I have no idea why the OP wants to get rid of the Bazooka racks. I think he's just irritated that his main tactic (which probably involved spamming Volksgrenadier and upgrading them all with Panzerschrecks) is now rendered moot.
It's not like weapon racks aren't an actual part of the USF faction, no? We should just removed weapon racks alltogether and gib the USF and British factions while we're at it too, just to further "balance" the game and homogenize everything even more.
I also love this condescending tone.
I just speaks some wisdom for relic PR guys who are lurking on these forums. I give them balance revelations, if they are mature enough, they take my advice and implement them via the attribute editor. If not, then their loss
They'll certainly make the "right" decision after reading this. Yup, the right decision will be to completely ignore this thread after they see your attitude about them.

If I were a dev, I sure as hell would.