If they just make it F2P with no extra measures (like Starcraft II is doing), it will be a shitstorm of maphaxxors. Let's not forget that Blizzard is actively supporting SC2 and it's a huge game with tons of players and somewhat regular updates. Relic could not dedicate even 1% of the anti-cheating effort that Blizzard can.
Apart from that, new players would be most welcome at this stage. |
For the Sturmtiger and demo changes alone, I would have your babies. So long overdue. |
It would be a bitch to do it with Autohotkey and grid keys. The only thing that comes to mind is checking pixel colors to identify whether you've selected a vehicle or an infantry squad, and modifying the hotkey dynamically. Though I'm not sure it would be responsive enough.
The other option is to modify and repack the SGA file that contains the hotkeys - this used to work in CoH 1, not sure if it's possible now. |
Well, I hoped that FRPs are going to be redesinged, not made pointless. That is why I was for manpower increase. Still, if it can only be global then it makes little sense.
FRP means a shorter retreat time, meaning squads start reinforcing earlier, plus shorter time back to the field. This will likely more than offset the 75% penalty on most maps, especially if you don't need to reinforce 4 or 5 models at once. Not to mention that the time to heal is sometimes greater than the time to reinforce, and is the limiting factor. I still think FRP will save a lot of time in many situations, hardly pointless - just less effective. |
So, instead of increased reinforcement costs, why not just simply increase the time of reinforcement...? It has the same effect as delaying retreated units to return to the field, effecting you more if you loose a lot of models, but it still does give you an advantage of performing semi-hard retreats.
I would prefer this. I really like that you're trying to tackle FRPs, but I am not a fan of increased reinforcement cost - I think it would be a bitch to balance across maps/modes/playstyles. |
Great changes all around as usual. Sucks that you lost some work on the Fall patch due to democracy, but really glad to see the patch team is still on the job. |
And promotion to level 8 1v1. I know it might not mean too much but I am damn proud of myself. I am finally progressing.
Congrats, and good luck! |
When multiple engagements are happening, removing the minimap info may mean the difference between dodging a grenade and losing a squad. I think the problem with the ability is not its usefulness, but rather that you don't get immediate feedback about how useful/useless it was in any given case, meaning that it's hard to learn to use it well and most players completely forget about it.
It is, however, widely used in the alternative universe where CoH is a serious competitive game with hundreds of really good players. |
Do you think you lose any damage by not quite having the flamer AoE all the way in the building though?
IIRC damage loss should be minimal or none, as most damage would come from far AOE which applies to all entities in the garrison. A stat guru could confirm for sure. But yeah, would be pretty nice if they fixed it. |
From what I remember, the units only do this when you click attack ground within a building (which is often when you would be using smoke, of course). To work around it, attack the ground right outside the wall of the building and the AOE will do the job. It can be a bit tricky to aim through the smoke, though. |