Truly amazing what you achieved! Is it possible to attach that flamethrower (from the universal carrier I assume) to the hull mg of the Sherman and T34 with a working killcounter and veterancy? And have you experienced any impact on the performance with some many attached entities?
Thanks! Having a tank with the bren flamethrower on its hull MG that has both the kill counters and veterancy of the tank is possible. If you're content with it having just the flamethrower muzzle fx and not the flame stream.
model =
- Create an ABP. The above is assuming you're making it in a normal folder location.
- Create the entity and have it attach to the hull MG muzzle marker.
- Create another entity of the flamethrower and make it have both an attacking action and a delay to make_dead.
- Create the weapon based off the hull MG. With on_fire_action have it create the make_dead enitty.
This system is similar to the one I've used for some of my own units. The make_dead action is required as on_fire_action doesn't undo spawned entities when the firing is finished.
If you want the flamethrower to have a stream as well unfortunately I don't think it's possible. You could try adding the flamethrower directly to the tank's ABP but the stream will start from the ground level.
In regards to lag, there's a split-second freeze in the game as soon as the unit spawns in. The duration of the freeze corresponds to how many entities the unit has. However, this only happens for the first unit of its type and subsequent units wont cause this. Overall impact on performance is negligible if you only account for the unit itself. The effects generated from its idle animation (tons of animator_actions) as well its attacks are much more performance heavy.