I had a hard time securing my fuel; the first Cromwell came so fast which is to be expected but the second and third tanks really put me on edge.
What Axis tactics work best against this kind of play? I really have a hard time competing with Assault Sections in the beginning and I find that my counter-attack only semi-work at all because of sheer luck: that my opponent was quite careless with their tanks and that my stuka landed on Assault Sections running blindly to cap (when I saw two sections running to cap I was hoping that they did not notice that I called a stuka there, on the account of my opponent's attacking style, I expected their attention would be elsewhere for this non-stop pressure.)
Somehow I believe my play was a bit terrible, out of depth and only was able to put up somewhat a fight because whoever I was playing with was really careless (I literally felt like they were toying and made some mistakes.) but I couldn't come up with a clear strategy that would counter this.
Is there a definite counter to this type of play? Please advise.