I find the new script, for the last night I used it, at some point completely froze up. It at some point got into the game loading screen, and the cursor wouldn't move. I had to restart my computer. I don't know if it was just a random issue. But it's an issue enough to be brought to your attention. It did this when I was on my 6th or 7th game I think.
You really didn't have to restart your computer, what I always do when a game crashes and I can't move my mouse or anything (have this problem with RO2, screen goes black and impossible to close out of it or do almost anything) is to open task manager with ctrl+shift+escape, and since you can't really click anything on task manager, here's what you do: 1. Alt-enter out of CoH2 so it's windowed. 2. With task manager now selected, make sure not to click CoH2 and if you do, reopen task manager again with ctrl+shift+escape. 3. Navigate using arrow keys, space, and tab to find AHK under background processes and end it. Press tab once, then use arrow keys to go down to background processes and find ""bulletinfarm1000vpexperimental2" or whatever name it has now. 4. Once you're on AHK, you press space to select it, then press tab 3 times to get to end task and press space to end bulletinfarm.
Gratz, you can now click freely again! Despite ALL of those steps stated above, it really is faster than restarting your entire computer, especially for me, since I usually close motherboard bloatware at start up of my PC and have to overclock my CPU's volts every time to support 4.5Ghz. If you had any problems doing any of this, please tell me where you got stuck and maybe I could help you further, because this really is a nifty feature =)