
russian armor

G fucking G

by Pitt66 12th September 2016, 18:52 PM
Moscow Outskirts (4)
Moscow Outskirts
  • [00:00:10] Stark: kurwa, north as always
  • [00:00:13] Stark: hf
  • [00:00:17] [NS] TüMe: Cyka
  • [00:00:19] [NS] TüMe: always
  • [01:02:12] Stark: finally that stuart made me crazy
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Duration: 01:11:36
12 Sep 2016, 18:52 PM
avatar of Pitt66

Posts: 41 | Subs: 1

a god damn nice game
best game i had since weeks
worth to watch !

gg wp

12 Sep 2016, 18:56 PM
avatar of FLTA

Posts: 200 | Subs: 1

Was a good game, vet5 jagd is insane. Would 1-shot with AP bullets.
12 Sep 2016, 19:00 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

crazy mother-fking-game. When that vet 5 jpv first time shotted my jackson, my jaw touched ground.

calliope op, mortar op, guards op, i know. But holy shit vet 5 !

ggwp! :thumbsup:
12 Sep 2016, 19:03 PM
avatar of Gdot

Posts: 1165 | Subs: 1

12 Sep 2016, 19:55 PM
avatar of vasa1719

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4

Permanently Banned
OKW vet system are fine :p.
12 Sep 2016, 20:19 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36


Nice Tankplay from the Axis. But I have the feeling Firefly had rekt Axis tanks :)

I smell Replay Highlight :)
12 Sep 2016, 20:31 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

well, i guess it doesnt matter if u have 10k fuel, and low on mp... and i doubt firefly would rek vet 5 jpv. and then, what would have rekt all dat infantry if brits instead usf. (no soviet is no option) :guyokay:

And north moscow if fking MYTH i mean , tell me, what it is what makes it so ''hard'' to play. i dont see it , as far as i watch field. ppl say ''fuk, north moscow'' but in the end, i dont see any1 point the reason of more shittier side, north

i think calliopes had like 2-3 barrages when they didint wipe full squad, during whole game, but seems like shit just doesnt hurt okw like it hurts ost :(

edit: #PrayForOstheer
12 Sep 2016, 20:37 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2016, 20:31 PMTüMe
well, i guess it doesnt matter if u have 10k fuel, and low on mp... and i doubt firefly would rek vet 5 jpv. and then, what would have rekt all dat infantry if brits instead usf. (no soviet is no option) :guyokay:


And north moscow if fking MYTH i mean , tell me, what it is what makes it so ''hard'' to play. i dont see it , as far as i watch field. ppl say ''fuk, north moscow'' but in the end, i dont see any1 point the reason of more shittier side, north

i think calliopes had like 2-3 barrages when they didint wipe full squad, during whole game, but seems like shit just doesnt hurt okw like it hurts ost :(

edit: #PrayForOstheer
12 Sep 2016, 20:37 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

da fuk i made edit and it did repost :loco:
12 Sep 2016, 20:51 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36


everyone knows the north in moscow is the most awful spawning place possible

Well i think with 2 OKW this map is fine from North.

But think about when you would be 2 Wehrmacht or 1 Wehrmacht and 1 OKW.

You get in big problems tümee.

I see a lot of teams playing USA and brits and its very cheese :) So no soviets needed.

Yes Talisman bleeded very well --> 4 cons, 3 guarde ...
I think good M3 or maximspam had kicked OKW ass^^

Pitt had nothing anymore only his Piv and JadgtIV at one point ( Popcap on 40, while other 70-90) All his inf died vs arty.

And yes JadgtIv vet5 is best unit on the field! From cost / efficient
12 Sep 2016, 21:03 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

maybe for ostheer yeah, but there is no map which isnt pain for ostheer atm. riflemen/IS/penals (even cons) kick ostheer ass, only way to survive is sniper or well played mg42 at early game. and in that case , north moscow is hard for ostheer, tho not that much for okw.
yeah, ppl plays usa/ukf alot, true. u can cheese by spamming 4 calliope if u feel like that, or u can spam 4 penals if u feel like that cheese. have u seen 20 kill cons in about 10 minutes in a while ? thats skill, not cheese ;)
maybe the most common build is couple penal and m3, or couple maxim, but i think talisman has high knowledge and skill enough in this game, so he dont need to explain his stradegies.
12 Sep 2016, 21:07 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

and as i said earlier, game would been wygarna for allies in about 40min if there was ostheer included :spam:
12 Sep 2016, 21:16 PM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3007 | Subs: 3

I didn't watch this replay yet but moscow north sucks because its kinda impossible to hold the left fuel and its cut-off vs opponents with a very agressive play-style, the map-design gives the south players a cover-advantage for inf, also there are worse spots for mortar pit or OKW t1 in north imo.

