Did some quick double checking and seems they work just like ASI and IS yes. I've never used them like that for reasons mentioned already by JFJ. No fire on the move with Brens and they don't have the heavy weapons expert icon:

Commandos can fire their Brens on the move.
Thanks for testing that out, now I won't waste any ammunition on these units. |
The main thing about most infantry upgrades is that they're upgrades: pay 45-60 munitions to increase the overall fighting power of your squad. There's a lot of nuance to it, but generally you pay munitions to get increased performance.
The thing about putting brens on commandos is that this doesn't really increase the overall combat effectiveness of the squad, it just changes them from a great close range ambusher to a great long range unit. Commandos with brens ARE great, but so are commandos with their base stens. In fact, bren commandos don't really do anything that sections don't already do, unlike the ambushing sten commandos.
Basically, you pay munitions to turn a strong unit that fills a gap in your army into a strong unit that does what your army already does. Not really worth it.
This is a game changer, thanks for the info! |
Commandos get a 'super bren' passive modifier that with 2 Brens gives them the far range firepower of a full 5 man IS + 2 IS Brens at far iirc. Mandos might be able to fire the brens on the move, can't remember.
AssIS do not benefit from any modifiers and you hurt yourself getting them. Nor can they fire them on the move.
Do Assault Officers work like Assault Sections on Bren upgrades too? |
Do CQC units like the Commandos and Assault Sections benefit greatly from the Bren guns or should they be left alone in fighting only on close quarters? I have heard mixed answers about this and I would love to read more thoughts on this |
In fact, penal builds benefit more (IMHO) from Commisars with forward healing and buffing. Especially if you can get your hands on some support equipment and slap "Not one step back" on it - practically unkillable in a single push with 6-man crew, cover and massive bonuses to accuracy.
But most of the players just spam that fear propaganda and nades, and the Commisar himself is a decent fighting unit.
Which support unit benefited the most on the commissar buffs in your experience? |
I have been using this commander with varying levels of success. Usually lose in the late game due to my lack of micro.
I have been using Penal builds with a conscript for crewing and merge do you know off hand what the bonus are and what percentages they are? I am also trying to use the Commisar better and you described me perfectly with the fear and nades.
I don't really know the percentages but what I have observed is that the commissar is definitely helpful in the first 10 mins of the game. Especially against OKW, a friend of mine suggested that I abuse the fear ability. Probably trying to get good micro on your conscripts and penals is the way to get the 3 star veterancy and delaying their upgrades to save ammunitions, I'm working on this too atm so we'll see the results. |
I like to combine it with soviet sniper. Sniper with faster rate of fire is pretty cool.
That's a pretty nice idea, I'll try that |
So I've been trying out the Commissar officer, I got the gist of the abilities and use the Soviet Reserve Army Doctrine.
But so far, I have 0 wins using this doctrine. The commissar can only buff one unit and managing about 6+ conscripts ain't working for me, I also keep using my ammunitions on conscript upgrades so I don't have the fear ability when I need to. But if I don't upgrade my conscripts then they don't survive the late game, what strategies are appropriate when playing this doctrine? |
Solid replies from you guys, thanks for the info. I also want to know what's the difference between partisans and conscripts? In my games I have found conscripts to be much more rewarding to use but what situation should I use partisans? |
I know that shocktroopers are good close range and guard rifles are good against light armor/infantry(when upgraded). But when I use them both they become useless mid-game, what strategies or situations should I use with these units? |