
russian armor

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8 Aug 2016, 20:27 PM
avatar of Cogetama

Posts: 67

In a 3v3, I play SU (usually Mechanized Support) my mate plays USF (always Tactical Support) and our third teammate plays Brits. Which commanders should the UKF have in it's loadout and which one should he choose in game and why? (he usually puts down a mortar bunker early and aims for several comets in the late game, the rest is flexible)
8 Aug 2016, 21:39 PM
avatar of Theodosios
Admin Red  Badge

Posts: 1554 | Subs: 7

In a 3v3, I play SU (usually Mechanized Support) my mate plays USF (always Tactical Support) and our third teammate plays Brits. Which commanders should the UKF have in it's loadout and which one should he choose in game and why? (he usually puts down a mortar bunker early and aims for several comets in the late game, the rest is flexible)

2 Regiments can help your Brit mate out in this case:

1.) Commando Regiment: He should choose this Regiment if you have problems dealing with infantry or fortified positions (OKW trucks + PaK43 + ...). Commandos sweep every kind of Axis infantry off when they manage to shorten the distance between them and their objective. If you face huge blobs then it will prove adjuvant to place demos with Commandos at important locations like your cutoff, VP, fuel point and so on. In case your foes choose to heavily fortify your British friend will be able to call upon the services of 2 line breaking abilities: Mortar Cover and Air Supremacy Operation. Mortar Cover will bombard hostile team weapons with white phosphorous shells which are going to drain life points of those. Once hostile weapon teams have almost no life points left you and your mates should push in to decrew everything you can find. If you encounter PaK43 + OKW trucks or similiar positions your Brit mate should use Air Supremacy Operation to flatten the area for his Comets and remaining armour.
His infantry can profit from Commando Regiment either via using "Assault" (4CP) causing his Infantry Sections to move more quickly and fight more efficiently.

2.) Tactical Support Regiment: This Regiment should be chosen if you cannot handle Axis armour properly since it allows your Brit mate to combine his Comets with one of the strongest off map abilities in the game: Artillery Cover. You and your mates should at least amass 3-4 various medium tanks per player (ISU-152 + 3 T34/76s, 2-3 Jacksons (and 2 Calliopes, of course not pushing), 3 Comets for example) being cautious (which means that you shouldn't push outright into hostile territory but nevertheless exert pressure on foes without the risk of losing armour) until your Brit mate has unlocked Artillery Cover (10CPs). If you and your allies are not determined when exactly to push in your Brit mate can solve this problem by designating his Universal Carrier as Command Vehicle thus being able to call in free aerial reconnaissance.
Make use of free reconnaissance, spot weak points of hostile defence, position your armour accordingly and then activate Artillery Cover where your foes gathered their armour. Push in and "Mark Target" the hostile key tank (Elephant Tank Destroyer, Jagdtiger, etc.) to destroy it swiftly while your USF mate should barrage every congregation of support weapon teams with his Calliopes. Once you have destroyed the key targets everyone of you can continue to pick up Axis armour since Artillery Cover paralyzes every hostile tank in the area of effect while pinning down infantry either.
9 Aug 2016, 10:05 AM
avatar of Cogetama

Posts: 67

2 Regiments can help your Brit mate out in this case:...

Many thanks. That was very quick but elaborate.

Is the UC the only sensible choice for the command vehicle?

9 Aug 2016, 15:47 PM
avatar of Theodosios
Admin Red  Badge

Posts: 1554 | Subs: 7

Is the UC the only sensible choice for the command vehicle?

In 3v3 light Allied T1 vehicles like UC won't survive long on the chaotic frontlines and have little to no impact unless you manage to eliminate a Sniper instantly. Thus I don't recommend to produce an UC except when planning to designate it as Command Vehicle.
11 Aug 2016, 12:36 PM
avatar of ika87

Posts: 3

As OKW player, in 1v1, how can we beat Soviets that abuses of Guards Rifle Infantry and early T-70? I'm having a lot of trouble because if I go tier 2 for a fast Luchs they beat me easy with their Guards and if I go tier 1 for some arty fire I suffer with the T-70. Whats the best option in that case? Sorry for my english, I'm Brazilian..
11 Aug 2016, 12:48 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Aug 2016, 12:36 PMika87
As OKW player, in 1v1, how can we beat Soviets that abuses of Guards Rifle Infantry and early T-70? I'm having a lot of trouble because if I go tier 2 for a fast Luchs they beat me easy with their Guards and if I go tier 1 for some arty fire I suffer with the T-70. Whats the best option in that case? Sorry for my english, I'm Brazilian..

