My main request would be:
Shorter games.
Maybe by faster ticking VPs or fewer VPs to start with.
Also it would be nice if relic found a way to reduce the minimum time of Gameplay by a lot.
Something like: you dont issue any ingame-command for 3-5 minutes of time - you lose.
Now it takes about 12 minutes to end a game where 1 player is afk.
I would like to see the average time to play a game to go down from 20-60 Minutes to about 15- 45 minutes. |
Great Tournament!
I almoust get as exited for these big events as i used to get for football worldcups years ago.
Great competition overall and the finals were coh2 at its best.
Some creative strategies - Noggano in the finals and Aimstrong in the early rounds come to mind.
Fantastic to see all those new asian players.
Nice to have so many casters for different games that were live at the same time.
Excelent casting as ever in the end in a professional environment from AE and Stormless + Ed!
The skill-level at which the game is played at top level seemed to still have improved by a good bit over the last year and lots of games where decided by just tiny advantages one player had over the other.
That all said - overall i liked the meta and the format with double elimination in GCS2 a tiny bit better - those massed medium tanks that especially Talisman fielded where really exiting to watch. this time it was more dominated by the super tanks and some games i watched games were played more carefully. The variety of strategies also seemed to be a bit lover this time.
I hated the fact that Aimstrong and Hans got knocked out so fast versus the best players because i really wanted to see more of them - especially more of Aimstrongs Wehrmacht-play.
Too bad that kimbo could not play though i fully understand why he was not allowed to compete- I would have really liked to see what he could have done this year.
What happend with prodigy anyway? He was on my list of candidates to win the title.
I am already exited for the next big event.
good news.
now you have only to pardon mad kimbo on the grounds of "not guilty by reason of insanity" and start diggin the escape tunnel for noggano and then we are all set and ready to go
I dont know what went on behind the scenes that might have contributed to the decisione to disqualify Stuve.
I also think that the people that put in the hard work to run this event have every right to make decisions like this.
to me, based on what i know, the decision to ban stuve from the comming qualifier seems too harsh.
Especially when compared to the ruling in the vonIvan case, who got away with a warning (which is absolutely enough)
vonIvans shenannigans happend during the live stream in the middle of the bracket, while stuves decision not to carry on in the 3rd place game did not really affect anyone but himself for not beeing able to gain more points. That in itself is already a form of punishment and should be enough. Talking of "disrespecting" anything - while stuve might have disapionted somebody , Ivans actions to me seemed more severe.
As i fan of this game I want to see the best in this game compete. We all play a niche computer game about ww2 - that way are all nerds and a little weird. But the top level, where people really have to commit to this game you can expect a certain amount of eccentric behaviour - you might call it the "Barton Effect".
That might be frustrating for the organizers - but if you want the best competition, you have to be prepared to put up with it to a high degree.
stuves g2 vs Ivan and his g1 vs Jesulin where just great! thats what i want to see when watching this event and anything like respect or decent behavior is at best an afterthought to me as a spectator (and donator).
I would love if friendly fire could be brought back to the state it was after the release of the game especially for tanks.
Anybody remember how you constantly hit your own vehicles if you did not pay very carefull attention to the way you positioned them? that almoust never happens anymore.
Here is my feedback on the new maps:
Generally i have to say that i mostly don’t like them and have most of them unchecked to avoid having to play them.
I really appreciate the effort and dedication by the creators of these maps but i feel that there has been a too great emphasis in creating something different, new and unique in almost all of these maps.
If your aim is to make something that has not been done before, there is of course a bigger risk of failure involved than if you would just stick to the things that have been working before.
Of course there are benefits of a variety in maps with different layouts, sizes, settings and themes but in my personal opinion i would rather play a good map for the 1000th time than having to play a map that is less good just for the sake of a change.
Again i don’t want to piss the map makers off and just want to give an honest feedback which unfortunately is mostly negative in my case. Of course all this is only my personal opinion.
Market Ruins :
A map that looks beautiful with its detailed and unique Town setting.
But: I generally dislike the very narrow vertical map layout - my feeling is that quadratic or horizontal maps simply work better in coh2.
I feel that lots of ruins that cant be entered in a map is frustrating since you cant figure out at first glance which buildings are usable and which are not. This also holds true for Caen and Refinery.
Vehicle pathing is a big issue in Coh2 which causes some frustration. A good map would be one that avoids areas that could intensify the pathing issues. I feel that this map makes vehicle use unnecessary difficult.
