
russian armor

Maxim and Vickers suppression test or something

by LoopDloop 24th August 2020, 20:27 PM
Port of Hamburg (8)
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24 Aug 2020, 20:27 PM
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Posts: 3053

Thanks to Bleb Feesh for testing with me for like 20 minutes. Actual testing starts at about 5 minutes, we were just screwing around beforehand. They weren't really in depth tests, but you get an idea. Almost everything was tested from vet0 (except for vickers and maxim vet1s, which don't affect their normal combat values anyway so are functionally vet0 if you aren't using the abilities).

First we tested a vickers vs. a volk with flamenade over completely neutral cover. Engagement started with the volk charging in and the vickers firing at the edge of its sightline (a one squad vs. 1 machinegun scenario), in which the volk was able to barely get the flamenade off just before being pinned. Probably comes down to RNG but its easily possible.

We kind of flubbed the next two tests, one the vickers had to reload and one the volks weren't spaced out before they hit the arc, but take from those what you will. The next test is what these two were supposed to be.

Next we did a vickers and section vs. 2 volks over neutral cover, with the section spotting out to max range. Volks were barely spaced out at all, but still managed to get the flamenade off this time as well. Obviously this is a very stupid scenario and the volks took really heavy damage. Wouldn't call it a win but that was basically minimum effort 2v2 without having the volks literally on top of each other.

Next we did a single volk vs. a vickers and a spotting section over some yellow cover, only about half the approach was covered by craters and the first time the volk took a lot of rounds out of the yellow cover and got pinned. We did the same scenario again and the volk barely made it but got the flamenade off that time. Keep in mind that it was a 2v1 scenario but yellow cover was being used.

Next we did a maxim and a con vs. 2 volks over neutral cover again. Volks were hardly spaced out and the maxim was actually able to stop both volks. Might have been some group suppression there but they were only spaced by like a squad length.

The next test got flubbed too, the maxim didn't start firing early enough so we redid it.

Next was a maxim vs. a single volk over neutral cover. The volk got pretty easily suppressed and then pinned. We repeated the test to see what would happen and it was the same deal, although the maxim did hit vet2 at the very end (so combat buffs).

We then did a maxim and a con vs. a single volk over the same craters, which had basically the same results as the vickers test. Volk got pinned after it left the crater but made it fairly far along for 2v1.

The tests before were purposefully done with minimal player input besides manually targeting the machineguns, but the next test we basically simulated actual player micro. By microing.

We did 2 volks that were actually spaced out decently (but still both in arc) vs. a maxim and a con. Equal squad input and equal micro, but the volks ended up getting around the maxim because they got unsuppressed when the maxim changed targets. We weren't too worried about squad preservation so the maxim and a volk got wiped, but both were easily preventable wipes if we had wanted them to be.

Same deal with a vickers and a section vs. 2 volks that were spread out the same way. Volks ended up getting around the vickers because they weren't staying suppressed long enough again. Again, squad preservation was not the priority here though lmao.

That's where the testing ended. Again, wasn't super comprehensive, but it was basically what I was asked to do. There you go Nachtmahr667.
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