
russian armor

Your DAK build order for 1vs1 and other

10 Mar 2023, 09:24 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Curious about it. I tried so many and failed so much that I felt really bad until I found one working quite positively with all doctrines till now.

I share mine but I'm curious about other.

Starting PanzerPioneer
2x PanzerPioneers
1x Panzergrenadier

Light support companie
1x Assault grenadier

Then it depend on what my opponent is doing.

The 3 panzerPioneers allow me good capping power while retaining enough firepower and the really good point about this build order is that you don't wait, you can queue the 2 panzerPioneers right from the start and once the second is built you almost have 300mp for the panzergrenadier.
The panzergrenadier provides enough stopping power for the first push associated with a Panzerpioneer and once I have the assault grenadier squad I can start pushing left and right.

Then it depends on the map and faction, I usually go Mechanized companie so I can pump a fast marder if I need it but it also depend on the doctrine I select.

If you present you build order for other mode, just specify it on your respond, I haven't played a single teamgame so far and I'm also curious about it.
10 Mar 2023, 10:17 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

While I can talk from 2s perspective, that BO looks like "I want to be massacred by M3 quad" kind of BO, which arrives before you can get jagers and counters jagers.
10 Mar 2023, 11:18 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Mar 2023, 10:17 AMKatitof
While I can talk from 2s perspective, that BO looks like "I want to be massacred by M3 quad" kind of BO, which arrives before you can get jagers and counters jagers.

Wut? I don't get you. If he build a M3 quad I can build a Rad or pick Italian infantry or combined arm. What other unit do you build on the 3 first minutes of the game that counter the M3 quad? I can also decide to go T1.5 and get a pak38.

But share your build, I'm curious about it.
10 Mar 2023, 11:32 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

I'm going bike, 2nd pio, 250 and from there it really depends on map, what I'm fighting against and what ally is doing(since again, 2s pov). 1st assault group is jagers.

I'm playing very aggressively to deny opponent its fuel so I can pump 8rad faster then he can get his lv.
10 Mar 2023, 11:56 AM
avatar of OKSpitfire

Posts: 287

1v1 perspective. At the moment:

Starting Panzerpioneer


Light support company:
250 call in bringing in either an ISG (AKA the Axis Pack Howitzer, thanks Aerafield) or Assault Grens, depending on enemy build.

I used to like calling in a Pak and then converting the 250 towing it into a mortar to counter support weapons as it saves a bit of manpower, but for the moment i've stopped trying to make 250s into anything useful. I think they are quite weak especially after the cost increase for their upgrades, the two lethality nerfs and the fact that they seem to get melted by blobs of infantry with just small arms fire, upgraded or not.

Occassionally follow up with a Stug if the opponent is very, very infantry heavy.


Then depending on map control, Mechanized Kompanie or the Panzerarmee Kommand. Mechanized generally only gets skipped if its going really well or if my opponent fucked up and lost a vehicle, etc.


All slightly tweaked and depending on the battlegroup of course. I know a lot of people understandably skip Panzergrens but I've been stubbornly using them. Haven't really touched the Bersaglieri battlegroup much yet either. I think the out of combat 'sprint' thing on a mainline is bullshit and I assume they are going to get nerfed.
10 Mar 2023, 13:28 PM
avatar of Garrett

Posts: 309 | Subs: 1

Have fun getting bled to death by Paths + Sniper combo
10 Mar 2023, 13:43 PM
avatar of OKSpitfire

Posts: 287

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Mar 2023, 13:28 PMGarrett
Have fun getting bled to death by Paths + Sniper combo

Who me? Or DAK players in general?

I used to play a lot of OKW, but I've not really had too much trouble with paths/snipers in COH 3 yet. Snipers seem to be noticibly easier to kill with vehicles than they were in COH 2.
10 Mar 2023, 13:46 PM
avatar of Garrett

Posts: 309 | Subs: 1

Who me? Or DAK players in general?

I used to play a lot of OKW, but I've not really had too much trouble with paths/snipers in COH 3 yet. Snipers seem to be noticibly easier to kill with vehicles than they were in COH 2.

Well, DAK has no answer to snipers except yolo vehicle pushes. But more likely than not, you will lose your vehicles but they won't lose the sniper.
10 Mar 2023, 13:49 PM
avatar of OKSpitfire

Posts: 287

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Mar 2023, 13:46 PMGarrett

Well, DAK has no answer to snipers except yolo vehicle pushes. But more likely than not, you will lose your vehicles but they won't lose the sniper.

