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Modders' Job Board

17 Jan 2019, 14:46 PM
avatar of Planet Smasher
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 632 | Subs: 1

Are you looking for a modding team to join? Or are you working on a mod and want to recruit more people? Then this thread is for you. Please use the following templates to keep everything organized:

If you are looking to join a modding team:

What would you like to work on? Balance, total conversion, gamemodes, new units and commanders, skin packs, etc.
What have you worked on before? Have you made a mod before? If yes, what kind of mod?
What are your skills? Attribute Editor, SCAR, UI art, skins, mapping, historical research, balance, promotion, testing, etc.
What would you like to learn? Anything of the above and more!

(Feel free to write a little more about yourself, if you like!)

If you want to recruit people for your mod:

Name: Complete Overhaul Redux II (Extended Edition)
Description: What does your mod do?
Current team: Are you a one-man army or do you have an elite squad at your side?
Looking for: What kind of people (and skills) are you looking for?

I'll make a shortlist of all current offers here at the top. If you found what you wanted and your post is no longer needed, shoot me a quick message and I'll make it invisible and delete it from the list.

Current offers:
British Army (Skin Artist, UI Artist, anyone willing to learn how to use the Attribute Editor)
IAC (Balance Designer, Tester)
Cold War Catastrophe (Mapper, Researcher, Tester)
Battleground: Europe (AI Coder, UI Artist, Skin Artist, Researcher, Promoter)
Uprising (UI Artist)
Retro CoH (AE modder)
Die Wacht am Rhein: The last Blitzkrieg (AE modder, SCAR editor, historical researchers)
manntoto mod (Tester, Mapper, AI scripter, Promoter & Streamer)
17 Jan 2019, 14:55 PM
avatar of Planet Smasher
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 632 | Subs: 1

I'll start off to give you an example - it's also a real offer, though. I could use some help with an unfinished mod that I want to pick up again.

Name: British Army
Description: Completely changes the British faction to have a more traditional tech structure (like Ostheer or Soviets), interesting commanders and varied strategies to make them more fun to play as (and against). No changes to the other factions.
Current team: Just me :foreveralone:
Looking for:
  • Skin artist (for a skin that covers all British and most US vehicles)
  • UI artist (for a few custom icons and portraits)
  • New modders willing to learn (I'm always happy to show you your way around the Attribute Editor!)
  • Testers (in the future, once the mod is at least nearly complete)
17 Jan 2019, 15:06 PM
avatar of Osinyagov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 1389 | Subs: 1

17 Jan 2019, 15:07 PM
avatar of Planet Smasher
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 632 | Subs: 1

You can just PM me to get UI help. Oh wait, it is just an example. :oops:

It's an example, but also a real offer at the same time :D Thank you!
19 Jan 2019, 05:52 AM
avatar of Lugie
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 327

Name: IAC
Description: Overhaul/Cinematic improvents. Main goal is to bring back features that have been removed and/or forgotten, re-intgrating as much unused content as possible and providing a safe haven for casual players. Slightly increases the realism/damage, with many more possible criticals and higher overall range/damage, but not to the extent of spearhead and other such mods.
Current team: 1
Looking for: Testers and balancers.

Name: Cold War Catastrophe
Description: Spin-off of IAC. Overhaul into late 50's/early 60's warfare, east vs west. Main goal is to provide a cool new experience, without rehashing most of the ww2 stuff. Integrates the cosmetic/world features of IAC, without the focus on as much content as possible. Keeps CoH2's damage system for the most part. More streamlined, to feel more like a new game, not a mod.
Current team: 1
Looking for: Testers, historical researchers, mappers.
19 Jan 2019, 15:10 PM
avatar of MirageKnight32

Posts: 1

Name Battleground: Europe

Description: An existing and ambitious historical realism / balance mod that aims to improve on Company of Heroes 2's core gameplay. The mod prides itself on historical accuracy and being able to offer a good balance of realism and fun for both PvP fans and comp-stompers.

The mod adds new units and abilities, while revising and updating existing systems.

Current Team: Just me at this point.

Looking for:

  • Coder (mostly AI work)
  • Promoter
  • Researcher
  • Skinner (vehicles for all factions)
  • UI artist (some unit icons and portraits)

24 Jun 2019, 19:50 PM
avatar of de111de

Posts: 17

Name: Uprising
Description: It's a game mode where one team plays as partisans(soviets) who have to try and sneak around while the Germans with superior weapons and vehicles have to search for and kill them. Also there are different win conditions which are the tasks for the partisans to complete, e.g. killing officers.
Current team: Just me
Looking for:
  • UI artist (some unit symbols (the ones in the army controller) and portraits)

8 Sep 2019, 16:26 PM
avatar of Kalkstein

Posts: 8

Name: Retro CoH

Description: This is basically CoH 1 in CoH 2. Every single game stat, ability, tech & building, even the doctrines are brought back it its origins. Our goal is to reach the good old feeling by careful adopting the old statistics.
Bringing back Company of Heroes 1 with new graphics and sound seems important for us, as this was what we wished ourselves CoH 2 should be in the first place.

Try out yourself: a pre-version

Current progress: The most drastic changes have already been done. But there is a significant number of (mostly weapon, thus buggy damage outputs in current version) stats left to change. We track all changes made and needed in a big sheet so nothing can be forgotten.

Current team: I am happy to work with Nosliw, a well known CoH 1 player and also a good modder.

Looking for: People who are not scared off by number shifting in big tables. All remaining work is done with the Attribute Editor. It is an easy, but time consuming job (and time is what lacks us).
24 Sep 2019, 10:57 AM
avatar of ChrisMantou

Posts: 23

Name: Die Wacht am Rhein: The last Blitzkrieg

Description: The mod focus on overhauling the realism of the game extremely, like largely increasing engaging ranges, historical squad compositions, weapon penatration and new features like command chain and so on. Also replace original commanders to historical combat formations (divisions) which leads to different reinforcement or abilities to call in and affect what you can build.
Lots of things will be changed but don't panic because I had experience before (I failed a lot of times before so...)

Progress: USF is partially done for now and I have made plans on what to do in the future

Current team: Just me and also friends who give me some advices

Looking for:
- Poeple with no experience of making mod but interested in my mod theme
- People who have basics editing SCAR files
- People who know about worldbuilder
- People with some experience, willing to spend time find out more stuff on modding with me
- People who reads about WW2 tactics who can provide ideas to improve the realism
21 Jun 2020, 22:08 PM
avatar of James Hale

Posts: 574

Name: manntoto mod

Description: a general overhaul mod based on older faction designs and gameplay mechanics; includes new units and abilities, revamped commanders, bug fixes, improved AI and UI/GFX enhancements. Fun, interesting and with lots of polish - faction design satisfaction not guaranteed.

Current team: 2

Looking for:

- testers
- mappers
- AI scripters
- general feedback & balance suggestions
- promotion & streaming
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