
russian armor

Ost so up.

by Katitof 28th March 2015, 20:47 PM
  • U.S. Forces flag Bucho Burns
  • U.S. Forces flag rgrthat
Semoskiy (4)
  • Oberkommando West flag niceguy.aut
  • Ostheer flag Katitoff
  • [00:24:25] Bucho Burns: gardening jackson decided to spin
  • [00:31:48] niceguy.aut: GJ
  • [00:44:01] niceguy.aut: GG
  • [00:44:03] Katitoff: gg
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Duration: 00:44:08
28 Mar 2015, 20:47 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Much buffs needed, jacksons so stronk, T4 such impossible.
MG42 so underpowered at suppressing blobs.

And other popular claims being myth busted.

Also, thats what happens to micro if you play with cold fingers :guyokay:
29 Mar 2015, 11:45 AM
avatar of zarok47

Posts: 587

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Mar 2015, 20:47 PMKatitof
Much buffs needed, jacksons so stronk, T4 such impossible.
MG42 so underpowered at suppressing blobs.

And other popular claims being myth busted.

Also, thats what happens to micro if you play with cold fingers :guyokay:

What can I say about this very "interesting" replay?

Well, let's start with your "myth busting".

Jacksons were lost due to awful pathing, and neither of the USF players supported them very well. Later, they faced multiple panthers with no numerical nor range superiority.

Your T4 was completed at 18 minutes, with the first panther arriving at 22:47 minutes. Had there been sov players involved, you would not have the luxury of even surviving for so long due to call-ins coming earlier then your panther (85;s generally hitting the 15 minute mark, IS-2 slight later at 19-20 minutes).. Of course, you were lucky enough to get Semois in the first place - had it been any other map in the game without fuel conveniently placed next to your base, this would be pretty much impossible. :megusta:

And now, for the piece de resistance, the HMG42 vs blobs.

For starters, it died 4 times, twice to blobs running up to it, and twice more due to nades+follow up rifle attack. The performance of the mg42 only improved somewhere in the second half of the game, when you smartly put s-mines next to it, and all the green cover was destroyed in the centre, leaving blobs to charge directly at it with no cover or even red cover.
But even then it wasn't that good, seeing as at one time, it failed to stop 3 squads from murdering a pak40, due to smoke usages from the ammies. (pak40 was also never picked-up by ammies for reasons i can't even begin to fathom).

So yea, the conclusion i can draw from this replay, is that a mg42 in cover with s-mine support can stop an incoming blob if it charges over no cover, uses no smoke and there is no flanking whatsoever.

Oh, and I almost forgot: the ranks of the players involved.
Both teams were randoms as a start.
bucho is ranked 3588 in randoms US
rgthat is rank 312 as random US
niceguy (OkW) is ranked 1400 in randoms
And you are ranked 1700 as ostheer random whilst your top rank in 1vs1 is 155 as ammies and 406 as ostheer 1vs1.
So I’d guess you might be playing just very slightly below your own rank. :snfBarton:
29 Mar 2015, 12:59 PM
avatar of Kronosaur0s

Posts: 1701

lol, nice zarok :P
29 Mar 2015, 13:01 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Can't do much against the randomness of matchmaking itself.
While HMG died often, it wasn't from the frontal attacks, but flanks and the nades(thanks squad bunching!). And ofc them doubling up on me, HMG can not and will not stop 8 rifle squads going from 2 directions really.

I wouldn't wait for T4 if I felt like I couldn't hold.
You say "if sov was involved", well, they weren't so its not really an argument.

Also, while it gave me a bit of overconfidence, not the performance and usefulness of greatly unappreciated 251 transport(lost most squads because I believed I could soft retreat to it.

About the rank, worked on it since, so next reps will hopefully be closer to top 150-300 where I consider my skill to be.

Thats still infinitively more then you have ever contributed, so I'd stay shut if I were you :)
29 Mar 2015, 13:06 PM
avatar of Kronosaur0s

Posts: 1701

lol dude dont get mad, he is just right, accept the loss like a man :megusta:
29 Mar 2015, 16:07 PM
avatar of zarok47

Posts: 587

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Mar 2015, 13:01 PMKatitof
Can't do much against the randomness of matchmaking itself.
While HMG died often, it wasn't from the frontal attacks, but flanks and the nades(thanks squad bunching!). And ofc them doubling up on me, HMG can not and will not stop 8 rifle squads going from 2 directions really.

I wouldn't wait for T4 if I felt like I couldn't hold.
You say "if sov was involved", well, they weren't so its not really an argument.

Also, while it gave me a bit of overconfidence, not the performance and usefulness of greatly unappreciated 251 transport(lost most squads because I believed I could soft retreat to it.

About the rank, worked on it since, so next reps will hopefully be closer to top 150-300 where I consider my skill to be.