Vet 5 JgT is insanely strong on such maps, the only way to deal with it is 2x royal engineer squad with double piat I think
12 Sep 2016, 21:25 PM
avatar of BlackKorp

Posts: 974 | Subs: 2

axis are so OP cheesy win gg :banana::bananadance::banana:
12 Sep 2016, 21:34 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

okay hold on. 1v1 okw<ostheer. 2v2 definetly okw>ostheer. okw can take huge losses, as we can see here. ostheer couldnt handle even half of those . okw can suffer in men like allies. (well lets say if u dont totally fuk up in early stage when there is no vet) this is like quite balanced meta game we played here. u see, i take losses , talisman takes losses, like allies manytimes does ( talking of infantry). but okw can take same ammount of losses. and in the end, roll up with bad ass tanks, which are quite unkillable. they dont afford to lose vehicles, like allies. but in the end. when things hits vet 4 to 5, can u even ? this map , is total bs for ostheer, mgs easy to flank, snipers hard to manouver thx to all fences and certain point covers ( cant camo that easily, open fields) <-- while those 2 units are pretty much all in all for ostheer in early and later stage. but moscow, for okw, is no balance issue. its myth and bs.

Like, i do hope any1, who comments here, watches first the replay. then sees the true thing with okw. veterancy 5. its crazy. crazy af. even crazier than calliope. jpv 2 shot calliope into 10% healt. 2 shot. fire rate: 1,5sec per shot.

i dont say shit is unbalanced, they survived very well, even calliopes was hammering their infantry hard. really fking hard. ostheer wouldnt survive that, and wouldnt got help from semi automatic shooting elefant, since its vets ends to 3 MVGame

The end of story
12 Sep 2016, 21:54 PM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

axis are so OP cheesy win gg :banana::bananadance::banana:

and i wouldnt bring this out here. it was solid game, no cheese, either side, could have build more calliopes and more over popcap, didint. but dont try to make okw any less than it is. vet 5 system is as op as mortar or calliope. in this game tanks won, not infantry. IF we did lose in map like this, in game and commanders like these to double ostheer, i would have deleted coh2 already. but okw isnt underperforming in 2s. bit absurd to even say sarcastic '' axis so op '' . i can 2v2 stark and pitt in in moscow as allies vs 2x ostheer anytime. i wonder what the winrate for allies would be :)
12 Sep 2016, 21:54 PM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3007 | Subs: 3

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2016, 21:34 PMTüMe

Like, i do hope any1, who comments here, watches first the replay.

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2016, 21:34 PMTüMe

even crazier than calliope.

Ok now you're goin too far :snfBarton::megusta:
12 Sep 2016, 23:52 PM
avatar of vasa1719

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4

Permanently Banned

Well i think with 2 OKW this map is fine from North.

But think about when you would be 2 Wehrmacht or 1 Wehrmacht and 1 OKW.

You get in big problems tümee.

I see a lot of teams playing USA and brits and its very cheese :) So no soviets needed.

I agree, about 2 OKW are fine in north spawn. IMO OKW are very strong in this map.
Only i play with mate 2 soviets

13 Sep 2016, 08:05 AM
avatar of Stark

Posts: 626 | Subs: 1

Guys, first gg wp for all, awesome game

second of all, no1 meansions vet5 command panther and my mark target :guyokay:

About the map, north is horrible, that's the fact, we surivive only becouse we went right, so on our unnatural side, that gave us some space we needed. (part of me thinks that was Relic idea from the beginning) Yes, double okw is the best combo here but mix factions could work too (at least few times i manage to make it work) but key is to not go left at any point.

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2016, 21:54 PMTüMe

i can 2v2 stark and pitt in in moscow as allies vs 2x ostheer anytime. i wonder what the winrate for allies would be :)

until you gonna be axis, i;m all for it :D

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2016, 21:54 PMTüMe

in this game tanks won, not infantry.

becouse your calliope killed almost all our vet infantry :P

AND lastly

POLES 1 : FINS 0 :banana:
13 Sep 2016, 09:34 AM
avatar of TüMe

Posts: 558 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Sep 2016, 08:05 AMStark
Guys, first gg wp for all, awesome game

second of all, no1 meansions vet5 command panther and my mark target :guyokay:

About the map, north is horrible

POLES 1 : FINS 0 :banana:

was nice panther play no doubt. but again, there is just statement of north being horrible. only for ostheer for bad manouver and harder sniper play coz covers locations (at expected engagement areas). and pls, not poles but Austria 1 : Fins 0 :luvDerp: ;)

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