You can see the American vehicle crew to do your own one. I am going to leave you here some important things to take in consideration to start it. You can ask me if you need more support:
1. Clone the american sbps and ebps of his crew and link them together using the "squad_loadout_ext" in the sbps file
2. Change the 3D model on ebps file under "entity_blueprint_ext". If you are going to use the soviet tank crew 1 then you can use the follow:
animator: armies\soviet\soldiers\tank_crew_1\tank_crew_1
3. Add your crew to the target vehicle. For this you can take a look on an american vehicle. Basically you need to:
a. Go to vehicle ebps/recrewable_ext
b. Add there an extra race. In this case soviet one and add there you sbps tank crew under:
4. Create the decrew ability: just clone the american one and tweak it a bit:
In the requirement ext, remember to change the race to soviet otherwise it will not appear.
5. Add the decrew ability to your new squad sbps. This ability needs to be placed on the follow location:
(is important to put in there otherwise the ability will not show up)
6. Edit the .abp file of your tank_crew_1. Why ?
a. To apply correctly the abandon_syncronization
b. If you want combat gear for them
In "Wikinger mod" I have the follow abp file pack:
model =
-- Main Mesh
To know how to work with abp files, I leave you here the "Eliwood channel" I learn a lot from him, is a great modder.
I hope this could help you. Lets me know if you need more assistance.