
russian armor

A letter to Relic COH2 Game balance team

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24 Apr 2015, 14:14 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

HMG fire could still hurt it, but it dying to small arms like Mosins and whatnot is dumb considering the fact it's a huge well armored half track.

Still, would be much easier just to give it back it's original stats and make it a 200 MP call in and shave the MP cost off the building itself.

Can i have a free, immune-to-smallarms-scouting-unit for Ostheer, USF and Soviets too pls?
24 Apr 2015, 15:10 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

Even with ost buffs, they are still the weakest faction in game. Scout car still needs to be raised up to 30-35 fuel and get an armor and damage upgrade for the 2 cm. Hell the damage boost and armor upgrade can have a fuel cost of 15-20 to make it fair that way you aren't over paying for the shitty mg scout car. Or it could have the 2cm by default. Nobody uses them without the turret, why is it there? Just to add more muni upgrades?

So without further adieu I propose.
  • All battlephases now cost 120mp
  • Battlephase 1 fuel cost reduced by 10
  • Battlephase 2 fuel cost increased by 20
  • Battlephase 3 cost reduced by 20

Overall t2 for ost comes quicker, t3 comes later, and t4 comes quicker. Also manpower isn't sucked dry in early-mid game as badly but still are paying the most overall.

The cost of T3 and T4 for both Ost and Soviets should be reduced. Either that, or building T3 gets a command PIV or T34 similar to the Panther command tank (good main gun, mark target). T4 should get something as well. This would would make those tiers viable and add some needed variety.

In regards to the units themselves, Su85's movement characteristics is garden nice person pudding, the way it struggles to decide which way to turn is extremely annoying and it seems to get worse when you try to micro it a lot. The SU76 needs a much longer barrage distance as it's mobility is about as bad as the SU85, it is really fragile, and needs to be near the front to do anything, all of which is a bad combination.

On the German side, PanzerWerfer seems to underperform. I haven't tried it a lot so it might just be that I'm trying to use it incorrecly. Panther, Brumbar, PIV, T34, T70, Katy all seem okay. The tanks on that list would probably get used a lot more if the call-ins weren't as good or better and come without tech costs.
24 Apr 2015, 15:28 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Can i have a free, immune-to-smallarms-scouting-unit for Ostheer, USF and Soviets too pls?

Sure, as long as it can't collide with anything or affect the battle in anyway, which is how my suggestion for the OKW truck would work.

But still, like I said it's a complicated solution when just giving it a MP cost and it's original stats would be much easier to do.

there or Alex playercard and say that all factions need huge buffs except OKW.

I'm glad to see you still can't make a single post anymore without mentioning me <444>3
24 Apr 2015, 16:01 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

I'm glad to see you still can't make a single post anymore without mentioning me <444>3

Believe me, I'd love to use other individuals as example as they are much more fitting, but apparently you're the exclusive exception that actually have a pair in the sack and give yours(card) out.
Though I'm wondering if you would if you weren't tracked down and exposed anyway.
24 Apr 2015, 16:18 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Apr 2015, 16:01 PMKatitof

Believe me, I'd love to use other individuals as example as they are much more fitting, but apparently you're the exclusive exception that actually have a pair in the sack and give yours(card) out.
Though I'm wondering if you would if you weren't tracked down and exposed anyway.

People kept throwing shit fits over it so I linked it up. Also because I now play with a fair amount of people who post here (even ones that I disagree with!).

You should add me IMO, every time I get some matches with dudes it helps chill things out and make everyone less flamey.
24 Apr 2015, 16:53 PM
avatar of Hux
Patrion 14

Posts: 505

People kept throwing shit fits over it so I linked it up. Also because I now play with a fair amount of people who post here (even ones that I disagree with!).

You should add me IMO, every time I get some matches with dudes it helps chill things out and make everyone less flamey.

Dear god take him up on this!
25 Apr 2015, 01:24 AM
avatar of acosn

Posts: 108 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2015, 11:34 AMUniform

The same argument could go for the sake of Axis in that Ostheer shouldn't be forced to go a certain doctrine (CAS) just to counter a stupid blob. (Conscripts, American Rifles, Guards, Shocks, you name it.) Yes we all know Volksgrens can blob with Panzershreks, cry me a river over it please.

A blob of unvetted Volksgrens or Grens vs a blob of conscripts or American Riflemen, I guarantee you the Americans and Conscripts would win.

