Hey folks! Been a while since I've posted a cohdb update on here, but I'm pretty excited about this one!
One of the biggest feature additions Relic made in 1.7.0 was the addition of match history with replays to player profiles, and shortly after that feature went live I released the cohdb match explorer to make it easy to search and download (almost) every single ranked match played across CoH3. But a big downside of the match history feature is the fact that only a player's 10 most recent games are available for download. That changes today.
Starting with 1.7.2 (or more accurately starting at 00:01UTC on August 1) cohdb will now make available the complete match history (and corresponding replays) for every player for the currently active patch version. That means you will be able to access any replay from any player all patch long, no matter if they've played 5 games or 500. No more worrying about grabbing games before they fall off the match history list or hoarding replays to watch later before they disappear! Just head over to the match explorer and get to downloading; every match with the yellow replay button on the right is available for download right now!
The availability of so many high level replays in such an easily searchable format is an essential tool for learning and improving as a player, so I hope this additional ease of accessibility for replays will provide the community with even more tools for growth and self-improvement! And look out in the near future because I'm working on generating build order summaries for every game along with aggregating build statistics and build order/battlegroup win rates!