Seriously, it is very annoying issue:
As we all know, when any ostheer arty-unit is in "counterbattery" mode - it automaticly shots back, if not in cooldown, to any (again ANY) enemy artillery type unit, which used common "barrage" ability.
And that's cool, but... there is a way how to avoid that ability, and do it very easy. (It is more about howitzers and nebelwerfers - artilleries with long-preiod cooldown).
If you playing against howitzer-axis, and you see, that your opponent used counterbattery mode for to counter your... Matressees or whatever else serious arty, just use mortar as bait for that ability. Put mortar, use barrage - LeFH will try to counterbattery it, then will be long cooldown, when you are free to use any other your arty without any risks getting shell back.
Axis counterbattery is pretty... weak ability itself, so it is also very easy avoidable. I would like to suggest to change counterbattery ability for howitzers and rocket artilliery of axis, so it wouldn't force them to counter such... unsignificant targets, like mortars, light field howitzers... Or maybe make there toggle Counter all arty/Only counter rockets and howitzers. Or (most OP way, but still the way) make counterbattery fire on howitzers (only on howitzers) work without barrage cooldown at all, or with way lesser cooldown (20-30 secs). Maybe it should work like UKF counterbattery... Anyway, it should be fixed or improved somehow.
It may sound like small change, but it is very important for those, who like to use LeFHs, when playing as Axis. Counterbattery mode is really "small" veterancy ability, all other howitzers (except M1931 B-4) have more or less normal vet-abilities (+ shells or in-line barrage).
Want to punish blobs - improve AI abilities of artillery. Simple, would work fine with balance in general and wouldn't need to change or add more mechanics in game.
Everything is simple. |
All allies PREMIUM medium tanks? I know only Comet, if we speak about non-doctrinal premium medium tanks. USSR's stock medium ends with T-34-76, USF's - with M4A3. Unlike Axis, which both have non-doc almostheavy tank.
Comet has it's own problems. Pretty random accuracy at long range, specially at infantry targets is worst my problem with that. But... Comet comes very late, costs a lot (if we adding upgrade price), so... I would say it performs fine, not too powerful, not too weak. Yet, I don't like that UKF design allows to UKF have both top of the line infantry, tanks, snipers, defenses... But, that's design issue, that's for another discussion.
If we speak about allies doctrinal premium tanks - I wouldn't say, that they are better than panther, or even equial with it. Panther has higher than some heavy tanks frontal armor, it has very high speed, it has gun with nice combat stats and range of fire... And it has also a lot of MGs in hull, turret and on turret, so - it may be also used as more or less fine AI. And don't forget - Panther is undoctrinal.
T-34-85 and E8 are doctrinal, from other side, they are more universal, I agree. But... as AT, Panther beats them all.
And Panther is actually very good AT tank, even if it stands against enemy medium spam. You don't actually have to counter enemy tanks ONLY with panthers, you also have good AT guns, you may use doctrinal AT units (Personally, I like to snipe enemy tanks with PaK 43 or JT  ), you may also use mines, which can stop even worst spam, you may also use AT infantry... Look at combined AT power of Axis in general.
So, I think, that current state of buisness is fine. Panther is pretty nice tank, specially in right hands (that's why I never use it at all), Comet is also nice tank, which I would actually compare not with Panther, but with Tiger, cos it really reminds me non-doc british Tiger 1. Do UKF deserve to have such tank with all their power - big question for me, but not for that thread, all other allies medium top-tanks are also fine. They are obviously not more powerful, than Panther, which counters them fine and I wouldn't say, that skilled axis player would lose to that spam.
Well... in vCoH there was such cool thing for UK arty like "Supercharge rounds". Without them - arty and mortars had pretty low range. With - incredibly high. I would make that passive ability in CoH 2 too, in Royal Arty doctrine. Without that - mortar will have just a bit bigger than all other common mortars range of fire, with that ability - same as it has today.
It would both make Royal Arty more attractive and would improve "waychoosing" playstyle and design of UKF. If you taking non-arty doctrine - you won't rely on indirects too much anyway, use a lot of other units, which UKF have. If you taking arty doctrine - all kinds of arty at your service then, but... each mortar pit costs really a lot of MP, so you won't get a lot of other "agressive" units instead.
Yet, it would maybe cause a bit decreasing of price of mortar pit. |
Yes and no. Before the MG34 was made non-doctrinal Luftwaffe Ground Forces was a no brainer pick and in that case the MG34 came at 1cp and off-map so you could get one way sooner than you can now.