Luchs is a good choice.
vs T70 raktenwerfer and 30 muni mines
Guards should not kill your luchs at all. Ofc if they are in houses you have more trouble vs them. But then use it on the other side of the map. And remember your Luchs is faster then inf walk.

After that don't forget to tech heal. And you can go for 1 ISG and one mg.
To this gamestyle light jeagers + Ostwind works very well.

13 Aug 2016, 22:26 PM
avatar of BigHustles

Posts: 44

What is a good general opening strat for soviets to get started on 1v1 ladder? Trying to get a good feel for the faction.
13 Aug 2016, 22:29 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

What is a good general opening strat for soviets to get started on 1v1 ladder? Trying to get a good feel for the faction.

I allready wrote to you in the shoutbox:

Sturmpanther: get 2 pio, get 3-4 maxims, guarde into t70, 120mm, and t34/85 ggwp

Best thing vs OKW.

Vs Ostheer you can try to play with cons. But atm Cons vs Volksgren is just crap!
14 Aug 2016, 09:23 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

I allready wrote to you in the shoutbox:

Sturmpanther: get 2 pio, get 3-4 maxims, guarde into t70, 120mm, and t34/85 ggwp

Best thing vs OKW.

Vs Ostheer you can try to play with cons. But atm Cons vs Volksgren is just crap!

I was also successful with 3 cons into fast clowncar, you can get it before OKW build battlegruppe or mechanized and you can get lot of ground control, pressure on enemy and even wipe some squads.

Then you have to get 2 guards to softcounter luchs and volks.

Then procced with t70 120mm into t34/85 (add suchkas or su85 if enemy went panther heavy)
16 Aug 2016, 12:03 PM
avatar of Cogetama

Posts: 67

How do you use the Stuarts stun shot ability well? My mate can't keep the Stuart from firing at infantery despite activating stun shot. Last game he had a Puma right in front of him and nothing happened.
16 Aug 2016, 13:11 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

How do you use the Stuarts stun shot ability well? My mate can't keep the Stuart from firing at infantery despite activating stun shot. Last game he had a Puma right in front of him and nothing happened.

Tell him to use hold fire on the stuart! So the stuart only fires , when tanks are near by.
16 Aug 2016, 13:15 PM
avatar of Danyek

Posts: 294 | Subs: 1

What truck should I get first as OKW vs allies?

I mean against brits, usf and soviets in 1v1
16 Aug 2016, 13:24 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Aug 2016, 13:15 PMDanyek
What truck should I get first as OKW vs allies?

I mean against brits, usf and soviets in 1v1

vs Brits: allways Heal

vs soviets and USA: You can go for mech first, but only, if you have an advantage, so that your luchs comes out early.

If not; heal and t4 is the save way.
16 Aug 2016, 13:45 PM
avatar of Danyek

Posts: 294 | Subs: 1

vs Brits: allways Heal

vs soviets and USA: You can go for mech first, but only, if you have an advantage, so that your luchs comes out early.

If not; heal and t4 is the save way.

Thanks a lot! :)
17 Aug 2016, 22:07 PM
avatar of BigHustles

Posts: 44

With regards to infantry being more effective at specific ranges, how does that work? Say for example a Grenadier squad that is more effective at long range... Are they hit by some sort of dmg nerf the closer they are, or perhaps their defense is higher at distance? Or say for riflemen, they get little stat bonuses the closer they are?

How does all that jazz work?
18 Aug 2016, 08:02 AM
avatar of kamk
Donator 11

Posts: 764

With regards to infantry being more effective at specific ranges, how does that work? Say for example a Grenadier squad that is more effective at long range... Are they hit by some sort of dmg nerf the closer they are, or perhaps their defense is higher at distance? Or say for riflemen, they get little stat bonuses the closer they are?

