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Patch Notes Discussion (Dec. 10th)

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16 Dec 2013, 08:33 AM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post15 Dec 2013, 23:33 PMGreeb
290 fuel for the ISU152 seems too much, it's nearly the fuel requeriments for 3 panthers.

How is being off by 145 Fuel "nearly", in your post?
Is a M3 also "nearly" the same fuel as a Tiger then?

And lol at having in "mind the old fuel" which has already been that way for over a month, and when Wooof specifically listed the current fuel costs there for you to see directly above your post, you still by some miracle, managed to get them wrong. Even at old rates, it was NOWHERE NEAR 3 Panthers for 1 ISU.

Furthermore, Panthers fuel cost was by increased 15, whereas ISUs fuel cost was DROPPED by 30 Fuel. Which makes your statement make even less sense than it already did.

I understand that numbers and math intimidate, scare and confuse you, but seriously, this is the most basic of arithmetic. Simple addition. A 2nd Grader, at latest, can already add 145+145=290, which is the equivalent, exactly, of 2 Panthers, which is 145 Fuel less than the 3 Panthers you claimed.

Dont get mad at me, be mad at yourself. You made this laughable mistake, not me.
Just admit it, thank for the correction, and move on.
In future I advise you think, atleast a little, before you post. You save yourself these kinds of embarrassments.
16 Dec 2013, 09:25 AM
avatar of jeesuspietari

Posts: 168

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Dec 2013, 08:33 AMNullist

I understand that numbers and math intimidate, scare and confuse you, but seriously, this is the most basic of arithmetic. Simple addition. A 2nd Grader, at latest, can already add 145+145=290, which is the equivalent, exactly, of 2 Panthers, which is 145 Fuel less than the 3 Panthers you claimed.

Dont get mad at me, be mad at yourself. You made this laughable mistake, not me.
Just admit it, thank for the correction, and move on.
In future I advise you think, atleast a little, before you post. You save yourself these kinds of embarrassments.

I completely agree and am actually unsure of why he even remotely thought posting here would be a good idea
16 Dec 2013, 11:59 AM
avatar of Captain_Frog

Posts: 248

I would like the option to see how many threads about balance have been derailed and have turned into small personal arguments between players.

Anyway back on topic, I really like the feel of the new patch. Granted the Tiger Ace is still in the game and that detracts a huge amount of fun from the game but the recent changes are a step forward at least. And it's not like Relic are going to remove the unit and give everyone refunds, so I guess we have to deal with it.

The decision to release no new commanders with this patch was a very good idea as well. Let's hope they keep this mindset up.
16 Dec 2013, 12:56 PM
avatar of SgtBulldog

Posts: 688

German fan-boys: Do you want to do something to really improve the game?


Well, thank you.

Then stay off this forum for a week.
16 Dec 2013, 13:38 PM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned
German fan-boys: Do you want to do something to really improve the game? Yes? Well, thank you. Then stay off this forum for a week.
You still mad on being wrong about MG42 suppression not needing a buff, and posting so, on the very same day before the change came in?

That was probably the week YOU should have stayed away lol.

Anyways, is a good patch. Building and animation change in particular. More like this and the game will just keep getting better. Especially with a break in new DLC Commanders.
16 Dec 2013, 15:19 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

I would like the option to see how many threads about balance have been derailed and have turned into small personal arguments between players.

Mods allow that, letting trolls roam free in the forum.

@Nullist, unlike you, I admit being wrong. I mixed new ISU152 fuel cost with old Pather's. My bad.
And I don't care at all about that.
This is a forum, not a game to know who retains more facts and numbers. The real game is CoH2, that thing you barely play. So no, I'm not mad if anyone proves that I'm wrong.

I'm mad because you're a cretin. And is not an insult, is the word that better describes you. For empirical evidences you can read your lasts posts and you will find why you are a complete and absolute cretin.
I'm tired of dealing with you, because you don't even know what means a "positive discussion". The only discussion you know is the one where one person is humiliated for being wrong an the other person receives recognition for his knowledge.

You didn't even play the game, the only satisfaction that CoH brings to you is trolling the game related forums.

I don't have the patience of people like CieZ, who is enduring all your stupidities in another thread. I have asked you to leave me alone several times, and to not reply any of my posts because I don't want to talk with you and I don't want to read your opinions about anything I said. And still, you keep answering and quoting me, like an absolute cretin and a troll.

Mods are allowing that, bothering me and annoying another users like Kurt Jäger who doesn't like to see each thread in the forum turning into a flame. You got banned from GR forums, and everyone knows why was that.
The question is how many time we have to suffer you before yo get banned from here too.

16 Dec 2013, 15:27 PM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned
@Greeb. Its no my fault or problem if you cant perform simple arithmetics.

Blame yourself.
16 Dec 2013, 15:32 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Dec 2013, 15:27 PMNullist
@Greeb. Its no my fault or problem if you cant perform simple arithmetics.

Blame yourself.

And you answer stupidly with something not even related.

Why do you waste precious bytes of information to reply with a "And you more" like a 6-years-old?
16 Dec 2013, 15:36 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Dec 2013, 15:27 PMNullist
@Greeb. Its no my fault or problem if you cant perform simple arithmetics.