I think the old design was actually better than the current one, because you could get an MG34 early if needed, or not at all. Now your only choice is to get it late.
Personally I didn't use it before and don't use it now at all. OKW was and still is faction, which can actually survive without such supression platforms. They have pretty powerful infantry start, maybe even more powerful than UKF have. They obviously have weak early game, since they can't get early HMGs or Mortars, but that is again - design issue, there is nothing wrong at all, that OKW suck in early to USSR, to USF, to whoever else... OKW's main power concentrated in late, mostly at one unit - KT.
So, I just don't understand that idea of people, that "OKW MUST(!) have HMG, cos each faction must have supression platform". Again, I can use that logic and ask for non-doc DP-28s and PTRSs for Concsripts then, cos non-doc infantry weapons, which have all 4 factions, except USSR, are also very important for factions gameplay, specially when you build it around infantry, not vehciles.
And if someone thinks, that MG-34 is shit - think about it again. It was and is cheapest HMG in game, it has wide arc of fire, large AoE supression field. It is 100% copy of MG-42, with just lesser stats of damage and supression, but with better accuracy. And again - way lesser price. So - be happy about you have. Same USSR has to fuck with Maxims, spending helluva micro for to control it in defesive gameplay, when you need manually turn (not just press right button) it at each target, which trying to flank it. |
You got a better idea? Kubel has no suppression, Flak HF is shit, what else does the OKW have that deals suppression (except for the HQ Flak) that also comes in early game and is mobile?
This isn't some fanboyism from my side, we're talking about a key element of an Army.
Plus it's not my problem Relic designed them like this, the PE provided enough variety in a German Army in CoH with their vehicles, I still have no problem using the 250 Half-track there with my PGs as an effective suppression platform.
Especially the mortar HF, I love that thing with it's flame rounds.
Edit: Not to mention that the MG34 is shit compared to the MG42 while it shouldn't be so but whatever it takes for ASS-ymetrical balance.
Lol, OKW lived long without non-doc HMG, and now it is somehow "essential part of army". I would say, that non-doc weapons for core infantry are also important and essential part of army, but that reason didn't casue adding those weapons to USSR, somehow... Such as it won't cause adding really powerful infantry to Ostheer, cos it's part of their faction design, etc...
It's not fanboysm, but it's just misunderstanding of factions deisgn and balance issues. OKW had richiest with combat-reliable units T0 in game! 2 types of combat infantry, light spammable car, which in big numbers can be very annyoing and AT gun, exclusevly for OKW. Ain't it much enough, for to add there also MG-34?
Besides, as Katitof said - such changes sooner or later going to totaly ruin OKW's faction uniqe design and turn them into Ostheer 2.0. I wouldn't like to see that at all, Relic should use other ways of balancing, not copy-pasting ideas from one faction in game to another.
1. I would like to see "old OKW infantry system" back, cos it was logicaly correct and worked very fine. Stories about "volksblobs" ended right after Calliope and Mattress came. Allies got tools of punishing OKW spammers, and then that spam was removed. Looks a bit strange for me. SPio Shrecks are useless at all, because SPios with that have too much roles. Engineers, sweepers, close combat squad and now also AT squad. They should be spammable then for to perform well in all those roles.
2. Horrible aim speed may be fixed, but we shouldn't forget, that RW is ONLY AT gun in game, which is allowable in T0 - earlier than for any other faction. And you saying "retreating, cloaking, garrisoning" like it is something useless. All of those abilities are very much useful. RW is fine for OKW in their current faction design. It deals well with light vehicles, with middle, for heavy you are free to use T3 options. It's cheaper than normal AT guns, comes early, so - it is balanced. Idea of replacing it to PaK 40 is most retarded way of fixing the problem. OKW is almost like Ostheer already, no need to make them even more similar, please. OKW lost all it's uniqness as faction, and that uniqness provided very interesting gameplay. For purpouses of "competivie balance" it was ruined, and you want to ruin it more. Rethink about it, please.
3. USF mortar and LeIG... Don't you understand, that they are different type of units at all. M1 is mortar, LeIG is field gun, like PHowie. So, it performs like PHowie - longer range of fire, able to damage vehicles, with good luck - able to wipe squads too. But PHowie is better, you could say, but it comes way later than LeIG, costs more and it's... less mobile maybe. In any case, LeIG is fine, I explained it somewhere else already. No need to add smoke, no need to fix it, like they tried by adding suppression. LeIG is able to counter HMGs by normal fire, without smoke. It sounds like a joke at CoH 2 org now, but I would say, that it is L2P issue.