...except that the Soviets and Americans are all but forced into an extremely narrow range of commanders to begin with.

Do you not just get laughed down every time you suggest it's be a bad thing to close out how many German commanders are viable?

Never mind the, "blu ablu ablu, my blob can't beat your more expensive blob!" nonsense.
28 Apr 2015, 00:36 AM
avatar of CrucciusKiro

Posts: 2

I think people are really running in circles with the comments here so I will refrain from saying any more about truck push.

I also like to say that I've played the game for a while but I feel like I'm still learning and I don't consider myself pro, but I don't think I'm complete noob either, so I wanna say somethings about how I feel about OKW after the patch.

Raketenwefer - Yeah it got buffed. I also think that it performs much better than before, but it's still an underwhelming AT gun. Being able to retreat is a nice feature yes, but it only really reward players who dont really take care of their support weapons and leave them somewhere alone. I'd like to think that an AT gun's job is to kill tanks, but right now I feel like it's really just up to RNGesus whether I do damage or not. I agree that after some vet it can be incredibly powerful, but generally speaking the process of getting vet can be tricky since it dies so easily/can bounce alot.

Blobbing - Alot of people like to bash OKW for blobbing their infantry. I am personally not a fan of that because I'm unlucky vs. 120 mm and katyushas so if I blob I just lose the game, but I feel it's more than that. Alot of the times I feel like I don't have any choice but to blob. When I play Ostheer, I might field some grens, some PAKs, some MGs and mortars for different situations. Whether to try to get building control, get AT or lock down a zone. When I play OKW I feel like I don't have these options. Since both Raketenwerfer and the Infantry Support Gun are rather unwhelming (yes, even after the buff - I personally feel), I don't necessarily feel like wasting the MP to get them. the MG34, in my experience, is kind of poor in its suppression capabilities, especially considering that it's a doctrinal unit. If I want AI and suppression, I'd rather go Flak HT. So I basically feel like the only things that are worth fielding are infantry and the Flak HT. Jagdpanzer is a nice choice but depending on the opponent I'm facing it might or might not be necessary. Especially considering the low fuel income of OKW, sometimes I just rather save for KT or a panther.

Obers - There has been alot of discussion about the obers on whether they were too OP and if the current version is too weak. I won't pretend like I know alot but I just havn't seen people use them lately. I personally have started to use them less because now they are quite a heavy investment compared to their performance. Considering the power of PTRS and the occasional insane 120 mm shots, this 4 model squad can get kicked off the field rather easily with bad RNG, especially with the heavy reinforcement cost. I now find myself using panserfusiliers more and more because they are simply more cost effective. You could argue that it is a good thing that with the nerf of obers I am learning to use PF and the Flak HT as a counter to heavy infantry play, and I will agree to that. But I feel like there's really no reasons to go obers right now, and that just feels wrong for an unit to exist without a purpose.

Doctrinal Choice - This is a really big ballbuster for me cause I feel like the faction is just boring to play cause I can only viably go either Heavy Fortification or Breakthrough Tactics. Even with these two doctrines I'm really only just using the PaK43 (occasionally MG 34) and PFs. The other doctrines are fine but they just don't give me what I need. Both fallschrimsjaegars and jaegar light infantry suffer from high MP drain. You could argue that I dunno how to use them, which is fine, but I just think that with all the mortar/PTRS RNG and rifle blobs, these units are just too costly.

Basically for most games I'm just building volks and Flak HT and trying to stall for KT, either with PF or PaK 43, since I feel like my fuel income is usually rather limited.

I'm not here to cry for OKW buff or any kind of fan-boyism. The point of the post is to say that I think OKW has some fundamental design issues and we should help relic redesign some of the things instead of trying to fight over which side should be hit harder with the nerf bat.

Also if anyone think what I'm saying is wrong, you are very welcome to correct me, but refrain from name-calling and saying l2p, because that's just unconstructive and is really just a waste of both of our time.
30 Apr 2015, 22:20 PM
avatar of |)irty }{@rry

Posts: 39

Yes and please let USF rifleman pick up their HQ and run around throwing it at Germans. It should cause instant suppression and crush any unit daft enough to stand in its path. Rifleman should not be able to shoot while moving and carrying as they need both hands to move the structure.

Sorry I had too.
11 Jun 2016, 23:13 PM
avatar of Swift

Posts: 2723 | Subs: 1

Don't perform necromancy on dead threads.

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