How does all that jazz work?

Most guns got a certain accuracy drop off over range, others not so much.
So i.e. a squad of Grens with their Kar98 has less accuracy drop than Rifles with their Garand. So at long range, you do more damage than the enemy.

Other example? SMGs, like Axis Pios use, which fire large bursts with good accuracy at short range, while drop off accuracy and burst rate heavily on range. (burst rate is the amount of bullets fired per salvo).

And another example, upgrades, like LMG42 vs. Bar. The LMG has decent accuracy at long range, and reduced fire rate and short range, so you want to keep it at range. Bar goes the other way, which has less accuracy and fire rate at range, so you want to get close and personal.

In a nutshell: less accuracy & fire rate = less potential hits = less damage.

Firesparks made a nice sheet here:

18 Aug 2016, 08:05 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

With regards to infantry being more effective at specific ranges, how does that work? Say for example a Grenadier squad that is more effective at long range... Are they hit by some sort of dmg nerf the closer they are, or perhaps their defense is higher at distance? Or say for riflemen, they get little stat bonuses the closer they are?

How does all that jazz work?

All infantry have some accuraccy, rate of fire(Rof) and cooldown.

Every small arms (weapon used by infantry) have better stats at close range

but some have better than others

For example grenadiers have bigger DPS (damage per second) at long range than conscripts (grens have bigger accuraccy) but conscripts have bigger DPS mid and short range because conscript rifles have somewhat smaller accuracy at close ronge, but have better RoF and more rifles (6 rifles vs 4).

After all we get into conclusion into 3 squads types : long range : these squads have big accuracy but low RoF and so they have best DPS at long range (they shot 4 bullet meanwhile other squad shot 16, but they hit 3 out of 4 and other sqaud only 1 for example), they get better accuracy and cooldown at shorter ranges, but other squads get same accuracy as they and still have better Rof and cooldown thust win the fight.

Short range: these squads have big rof and cooldown and low accuracy. They lose at long range but better DPS after all at mid and close ranges because of their dramatic rof and cooldown while getting slightly worse accuracy than long range squads.

Mid range squads have good balance between rof and accuracy and they have better DPS than close range squads at long range and better DPS against long range squads at close range, often also outDPS their counterparts at mid range if they are not in different price league.

There are lot of other factors like long range squads are having bigger movement penalties than short rne squads, often have better recived accuracy (chance getting hit by bullet) and short range squads have good movement penalty so they are good at chasing retreating squads.

But I think you dont need to know all this, giving you what units and weapons perform best at what range will help you most.

Long range units: grenadiers, volkgrenadiers, Infantry sections, obersoldaten, guards

Mid range units: panzergrenadiers, conscripts, sturmpioneers, penals, riflemen, rangers

Short range squads: partisans, shock troops, assault enginners,commados

Long range weapons are lmgs

mid range are bars and stg´s

close range are ppsh, and athor assault weapons

Hope I helped you
18 Aug 2016, 13:32 PM
avatar of mortiferum

Posts: 571

Just want to ask, what are some effective ways of countering a Guard inf "blob". The DPs combined with AT rifles more often than not means they can sprint up to a set up HMG-34 and mow it down before the pin.

Ostwind, P4 are just woefully ineffective against inf as well... Panther is completely out of the question.

I have tried using 2-3 Obers with LMG, but towards the end the guards were all vetted while the Obers werent and proceeded to blob me out.
18 Aug 2016, 13:56 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

Just want to ask, what are some effective ways of countering a Guard inf "blob". The DPs combined with AT rifles more often than not means they can sprint up to a set up HMG-34 and mow it down before the pin.

Ostwind, P4 are just woefully ineffective against inf as well... Panther is completely out of the question.

I have tried using 2-3 Obers with LMG, but towards the end the guards were all vetted while the Obers werent and proceeded to blob me out.

Sturmtiger, Tiger, Stuka, Panzerwerfer.

Also Ostwind and Piv can work ok, depends if the Guard is standing in green cover / house or not.

Agree atm are Panther in a bad spot at all. ( Su76 Op^^)
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