Personally I think this is a problem with other factions. We don't want to make the OKW super duper good at countering light vehicles IMO, but we don't want OKW to get curb-stomped either. What I personally think should be implemented for stuart and t70 is a side tech. I could talk about this more if we were to make another thread about USF, I just wanted to start out with OKW because it's less emotionally charging and disputed than changes for USF and Ostheer.
I do have the feeling that OKW is in the right cornor for countering light verhicles. Yesterday I did a 1v1 and I always go for a rakketten after 3 volks, just because of the fact that the allies can get early lv's. But the cloack gives the suprise effect, where in most of the cases I can take the lv out, because it's running into it's arc that far. Perhaps a faster aim/reload would make it more competent in dealing with verhicles overall. |
OKW needs less expensive tanks. 150 fuel Panzer IV is insane lol. 200 fuel Panther, my god.
Its the same with the su85. Why get it? It is very expensive to get, you can have 2 or more cheaper su76s in an earlier tier that can do its job and have barrage ability.
The price is fair for all the tanks. Reason is +2 levels of vet, which gives you a better scaling into the game on the longer run. And Pz4 has the skirts already, which means it has more armour than the Ostheer Pz4.
Price is fine. |
M20 and Riegel never bugged |
From what I know, Teller mines have issues causing engine damage vs British tanks. It is also a fact that British tanks have larger hitboxes than other tanks, on average. However, since correlation doesn't always imply causation, let's get the facts straight
1. Before, I launch off to a wild goose chase, I need to have the following questions answered:
- Yes, Teller mines do occasionally bug vs Cromwells and Churchills
I have seen multiple tellers bug on Churchills, also on Cromwells like they are Jezus.
- Do Schu mines ever bug against the same tanks?
Never witnessed in like 900 hours playing OKW that a Schu mines bug at all.
- Do Teller mines bug more than other mines against other tanks? I think I have once seen an SU-76 receive no damage from them.
100%, for some reason I feel like they are the only bugging mine
- Has anyone ever seen any allied mine ever bug vs an Axis tank?
Nope, never seen it happen. Seems that only the Teller Mine bugs
2. In order to be able to fix a bug, I need to test a fix. And, in order to test a fix, I need to know how to trigger the bug in the first place (no, I am not going to drive 500 Cromwells over a Teller mine hoping one will die).
- Is the angle of approach important?
- Does elevation matter?
- etc, etc
> Links to youtube/twitch are welcome.
> Precise reproduction steps more than welcome.
Be nice, and be fast, and Santa might just have a bugfix waiting for you :-)
Good catch, forgot about that one.
I love AAHT buffs but I can't really advocate it since I use this unit so often (conflict of interest)
My personal opinion is that the raketen (with cloak) in its balanced form completely negates the idea of screening inf, since its invisible. I don't like that. If you do other things to bring the raketen into its proper role as (IMO at least) temporary shitty AT to make room for the good stuff, you can balance it without throwing out a game mechanic..
This could make OKW better vs maxims.
I also love to use the AAHT, but with it's current price tag and it's delicat treatment it's just hard as fuck to keep it alive. Perhaps a vet 0 smoke to counter direct kills. Run on it with a (spreaded) blob, and you can easily flank it.
Perhaps if the raketten gets a range increase and survivability buff then I'd say that they can have 'no cloak' |
Across the Rhine is a routine victory for me when playing Axis. Probably the most Axis favouring 2v2 (3v3?) map, in my opinion. Axis do better in general in longer engagements. So, no, I wouldn't veto it.
Although it's favoured for Axis, I do have the feeling it is in some sort of way balanced, perhaps make some area's a bit more close combat and it'll be fine. |
Smoke for LeIG, I agree on
Pz4 +10/20 penetration.
Raketten I'd say to leave it with cloak, since you can wipe that thing so freaking fast.
spacing is always a good thing to fix and the slot for volks is important.
Perhaps some faster set up time for the AAHT
Rest is fine. |
Decrease the AI capacity of most allied tanks wil fix most of the problem.
Also increase of AT capicity for Pz4 is good, but maximum 20 more penetration!
Ostwind could be more reliable, I agree to that, but 2 Ostwinds are raping infantry like shit. So I probably think the quantity of shots or the cooldown between shots should be looked into. |
Personally I find maxim spam into T70 more problematic than Brits 
it's annoying, but mortar/LeIG spam makes quick work of it. |
Currently the brits are mainly the problem, the rest has it's problems and uberstrenghts, but those are not as bad as the brits. |