4. Obersoldaten is 4men sniper squad actually. Their accuracy is close to 100% even on move, they equiped with pretty powerful abilities (like traping points, which is doctrinal for USSR, for example) and they are in general - high quality elite squad, non-doctrinal one. That's why they cost 400 MP - they perform right like they cost 400 MP. Saying that "Riflmen costs lesser, but perform same" is ridiculous. For to perform same you should invest in them >120 ammo in each squad, with weapons. And that is pretty big investment. Besides, it's part of USF design - infantry over vehicles. Their tank park and vehicles in general are weaker, than tank park of all other factions, even their heavy is glass cannon. So, it compensates with versile and powerful infantry. So, please, stop your constant whines about "Riflemen too powerful, OPOP!" (not personally to you, but to everyone who whines about it). It is design issue, it is balanced with USF faction design. So, Obers are also fine.
5. FRP costs too much if we also add 100 MP for medics, I agree. I would actually remove those upgrades for medics and repairteams and make it back as it was. I suggested myself that few years ago, but... times changed, now OKW is hardly redesigned, so... there is no need to have such upgrades on track HQs now. If those upgrades will be removed - let it cost 300 MP as it is. If they won't be removed, then would be sweet to have 100 MP discount on FRP upgrade, cos it all steals just too much MP from you, you can start to lose in midgame with that, cos you won't be able to buy more units.
6. FlakHQ is "anti-everything" gun. Infantry, tanks, vehicles, airtargets... and has incredibly large range. I would say - no need to touch it at all. Let it have auto-targeting, that opponents would at least have chanses to beat it with only infantry or something like that. It's same as bunkers can't be aimed, it's fine, it's balancing issue.
7. Don't agree, see it pretty often. Of course, it is easy counterable, so investments of 55 fuel in such units looks questionable. I would maybe make it cheaper, for to make more attractive. But... right after that will be needed to make cheaper USF M15AA and maybe M5 truck. In any case - Flak HT is pretty useless unit, but I see no way, how to make it both useful and balanced, not OP. It will require work with all factions then.
No more points you have, I hope |
increasing the fuel price of call in tanks without teching would simply allow for 1 call in tank rather than to spam them. If people feel they are behind and need the M10 so be it! but they souldnt be able to call in 3 of them and simply yolo rush
But... there is nothing wrong in spamming such tanks like M10, you know... They are deisgned to be "weak by themself, but powerful in numbers". Make them less spammable - will make them less effective. Such as there is nothing wrong in T-34-76 spam or StuG G spam... or any cheap, shitty but spam-effective tank.
And be sure - yolo rush with such tanks will be ended very fast and easy. All of those tanks (not-heavy call-ins) dying pretty fast, and it's not that hard to counter it. AT guns, AT infantry, mines...
And one more - constant investment in call-in tank spam will leave your opponent without late game, it's part of resourse managment, I said you before. While you invest in teching = more powerful units, he just throws his resourses on tanks, which maybe will be effective now (but not unstopabble, all factions getting AT guns in early part of midgame), but will be veeeery ineffective in late. So, if you will do everything right - you gonna beat such spammer without any problems later. |
+1 for tightropes idea!
M10 is cheaper than M36... it shuts down Ostheer T3 if you dont tech to major because of the insane amount of fuel you can save up! its at that time of the game when osthee should start to get some initiative back and counterattack the us rifleblob...but the M10 is just too good for its fuel cost + its crushing is still godlike Kappa
thats why it should have something like 1.5 times higher fuel price without T4 and normal price when you already teched to T4
Soviet Sherman is a pain in the ass for every OKW player because (without tech) one can easily get 2 or ever 3 and rush the raketenwerfer(s)...
Flakpanzer is the comebackunit for OKW and handles Inf pretty well if you rely on raketenwerfers against enemy tanks (which is a gamble because of the units performance)
Flammpanzer and KV1 are bad thats true but KV8 can be brutal if your enemy has no armor to defend against it... once the paks are disttacted the KV8 just kills everything...
Last big patch was overall a good one! Mines,Snipers,Volksblob...