I don’t think that this map should be in the auto-match rotation.
Westwall :
I kind of like this map and had some good games played on it.
The same thing i wrote about pathing in Market Ruins also hold true here in the central Area.
Those dragon teeth are causing lots of trouble with vehicles and are frustrating. Their placement is a choice that makes sense with the theme of the map but it just does not work in game-play.
My idea of a good map is that it makes it as easy as possible for the player to make out what is happening on the battlefield. This map has a light that throws little to no shadows and on top of that some fog. both these things make it unnecessary hard do see what is going on.
This map is a little too big for my taste. I simply like maps with sizes from 320x320 to 384x384 better.
Bombarded Refinery
Again a lovely designed Map in a industrial setting that was missing so far. There is an industrial themed map in COH1 - Sturzdorf. And despite it being not very well liked in the community, its design was a rather good balance between open areas and areas with buildings. On top, it had a good system of roads acting as firing lanes and ways to travel the map efficiently with vehicles.
Bombarded Refinery is lacking this balance since it is mostly a close quarter map and has little building play. It has the same building problem as Market Ruins with ruins not being able to being identified as not being able to hold garrisons.
Maps that lack open spaces and or firing lanes are not for my taste.
I don’t think that this map should be in the auto-match rotation.
This is a beautiful map that has two huge problems: Pathing in the factories is a nightmare and the high walls of the factories and all its beams and cranes are obstructing the vision from the default view. The Idea of this map is new and bold but it just does not work as a map in coh2.
I don’t think that this map should be in the auto-match rotation.
Bryansk Forest:
Gorgeous Map! so beautiful that I still have it selected even though I personally dislike its core design.
It has excessive red cover in the north and a labyrinth in the middle and south where you can hardly see a thing because of the very tall trees. It also lacks any form of building play - an essential part of the coh2 game-play. Still I believe that if you would cut down a lot of trees in the middle or south area and place 2-3 buildings this could make for a good map.
I had some good and sometimes very unusual games on this map. Again I dislike the idea of having to search for usable buildings between all the ruins. I see the problem: if you want to create a city map that does not have only garrisons (which would make for an incredible boring game play) you simply make only some of them usable. my solution would be: don’t make a city map - rural maps work just fine.
I don’t like the lighting with the fog and rain and diffuse light since it makes it harder to see the units. I feel that the map is a little too big for a 1v1 map.
Apart from that its the extremely exposed cut off points that make this map play differently than most of the existing ones. especially the northern cut-off can be incredibly hard to defend or to retake once the attacker got hold of the building north to it,
I did not play it yet, But from just looking at it i find i hard to believe that i will like it. The author just wrote in another thread : „My idea was to make something new„. Again i can totally understand the mindset from which this is coming, but as a player who has been playing the coh series since almost 10 years i would definitely not be here if i was looking for something new. I would be thrilled if i got a new map that was simply better as the existing ones or if i got one that was just as good as the existing ones with some minor variations. |
Thread: Idlers24 Nov 2016, 11:05 AM
it would not be a bad idea if there was a stronger audio cue once that you found a game.
currently its just a subtle change in the games music - something you can easly miss when your in the kitchen doing the dishes while waiting  |
i figure it wouldnot be the worst idea if incorporated its own version of relics chat policy towards "evil" words.
spam could be: summerwind
op would become: lovely
blob would read: rose
a typical rant topic would read:
stupid relic needs to get heads out of their asses!!!! this fucking game is all about lovely summerwind roses.
what i noticed from watching the game:
you did poorly early game.
to my surprise you came back strong in midgame and nearly turned the game around.
if you improve in the first 10 minutes i guess you will have the edge over the opponent.
as i see it, the main problem in the beginning was that you simply teched up too early and while sinking 500 manpower in a truck and healing you were simply outnumbert on the field.
at 4 minutes your sturmpios + 2 volks + kubel where facing 2 cons + 3 maxims + engineers
thats about 900 mp vs 1450 mp
at 6 minutes it did not improve: you had an isg + sturmpios + 2 volks, he had 3 maxims + 3 cons + pios - thats about 1100 mp vs 1700 mp
i would at least build another fighting unit if not 2 early.
for example another volk + a optional jaeger at 2 cp if it gives you the opportunity to kill or steal a maxim.
I have had a simelar problem a couple of months ago.
All of the sudden the game became incredible laggy and almoust unplayable. i messed around with my graphic drivers and game setting but ultimatly i had to reinstall the game - after which everything went back to normal. |