True, they have an inherent weakness for them, just like OKW did. It forces you to play very aggressively. Maybe that's the whole point, when your faction isn't allowed them and is based around vehicle play.
10 Mar 2023, 14:39 PM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

I like double PzGren openings but I'll echo Garrett's point, they're vulnerable to snipers, so perhaps leave that for against the Desert Rats. To that end, the Assault Grenadier battlegroup is an -OK- sniper counter, but arrives fairly late, and can be easily countered by screening Bazooka teams or ABZooks. ALSO If the US Player streamlines their build there's a good 3-4 minute window where you're vulnerable AND you lose the Panzer Jager squad which is the only thing that can bridge the gap until an 8Rad.

It's rough out there for DAK in duels.

I see the Bersaglieri spammed in conjunction with the Spaghetti Tank often, Guasto's are fun but arrive late and are susecptible to the above, perhaps even to a worse degree.

In the tests I was going:

Combat Half-tracks
-> Upgrade 250's to MortarHT
Fire Support Elements
Healing Opel

Not sure that works anymore.

Whatever you decide on I think it needs to involve getting an 8 Rad out ASAP.
10 Mar 2023, 14:59 PM
avatar of OKSpitfire

Posts: 287

Guasto's are fun but arrive late and are susecptible to the above, perhaps even to a worse degree.

They definitely deserved the nerf. A lot more difficult to fit in now, but god are they fun to use against the right sort of short-range opponent. Just walking around eating about two enemy squads alive before they have to retreat.
10 Mar 2023, 15:54 PM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

They definitely deserved the nerf. A lot more difficult to fit in now, but god are they fun to use against the right sort of short-range opponent. Just walking around eating about two enemy squads alive before they have to retreat.

Yeah absolutely, they have so much character as a unit too; stumbling around in their great coats, the reverb of the voice lines through the rebreather, serious props to the designers, animators and actors.
10 Mar 2023, 18:23 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

I like double PzGren openings but I'll echo Garrett's point, they're vulnerable to snipers, so perhaps leave that for against the Desert Rats. To that end, the Assault Grenadier battlegroup is an -OK- sniper counter, but arrives fairly late, and can be easily countered by screening Bazooka teams or ABZooks. ALSO If the US Player streamlines their build there's a good 3-4 minute window where you're vulnerable AND you lose the Panzer Jager squad which is the only thing that can bridge the gap until an 8Rad.

It's rough out there for DAK in duels.

I see the Bersaglieri spammed in conjunction with the Spaghetti Tank often, Guasto's are fun but arrive late and are susecptible to the above, perhaps even to a worse degree.

In the tests I was going:

Combat Half-tracks
-> Upgrade 250's to MortarHT
Fire Support Elements
Healing Opel

Not sure that works anymore.

Whatever you decide on I think it needs to involve getting an 8 Rad out ASAP.

Atm 250 are bad and badly overpriced and impossible to vet. Mortar HT is only relevant vs teamweapon spam.


Reading people responses, I've updated a bit my build and included a 250 before Light Company so I can fit a flamer inside and roam a bit earlier, I had some success in a game vs a vetjeep start shutting him down and forcing early surrender with 80% of the map under control.
I also faced a path/sniper start and wow, para can drop so early, its disgusting. I think my build is good enough vs sniper because PanzerPioneer are rather cheap and long range so you can put some pressure on him and at the same time cap the rest of the map. On the other hand panzergrenadier are so bad its pathetic, I only build a squad to tank and let the panzerpioneer do the killing :/
12 Mar 2023, 19:00 PM
avatar of Iron Knee

Posts: 21

Assault gren
Assault gren
Pak 38 call in
12 Mar 2023, 20:16 PM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

Assault gren
Assault gren
Pak 38 call in

What do you do against a 4 minute Quad 50?

*shameless plug*
12 Mar 2023, 20:18 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

What do you do against a 4 minute Quad 50?

*shameless plug*

The same thing we do in team games.
Bend over and hope you didn't forgot to lube up earlier.

We used to have a unit that could fight it, but it got 1 guy killed and 4 others castrated.
12 Mar 2023, 21:11 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

What do you do against a 4 minute Quad 50?

*shameless plug*

With his build I think he means to deny you your 4 minutes quad. I don't know if it works all the time but he probably has some positive result at his level if he posts it.
12 Mar 2023, 22:20 PM
avatar of Iron Knee

Posts: 21

What do you do against a 4 minute Quad 50?

*shameless plug*

fuck if I know... talk to lelic. I just posted my build order which seems to work fine against most brit and american players at level 900.
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