I think there was one instance of the hmg dieing to a frontal attack, but that involved the enemy using green cover, so take that as you will.
Still, a general statement about the hmg suppression not being bad is not warranted considering the circumstances as listed in my prior response.

Considering the lack of sov argument, i can see where you are coming from, but i think both you and i agree that facing double US in 2vs2 is both unlikelier and weaker then mixed/double sov. Or rather, you face a sov player more often than not in a 2vs2.
In that regard, a general statement over the viability of ost t4 needs to take in account the existence of a sov adversary.
And that still leaves the fuel next to base argument, had the map been different i highly doubt you would get to T4.

251 is indeed good, but on this map I would actually recommend the command bunker. You're not likely to move a lot on Semois due to the campy nature of the map, so the mobility of the 251 is not as necessary and the house placement is good for hiding the bunker (better even would be the OkW medic truck for free healing).

In that regard i would also recommend the normal mg bunker, since it won't get decrewed and is significantly cheaper than building and recrewing an HMG42 (And it will stop any number of inf squads charging at it). Park a pak40 next to it and every US player will hate you :snfAmi: .

Rank weirdness is noted, looking forward to your replays.

lol, nice zarok :P

Completly missed this, thanks Krono.
29 Mar 2015, 16:31 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 1225

Katitof, do you really believe you can infer anything about the state of the game from beating on 2 randoms with a combined rank of 4000 and at best rudimentary infantry micro?

But its good to see you actually play the game - I mean it. Try a few 1s as OH, you'll see what I mean.
29 Mar 2015, 17:16 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

Ostheer so underpowered WutFace
29 Mar 2015, 18:00 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

Any more competent Allied player would have finished the game within minutes.

A fail attempt at justifying the crippled state Ostheer is in atm.
29 Mar 2015, 21:05 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Katitof, do you really believe you can infer anything about the state of the game from beating on 2 randoms with a combined rank of 4000 and at best rudimentary infantry micro?

But its good to see you actually play the game - I mean it. Try a few 1s as OH, you'll see what I mean.

No, but I like to have something ready for when another jaigen, lolcake or alex will come and scream what you can walk up to HMG casually and decrew it with 1-2 squads.

The blob charged HMG, HMG stopped the blob.
Thats what counts for the argument.
29 Mar 2015, 23:31 PM
avatar of m00nch1ld
Donator 11

Posts: 641 | Subs: 1

Katitof, do you really believe you can infer anything about the state of the game from beating on 2 randoms with a combined rank of 4000 and at best rudimentary infantry micro?

But its good to see you actually play the game - I mean it. Try a few 1s as OH, you'll see what I mean.

Katitof is just ally fanboi. Dont bother arguing with him.

ps im an axis fanboi but atleast i admit it ;)
30 Mar 2015, 05:03 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

You just wanna say Ost is fine and doesn't need any change or buff?!

Bro, there is no question that Ost needs adjustment. HMG42 is too useless against (not even good) AVERAGE USF PLAYERS, slightly better than rank 4000! but regardless comparing it with Maxim/50 cal./Dshk HMGs which suppress almost instantly is also the point. Well the 42 is indeed marvellous in comparison with the 34! and yet one allyfanboy said the 34 is amazing!! (wtf indeed)

Panther is a very good medium tank, but playing as Ost IS2 arrives in many cases even earlier!! good SU use shuts it down! all factions have a good long range tank destroyer which can hit the field very early (SU-85, JP4, Jackson), but Ost DOES NOT. they could probably fix a lot of Ost problems by making something with that level available in the Ost's T3 similar to those 60 range tank destroyers, for instance proper buffing of Stug to work as a proper/reliable tank destroyer similar to SU, JP, or Jackson.

Nice comment btw, Zarok!
30 Mar 2015, 06:40 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Mar 2015, 05:03 AMAladdin
You just wanna say Ost is fine and doesn't need any change or buff?!

No, I don't. And never did I said that anywhere.
Merely stating that certain areas where noobs complain are just that-complains of noobs.

You'd knew that if you had some basic reading comprehension.
Not feeling like addressing rest of your post, because if you're already missing the point completely at your first line, I can't expect you to be accurate in the following ones.
30 Mar 2015, 08:39 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Mar 2015, 06:40 AMKatitof

No, I don't. And never did I said that anywhere.
Merely stating that certain areas where noobs complain are just that-complains of noobs.

You'd knew that if you had some basic reading comprehension.
Not feeling like addressing rest of your post, because if you're already missing the point completely at your first line, I can't expect you to be accurate in the following ones.

The title of ur replay tells it all
31 Mar 2015, 08:03 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Mar 2015, 08:39 AMAladdin

The title of ur replay tells it all

Do you even sarcasm?
31 Mar 2015, 08:36 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Mar 2015, 08:03 AMKatitof

Do you even sarcasm?

Yes, I read that assuming u being sarcastic
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