
russian armor

Historical Battles Weekends

29 Jun 2016, 13:59 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Hey everyone, sometimes I played historical battles with my friends in CoH2 and decided that more people should come have fun and play historical battles

So what are historical battles?

Well what we would do is find a battle that took place in WW2 and restrict units/factions/commanders to that battle while leaving the game competitive so players can have fun, this isnt meant to be an exact copy and the outcome is allowed to be different from the real life outcome for example Soviets failing to take the Reichstag and being successfully pushed out of Berlin by the Germans

I shall leave an example with an historical battle that happened in WW2 so players can better understand

This is just one example

Dont be shy about your skill level or rank as this is mostly for fun, players with low skill levels can also be useful with battles where a skillful commander won when outmatched to represent that we can have 2v3s/3v4s with the smaller team having more skilled players to make up for their handicap

Anyways if you would want to play just leave a comment with your steam account link, timezone and what times you're available during Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th
29 Jun 2016, 14:14 PM
avatar of Osinyagov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 1389 | Subs: 1

29 Jun 2016, 16:49 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Awesome idea!
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Osinyagov/
Timezone: Europe/Moscow (+2 Hours to London time)
Available time: after 21:30

I'll add you in abit on steam, hopefully more people will come
2 Jul 2016, 17:53 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Update: On Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th the first Battles will be held

It Shall be Stalingrad Weekend

Stalingrad Rules:

The Battle takes place in Early 1943

Due to the fact that Germans had Supply problems and Soviets having very terrible ingame armour options for this battle only Soviets may be allowed to build Fuel Caches and for the first 5 Minutes Axis arnt allowed to Capture a fuel

If we get an uneven amount of players the above rule will be scrapped and Soviets will be given an extra player


All Axis players need to use the Wehrmacht/Ostheer Faction with an Ostruppen Commander

Except one may be OKW and must use Breakthrough Doctrine

Panthers, Jagdpanzers, Jagdtigers, Ostwinds and Kingtigers are not allowed for axis as its Early 1943

Panzer IVs, StuGs are the Medium vehicles for Axis while the Tigers may be the only Heavy

StGs will be the MKb 42 and only elite troops may wield them that the OKW player must stick with Kar98k Volks

Even though Panzerwerfers shouldnt be available they may be built


T34/85, IS-2, ISU-152, SU-85, M4C Shermans not allowed as its Early 1943

Su-76, T34/76, KV8, KV1 and KV2 are all allowed

No Commander Restrictions

Retreating is allowed

If you have any suggestions feel free to Comment

If everyone wants we can have Saturdays be Eastern Front and Sundays be Western Front

Also how does the time 12PM PST seem to everyone?

Please leave all your comments and suggestions before Thursday, as I wont change the time, the battle we're doing or the rules for this weekend after Thursday

You may still sign up after Thursday and may participate in the battles

If I get alot of people we will have it twice a day, one at a good time for Europeans and one at a good time for Americans you may participate in both if you're present

You may invite your friends aswell but please comment on this thread how many come so I can keep notes

I will update this post with more info later
2 Jul 2016, 18:28 PM
avatar of stonebone000

Posts: 109

2 Jul 2016, 19:11 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621


im on from like 12:00-04:00 CST

Ok I'll add you in abit, I hope you're fine with it being 2PM your time, the time is subject to change and I will message everyone if I do change it
3 Jul 2016, 00:03 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

How about a mod that does what you want, for example Falls and Osttruppen for OKW as well as StuG III added to their Army roaster while the KT will be removed, and we just make the Wehr a totally Eastern Front early war Army with MG34s for example? Just throwing it out there since I've done something like this before with my friends and I know how hard it can be to coordinate and make sure everyone follows the rules and restrictions.
3 Jul 2016, 00:34 AM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

How about a mod that does what you want, for example Falls and Osttruppen for OKW as well as StuG III added to their Army roaster while the KT will be removed, and we just make the Wehr a totally Eastern Front early war Army with MG34s for example? Just throwing it out there since I've done something like this before with my friends and I know how hard it can be to coordinate and make sure everyone follows the rules and restrictions.

Yeah I know how to mod the game and thought about it, but its a small group of people and can be kept in check so it isnt really worth it, at the moment there is only 3 people who signed up, so including me that makes it only 4 people total

If we get more people I'd probably make a mod that restricts certain things while making other things easier such as changing the riflemen animator under entity_blueprint_ext to that of a Airborne Paratrooper for Carentan and doing the same with Fallschirmjaegers and Obersoldaten for the same battle

But for now I need to know if people actually show up wanting to play

I also thought about making a steam group but thats if the first weekend hits it off

I might upload the replay aswell if the game is good, wont be cast worthy but fun to watch
3 Jul 2016, 08:56 AM
avatar of Antemurale
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 951

Would love to join!
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198131998271/
Timezone: UTC +8
12PM PST is 3AM, so I hope there will be a time adjustment (playing CoH2 at 3AM is not something I'd like to try)
4 Jul 2016, 03:10 AM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Would love to join!
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198131998271/
Timezone: UTC +8
12PM PST is 3AM, so I hope there will be a time adjustment (playing CoH2 at 3AM is not something I'd like to try)

I cant really move it back anymore cause there is some people that wont be home at that time, I tried to set it up so that people from Europe and America whom are the majority of the CoH2 playerbase can get here at a good time, I for example will have to play at 5AM

But I do have plans to make it twice a day in the Future if this gets popular and people often come to it

So that if you cant make it to one you can get to the other

But for now you have to deal with it unfortunately

I will add you on steam shortly, I have the same name I have here
8 Jul 2016, 05:30 AM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Hey everyone so we gonna do Stalingrad at 12PM PST Saturday and Sunday

I made a countdown timer but I will also try to notify everyone again 1 hour before the battles start
Remember that the battle rules above will apply

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