Blame yourself.

How pathetic are you to attack Greeb after he willfully admitted that he was wrong? Seriously?

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Dec 2013, 12:59 PMNullist


Basically it means your entire Con force can have PPSHs very long before Ost can have even a single LMG/G43 on one Gren.

Is this the part where I attack and humiliate you for STILL not having admitted that your statement about PPSh coming SOONER than a single LMG42 was so blatantly incorrect that it is honestly hilarious? Not to mention the fact that PPSh and G43s now unlock at exactly the same number of CPs. Please, do your homework before you spew incorrect facts out of your mouth.

Greeb respectfully asked you to leave him alone, he was honest and admitted that he mis-calculated. Everyone makes mistakes. Just respect his wish of you ignoring him. Jesus dude.
16 Dec 2013, 15:40 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Dec 2013, 15:36 PMCieZ

Greeb respectfully asked you to leave him alone, he was honest and admitted that he mis-calculated. Everyone makes mistakes. Just respect his wish of you ignoring him. Jesus dude.

He won't do. Like a good troll, he will take profit about my mistake to try to humiliate me and thus using that to discredit me in every other thread.

The infamous "ad hominem" that he always likes to cry is the thing he uses the most.

And I know that asking him to leave alone is as good as throwing gas to the fire. Because he will enjoy even more to upset me from now on.
The sad thing is that mods really are allowing that, not giving that guy a reprimand. Because he won't change by his own will.

EDIT: By the way CieZ, I wasn't respectul in that last post at least. But it was because I'm tired of having to deal with that guy.
16 Dec 2013, 15:45 PM
avatar of James Hale

Posts: 574

If you strike Nullist down, he will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. :cool:
16 Dec 2013, 15:48 PM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned
@Greeb: Ok. Benefit of the doubt. You claim I misunderstood you. Fair enough.

So explain please, mathematically, how 3x Panthers is almost the same Fuel as ISU.

Feel free to use any intermix of Fuel costs feom the month old change, from either before or after.

I will respect your request for me not to speak to you, and if you dont want to answer thats fine. But I figured since you claim your statement was misunderstood, that it would be fair to ask you to explain it.
16 Dec 2013, 15:55 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

Nullist, please explain this for me:

Basically it means your entire Con force can have PPSHs very long before Ost can have even a single LMG/G43 on one Gren.

16 Dec 2013, 15:57 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Dec 2013, 15:48 PMNullist
@Greeb: Ok. Benefit of the doubt. You claim I misunderstood you. Fair enough.

So explain please, mathematically, how 3x Panthers is almost the same Fuel as ISU.

Feel free to use any intermix of Fuel costs feom the month old change, from either before or after.

I will respect your request for me not to speak to you, and if you dont want to answer thats fine. But I figured since you claim your statement was misunderstood, that it would be fair to ask you to explain it.

Where did I said I was misundestood, you idiot? After or before recognizing that I was mistaken ?

I would said that you should learn to read, but I'm aware that you read everything and are just trying to troll even more, asking the same thing time and time again.

You are pathetic, dude.
16 Dec 2013, 16:10 PM
avatar of Nullist

Posts: 2425

Permanently Banned
@Greeb: This was your reply to me correcting your mistake:

I see no "I was mistaken" there. Only insults and denial. Do you? Maybe its in invisible ink?
Its only in the next post that you admit it, which is then even further laced with insults and anger at me for having corrected you.

Regardless, there you admitted it, and thats good (although the 9/10 of the posts being insults in both posts is not so good). Ive been wrong too, several times. Best just to admit it, thank for correction, and move on.
16 Dec 2013, 16:12 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Dec 2013, 16:10 PMNullist
@Greeb: This was your reply to me correcting your mistake:

I see no "I was mistaken" there. Only insults and denial. Do you? Maybe its in invisible ink?
Its only in the next post that you admit it, which is then even further laced with insults and anger at me for having corrected you.

Regardless, there you admitted it, and thats good (although the 9/10 of the posts being insults in both posts is not so good). Ive been wrong too, several times. Best just to admit it, thank for correction, and move on.

Nullist, please explain this statement:

Basically it means your entire Con force can have PPSHs very long before Ost can have even a single LMG/G43 on one Gren.
16 Dec 2013, 16:18 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Dec 2013, 16:10 PMNullist
Regardless, there you admitted it, and thats good (although the 9/10 of the posts being insults in both posts is not so good). Ive been wrong too, several times. Best just to admit it, thank for correction, and move on.

I admitted that I was mistaken, yes.
And if you now that, as your yourself claim in your post, why the hell are you still asking me that I should defend the very point I said I was mistaken?
Besides being a cretin, are you imbecile too?
The only one who doesn't move on are you.

And sometimes, insults and rude words are the most befitting words to describe people like you.
And by the way you are behaving, you don't deserve better words.

You like to upset and harass people and derail threads just for fun. What do you expect?

16 Dec 2013, 18:32 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1161

16 Dec 2013, 18:34 PM
avatar of NorfolkNClue

Posts: 391

This has gone on long enough. Focus on the topic, please, not petty bickering. I know it's tough, but you can all manage it.
17 Dec 2013, 19:01 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 236

Loudd..... Noises!
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