uhm sort of.. I use the commissar model with Pozharsky's unique face:
Create a new .abp: armies\soviet\soldiers\pozharsky\pozharsky_new.abp
Codemodel =
-- Common Soviet Gear
-- Main Mesh
And add two animator_set_state actions in ebps/action_apply:
state_machine_name: cinematic_skins
do_action_state_name: on
state_machine_name: character
do_action_state_name: pozharsky
Default Commissar, Pozharsky, Isakovich
That's a smart way of doing it.

Female gibs are an unused asset, probably because its off proportioned to all the other infantry.
You'll need to take any motion tree abp file and delete the "soldiers\\giblets\\giblets\\giblets", line. In this example I named the new abp file as "test.abp". Then create an abp file for the unit.
model =
do_action_state_name: on
state_machine_name: gibs

Gibs in general have some interesting properties. It hides the base model of the infantry and replaces it with the gibs model. All infantry have the gibs blueprint as it's in every motion tree. This means we can do things such as paratrooper gibs.

Gibs do not, however, replace femalemotion.abp so we can add hats on to them.

model =
Because the model includes the head and hands we will have to use the custom motion tree again. This model has a lower draw distance so be aware of that if your mod includes a zoom out.