highly unlikely that so much people on this website have smurf accounts and also chose to display their smurf account on their profile instead of their "real" one.

Tl;dr: Play ranked matches or stay out of discussions ( and polls ) regarding balance
12 Aug 2020, 11:31 AM
avatar of A table

Posts: 249

Tl;dr: Play ranked matches or stay out of discussions ( and polls ) regarding balance

Tbf it amuses me what people come up with sometimes. Does that count?
12 Aug 2020, 11:32 AM
avatar of |GB| The Lnt.599

Posts: 322 | Subs: 1

Its sad but true OP is right.
12 Aug 2020, 11:40 AM
avatar of Unit G17

Posts: 498

Some of them even have over 15,6k posts yet haven't played a ranked game in months.

Lol, I wonder who they are. :)
12 Aug 2020, 11:41 AM
avatar of MMX

Posts: 999 | Subs: 1

dude, chill! this is a forum, a place to voice your opinion and discuss with others, not some sort of elitist club or party. if you have a valid point about about balance it speaks for itself - no matter if you have 10 or 10k in-game hours under your belt. same goes vice versa of course. i've seen enough people who play the game on a regular basis posting, let's say, "questionable" statements to say that this is not really a qualifying criterion.
12 Aug 2020, 11:55 AM
avatar of Sp33dSnake

Posts: 149

Lol, I wonder who they are. :)

Yeah, soon as I saw it, I knew he was talking about Kaitof. xD

I will agree about Smurs though. Smurfs, in any skill based game, ruin gameplay experience because they want to play the game on easy mode.

I liken it to a HS football team paying a Power 5 college QB to play a game so they can win it.

Personally, I don't care. Anyone, anytime, anywhere.

But smurfs are pieces are garbage, and should be considered cheaters.
12 Aug 2020, 12:29 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Aug 2020, 11:41 AMMMX
dude, chill! this is a forum, a place to voice your opinion and discuss with others, not some sort of elitist club or party

Are my demands really elitist ? I don't care about bad players or players that only play Certain fractions ( at least to some degree ) or players that only play certain game modes like only 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3

All I demand is certain people to actually play ranked games and then they can come back and participate again.

And the thing is: Some of the people that haven't played a game in months yet have lots of posts are the ones who trashtalk on others very often and turn a lot of discussion into a OT, pointless nitpicky discussion by using strawman arguments. So making them play some games first would not only keep em away for a while but maybe even lower their biasm.

Edit: I think I just even found a dude who doesn't even own the game at all anymore ( not sure though, his wording leaves room for speculation )
12 Aug 2020, 12:37 PM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

Meh. People have a right to post if they want to, assuming they follow the forum guidelines. If you feel someone is unqualified to be posting, by all means dismiss their opinions. There are certainly some people here who's opinions I take with liberal doses of salt.
12 Aug 2020, 12:40 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Aug 2020, 11:38 AMKatitof
Why are people so salty about other people to the point, where they make a wall of text to complain about them

Why have you over dozens of posts the last week alone, yet not a ranked game in months ?
Why do you sometimes distort the things people wrote in order to make them fit your own opinion?
Why are you so upset about this "wall of text" where you call it "rectal bleeding", accuse me of lying for no reason and even go through my profile and post history( not that I had a problem with it ... it is just ... interesting)?

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Aug 2020, 11:38 AMKatitof
AND lie in the process despite clear evidence after clicking on their very forum profile and checking one thing or two there


jump backJump back to quoted post12 Aug 2020, 11:38 AMKatitof

And before you continue your rectal bleeding, let me remind you that people like ullumulu, achpawel, vipper or thekingsown apparently actively play the game. Check their post history and uploaded replays and reconsider who should be allowed to post and where.

At no point did I complain about Vipper ( and I don't even know who thekingsown is )
12 Aug 2020, 12:59 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Why have you over dozens of posts the last week alone, yet not a ranked game in months ?
Why do you sometimes distort the things people wrote in order to make them fit your own opinion?
Why are you so upset about this "wall of text" where you call it "rectal bleeding", accuse me of lying for no reason and even go through my profile and post history( not that I had a problem with it ... it is just ... interesting)?

There literally is a replay from me from over a month ago uploaded here. Did smurfs uploaded it? Did I wrote a bot that plays the game for me and uploads reps? If a fucking REPLAY uploaded to this page is not evidence enough of playing often enough, then nothing will be for morons like you or certain moderator or legless reptilian accusing me of "not playing the game" and believe me, at one point it was a meme, but at this point, you'll just call you shit eating retards every time it'll be brought up.

I'm fine if I'll get suspended for this, hell at this point I do not give a shit anymore and couldn't care less, I've talked with mods enough times, I know when I'm going overboard, I usually limit myself, but there is only so much tolerance I have for entitled, ignorant fucks like you, and wouldn't be surprised to be hit again, but I'm fed up with this bullshit and honestly, the sole fact that I'm not permad is what keeps me here having discussions about the game I like and yes, I do question myself why I still go back here to this free range insane asylum so often.

Now, how many replays aforementioned players upload to show how they play and give themsleves a credibility outside of spouting random crap all day?
If you spout bullshit, at least try to do the most basic of research about it.

Also, I'm sure you've see a post of two from me in the past, you should be well aware that I'm as subtle as avalanche and will not hesitate or refrain from calling things how they are.
This is troll thread, you've succeeded greatly by baiting me into it, so I'll give you this much.

At no point did I complain about Vipper

Well then, perhaps instead of focusing on "players who have not played for months/years" you should make a post focusing on players who do play regularly, but have lost any kind of grip on reality and are constantly repeating "red units OP, imaginary benchmark is a must, nerf everything to buff weak units, I don't know stats, I will ignore that link with stats from you and will refuse to learn stats, but my feeling tell me I'm right!" instead?
Just an idea.
12 Aug 2020, 13:07 PM
avatar of BetterDead ThanRed

Posts: 219

you might possess knowledge about the game, and you flaunt it around like some king of the forum, and it seems to me that you spend way more time on the forum, beating down people that don't share your opinions, than actually playing the game.

get stuck in the game, or get out of the forum?
12 Aug 2020, 13:14 PM
avatar of mr.matrix300

Posts: 518

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Aug 2020, 12:59 PMKatitof

There literally is a replay from me from over a month ago uploaded here

Your point being? You uploading a replay over a month ago ( so 30 days + )doens't prove that you played this game during the last month. Also your playercard showing, that you have no rank at all in any gamemode makes it really hard to belive that you are a active player

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Aug 2020, 12:59 PMKatitof
you'll just call you shit eating retards every time it'll be brought up

Whoa ... someone is getting a little bit upset here

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Aug 2020, 12:59 PMKatitof

If you spout bullshit, at least try to do the most basic of research about it

Well ... even if this replay would be of any relevance here ... it is not possible to access your profile and thus see your replays "Error 403"

12 Aug 2020, 13:15 PM
avatar of Hannibal
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3112 | Subs: 2

ffs, this has deteriorated beyond saving

12 Aug 2020, 13:15 PM
avatar of JulianSnow

Posts: 321

Well, most people first look at "who" posts before putting some value into their comment.
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