The current Meta is not totaly reliant on call ins which is a great improvement to some years ago! But its still frustrating to lose a game where you dominated your opponent all game until he spams call in tanks (not the heavy tanks) with his saved fuel! why should an Osteheer player with barely any mapcontroll be able to field a command P4 to buff all of hist teamweapons?
This sort of game design encourages campy playstile instead of aggresive pushing (for which teching is needed). There is always the option to come back via call in tanks... Remove that and games also wouldn't take as long as they do now...
1. M10 is cheaper, but If I remember right, they increased it's price with buff, so it costs almost like Ostheer StuG G. Playing ONLY with call-in M10s, specially in late may end for you pretty bad - Elephants, KTs, Panthers and such beasts will just stump them, covered with other Axis AT. And Im not sure, that M10 is able to shut Ostheer T3. StuG G is pretty powerful and cheap AT too, so it's not unstopable... In any case, my point was - you just can't play ONLY with call-in tanks, their quality is not good enough. That's why you are able to call them without teching.
2. Increasing price for Call-ins if you haven't teched enough. Gonna enable "Farseer mode" - nobody will just use them. Seriously, overpaying for low quality units, instead of saving resourses on tech, which with you getting normal units? All call-ins will become just useless, you can instantly remove them from game after that. Anyone, who understand, how resourse management in CoH works will say the same.
3. About Shermans, KVs and such stuff... Soviet shermans costs like T-34-85, but perform like T-34-76 with a bit better stats, KVs are poor, even KV-2, Ostwind is poor (played in vCoH sometime ago - how deadly it was there...), Flammenpanzer is poor... I don't know who builds their game around those units. I may understand, that soviets build their game arounds those units, but only becasue stock is way worse than call-ins, such designed it is. But USF has in stock more powerful units, than in doctrines, so... Making it tech binded doesn't look good for their attractiveness.
4. Last big patch was and is just pyle of sh*t. It was devastating blow to factions design (specially OKW) and it didn't really made anything better. But, that's another discussion.
5. And I think, existance of such call-ins rewards more agressive gameplay, cos without tech-binding you can get them faster, so it makes game "faster" and more agressive. Tech binding will slow gameplay, tanks will come later, cos again - is there anyone sane who will pay x1.5 (or x any number >1) price for unit, instead of saving those res for tech and getting units from tech? And besides - if you dominated over the field, then you had more resourses, then you got more powerful units. I think, that same M10 spam in late can be really tasty food for your JT or Elephant, if you really dominated over the field you should be able to afford those beasts.
6. There is nothing wrong in campy playstyle, though... You can't always play in rush, it's just impossible. And there are people, which actually like campy playstyle (artillerists, emplacementers...). Im sure, that our... their gamestyle is not worse, than gamestyle of those, who prefer to play agressive. It makes in game tactical and strategic rich. So, let's not say, that campy playstyle should be punished, and agressive - rewarded. It is biased position, I don't think, we should approve it, right? |
Yea... good luck for you to survuve until CP levels of call-ins without tiering. All heavies have high CP cost, you getting enough points only in late, very rarely in middle. And sometime ago, CP requirements were increased for call-ins, so... I see nothing problematic here.
About medium and light vechilces call-ins. All those call-ins (except Ostheer Puma maybe, never used) are usualy WEAKER than their analogs in stock. M10 < M36, 105mm Sherman... what for that thing exists, Flakpanzer is trash, Flammenpanzer is trash, KV-1 is trash, KV-8... my personal opinion - trash, Stug E trash, Valentine is trash... You got it, right? So, if they are weaker and their getting will be bounded with teching - who will need them at all? Who will need M10, if it will be bounded with teching to USF T4, for example (which costs ALOT), when in same T4 I will be able to get proper AT tank, instead of that toy?
+ Don't forget, that USSR is HARDLY dependable on call-ins in their doctrines. USSR at all is highly doctrine-dependable (and it's bad), so - making call-ins integrated in tech for them will be really deadly blow to USSR. Making T-34-85 tech integrated, in my understanding, had only 1 purpouse - make new shitty T4 at least somehow attractive for people. And adding E8 in tech... who knows why it happend.
In any case, your idea is deadly for current game design, balance of some factions. I suggest you to think more about it, evaluate it's affection on game in general. Im seriously sure - it will cause more problems than benefits, just like last big patch.
P.S. In vCoH call-in tanks wasn't just binded to teching - they even didn't cost any fuel!!! I still remember, how powerful was mindfuly done "early-churchill rush"  And I don't remember, that someone had problems with that. |